Bioblast alert 2013

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Bioblast alert 2013

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Bioblast alert

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Bioblast alert 2013(01): 2013-07-08

  • MitoPedia: Basal respiration in physiology, cellular bioenergetics and mitochondrial physiology - an updated article, introducing Mitochondr Physiol Network.
  • MitoGlobal project: The Mitochondrial Global Network (MitoGlobal) initiates a joint publication to review the state-of-the-art terminology in the rapidly expanding field of mitochondrial respiratory physiology. From the present start there is a long way to go, and we invite experts in the field to a joint walk, asking for your suggestions - Email to Erich Gnaiger.
  • MiPsummer School 2013: - "Theory & Praxis" - the annual highlight that students of cellular bioenergetics and mitochondrial physiology cannot afford to miss! August 26-30, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • MiPconference 2013 - Comparative Mitochondrial Physiology MiP2013, September 23-27, 2013, Obergurgl, Austria. Due to some cancellations, a limited number of late registrations can still be accepted. >>MiP2013 abstracts online

Bioblast alert 2013(02): 2013-08-08

Bioblast alert 2013(03): 2013-09-18

  • MiP2013: Comparative Mitochondrial Physiology: The Book of Abstracts is available of the 9th MiPconference >>> Open Access
- A MiPconference dedicated to Kjell Johansen and Peter Hochachka - in the spirit of global networking rooted in the pioneering work of August Krogh;
- contributions by John E Walker, Vladimir P Skulachev, Anibal E Vercesi, Hong Kyu Lee and many more outstanding mitochondrial physiologists;
- a MiPsession on "Tissue differences in diabesity - mouse and rat" (MiPathology C2).
  • Bioblast news: MiPMap - initiation of a project on mt-properties in cell types, tissues and species:
- Comparative mitochondrial physiology - publications in the MiPMap.

Bioblast alert - previous issues

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