Bioblast alert - 2022
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Bioblast alert 2022(12) - Bioenerg Commun: 2022-12-09
Chlorophyll fluorescence: easy to measure - not always easy to interpret
The PAM protocol proposed by Thomas Roach helps deconvolute the various components of non-photochemical quenching in microalgae.
What is the metabolic phenotype behind oral squamous cell carcinomas?
- Karavyraki M, Gnaiger E, Porter RK (2022) Bioenergetics in human tongue pre-cancerous dysplastic oral keratinocytes and squamous cancer cells. Bioenerg Commun 2022.11.
Hypoxia has conflicting meanings depending on the environmental and biological context.
Donnelly et al define the normoxic reference state by three complementary precepts.
- Donnelly C, Schmitt S, Cecatto C, Cardoso LHD, Komlódi T, Place N, Kayser B, Gnaiger E (2022) The ABC of hypoxia – what is the norm. Bioenerg Commun 2022.12.
Kinases are central regulators of mitochondria. Cancer drugs inhibiting kinases can target mitochondrial functions.
Mitochondrial bioenergetics can predict off-target effects of cancer drugs.
Bioblast alert 2022(11) - Breast cancer: 2022-10-18
Doxorubicin-transferrin conjugate alters mitochondrial bioenergetics in breast cancer cells
- Wigner P, Zielinski K, Labieniec-Watala M, Marczak A, Szwed M (2021) Doxorubicin-transferrin conjugate alters mitochondrial homeostasis and energy metabolism in human breast cancer cells. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »PL Lodz Watala C«
"NS-linked OXPHOS and ET capacity [were] decreased after prolonged exposure to BAM15."
- Zunica ERM, Axelrod CL, Cho E, Spielmann G, Davuluri G, Alexopoulos SJ, Beretta M, Hoehn KL, Dantas WS, Stadler K, King WT, Pergola K, Irving BA, Langohr IM, Yang S, Hoppel CL, Gilmore LA, Kirwan JP (2021) Breast cancer growth and proliferation is suppressed by the mitochondrial targeted furazano[3,4-b]pyrazine BAM15. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US LA Baton Rouge Noland RC«, »US LA Baton Rouge Irving BA« and »US OH Cleveland Hoppel CL«
"...moderate aerobic physical exercise reduces TNBC [Triple-negative breast cancer] tumoral growth with effect on tumor metabolism, characterized by a reduction in mitochondrial respiratory capacity..."
- Vulczak A, Souza AO, Ferrari GD, Azzolini AECS, Pereira-da-Silva G, Alberici LC (2020) Moderate exercise modulates tumor metabolism of triple-negative breast cancer. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »BR Ribeirao Preto Alberici LC«
"mtSrc-dependent reduction of mtDNA levels lead to OXPHOS deficiency and a more aggressive phenotype [of breast cancer]. Inhibitors specific for mtSrc could therefore restore mitochondrial activity in TNBC cells, and ultimately stop malignancy"
- Djeungoue-Petga MA, Lurette O, Jean S, Hamel-Côté G, Martín-Jiménez R, Bou M, Cannich A, Roy P, Hebert-Chatelain E (2019) Intramitochondrial Src kinase links mitochondrial dysfunctions and aggressiveness of breast cancer cells. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »CA Moncton Hebert-Chatelain E«
Bioblast alert 2022(10) - Heart disease: 2022-09-29
Respiration compromised in brain and heart tissue homogenate after cardiac arrest and ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Liang L, Zhang G, Cheng C, Li H, Jin T, Su C, Xiao Y, Bradley J, Peberdy MA, Ornato JP, Mangino MJ, Tang W (2021) High-resolution respirometry for evaluation of mitochondrial function on brain and heart homogenates in a rat model of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. -»Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US VA Richmond Mangino MJ«
“Chronic nitrate supplementation alone may not be a sufficient stimulus to elicit increases in muscle tissue oxygenation or respiration in [heart failure reduced ejection fraction]”
- Woessner MN, Neil C, Saner NJ, Goodman CA, McIlvenna LC, Ortiz de Zevallos J, Garnham AP, Levinger I, Allen JD (2020) Effect of inorganic nitrate on exercise capacity, mitochondria respiration and vascular function in heart failure reduced ejection fraction. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AU Melbourne Bishop DJ«
“Exposure to fat feeding during pregnancy can provide metabolic advantages in the offspring, which may explain the results of [mice weaned to regular chow] demonstrating improved mitochondrial respiratory function and efficiency in the presence of fatty acid substrates since the heart relies heavily upon efficient fatty acid oxidation to meet its energy demands.”
- Chiñas Merlin A, Gonzalez K, Mockler S, Perez Y, Jia UA, Chicco AJ, Ullevig SL, Chung E (2022) Switching to a standard chow diet at weaning improves the effects of maternal and postnatal high-fat and high-sucrose diet on cardiometabolic health in adult male mouse offspring. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US CO Fort Collins Chicco AJ«
“... impaired mitochondrial quality was identical in the four cardiac chambers of chronic heart failure patients.”
- Lemieux H, Semsroth S, Antretter H, Höfer D, Gnaiger E (2011) Mitochondrial respiratory control and early defects of oxidative phosphorylation in the failing human heart. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
Bioblast alert 2022(09) - Mitochondrial Disease Week: 2022-09-19
World Mitochondrial Disease Week – Sep 18-24
World Mitochondrial Disease Week raises awareness of mitochondrial disease through educational, fundraising and advocacy activities.
- »See what is happening near you«
Bioenerg Commun 2022.4: A review on the current landscape of mitochondrial disease drug development
- Åsander Frostner E, Simón Serrano S, Chamkha I, Donnelly E, Elmér E, Hansson MJ (2022) Towards a treatment for mitochondrial disease: current compounds in clinical development.
- from the O2k-Network »SE Lund Elmer E«
"By tracing the carbon flow of the nutrients glucose and glutamine in cells derived from patients with different genetically defined causes of primary mitochondrial diseases (PMD), we identified several key metabolic changes supporting the major importance of an NAD+/NADH imbalance in PMD."
- Adant I, Bird M, Decru B, Windmolders P, Wallays M, de Witte P, Rymen D, Witters P, Vermeersch P, Cassiman D, Ghesquière B (2022) Pyruvate and uridine rescue the metabolic profile of OXPHOS dysfunction. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »BE Leuven Vermeersch P«
Investigating the cause of late-onset SLC25A26-related mitochondrial disease
- Schober FA, Tang JX, Sergeant K, Moedas MF, Zierz CM, Moore D, Smith C, Lewis D, Guha N, Hopton S, Falkous G, Lam A, Pyle A, Poulton J, Gorman GS, Taylor RW, Freyer C, Wredenberg A (2022) Pathogenic SLC25A26 variants impair SAH transport activity causing mitochondrial disease. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »BE Leuven Vermeersch P«
Bioblast alert 2022(08) - Quality management: 2022-09-08
How does proficiency testing help achieve quality and reproducibility?
Providing a pre-established set of testing criteria improves and standardizes technical performance.
- »Proficiency test«
Bioblast alert 2022(07) - Bioenerg Commun: 2022-08-03
Bioenerg Commun 2022.7: Read the most recent BEC publication with video presentation
- Serna JDC, Ramos VM, Cabral-Costa JV, Vilas-Boas EA, Amaral AG, Ohya G, Caldeira da Silva CC, Kowaltowski AJ (2022) Measuring mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux in isolated mitochondria and permeabilized cells.
- from the O2k-Network »BR Sao Paulo Kowaltowski AJ«
Bioblast alert 2022(06) - Parkinson's disease: 2022-04-11
"Early stage α-synuclein pathology does not influence mitochondrial respiration in the striatum and amygdala"
- Burtscher J, Copin JC, Sandi C, Lashuel HA (2020) Pronounced α-synuclein pathology in a seeding-based mouse model is not sufficient to induce mitochondrial respiration deficits in the striatum and amygdala. eNeuro 7:ENEURO.0110-20.2020. - »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »CH Lausanne Place N« and »CH Lausanne Sandi C«
Dominant mutation in Parkinson’s Disease causes loss of protein function in mitochondria
- Cornelissen T, Spinazzi M, Martin S, Imberechts D, Vangheluwe P, Bird M, De Strooper B, Vandenberghe W (2020) CHCHD2 harboring the Parkinson's disease-linked T61I mutation precipitates inside mitochondria and induces precipitation of wild-type CHCHD2. Hum Mol Genet [Epub ahead of print]. - »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »FR Angers Gueguen N« and »BE Leuven Spinazzi M«
Bioblast alert 2022(05) - Upcoming events: 2022-03-25
EBEC2022, Marseille FR
Date: August 20-25
Abstract submission: possible until June 1
Oroboros participation:
- Oroboros will be present with a booth
Bioblast alert 2022(04) - Respiration of fibroblasts: 2022-03-18
From MitoFit Preprint to peer-reviewed publication
Addressing the question whether respiration differs in attached versus suspended cells using multiwell respirometry and high-resolution respirometry
- Zdrazilova L, Hansikova H, Gnaiger E (2022) Comparable respiratory activity in attached and suspended human fibroblasts. PLoS ONE 17:e0264496. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros« , »CZ Prague Zeman J«
Bioblast alert 2022(03) - Science for Ukraine: 2022-03-07
Scientific and humanitarian organizations join the world-wide protest against the Russian aggression-war in Ukraine. Oroboros declares solidarity with protests in Russia and outside Russia against this war.
Support for Ukraine women in science
- Oroboros Instruments offers 1-year scientific positions to help Ukraine women to pursue their scientific career and gain expertise in bioenergetics: in mitochondrial and cell respiration, photobiology. If war makes a prolonged stay necessary, we are open to extend the contract – in the spirit of Gentle Science.
- -» Please, contact us at
The Oroboros Bioenergetics Adventurers – our international team of scientists – are enthusiastic to collaborate with colleagues from Ukraine, who require support at the time of war, with a background in cell biology – mitochondrial physiology or algal photosynthesis. If you intend to return home when science can be continued in Ukraine, we will support you with a donation of our internationally leading instrument, represented in 49 countries. The running costs are low. For the latest information, see:
- Zdrazilova L, Hansikova H, Gnaiger E (2022) Comparable respiratory activity in attached and suspended human fibroblasts. PLoS ONE 17:e0264496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0264496
Bioblast alert 2022(02) - TissueModels: 2022-02-18
Publication from the TissueModels project: exploring serum-free culture media
- Oemer G, Edenhofer ML, Wohlfarter Y, Lackner K, Leman G, Koch J, Cardoso LHD, Lindner HH, Gnaiger E, Dubrac S, Zschocke J, Keller MA (2021) Fatty acyl availability modulates cardiolipin composition and alters mitochondrial function in HeLa cells. J Lipid Res 100111. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
Open position for TissueModels
- Postdoctoral Fellow in mitochondrial physiology and membrane lipids at the Medical University Innsbruck, Institute of Human Genetics working in close collaboration with Oroboros Instruments.
- »Position description« and »TissueModels«
Bioblast alert 2022(01) - Bioenerg Commun: 2022-02-09
Living Communications address the conflict between (R) rapid sharing of new methods and results, (E) efficient prevention of exponentially increasing numbers of publications, and (C) quality control as a time-demanding and expensive instrument to ensure reproducibility.
- Gnaiger E (2021) Beyond counting papers – a mission and vision for scientific publication. Bioenerg Commun 2021.5. doi:10.26124/bec:2021-0005
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
Another step towards PubMed indexing, the ISSN number for Bioenergetics Communications: 2791-4690
- »Submit a manuscript«
You are invited to submit to the special issue for Bioblast 2022: BEC Inaugural Conference.
- »Further information«
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