Bioblast track

From Bioblast

Bioblast track

Bioblast wiki

* Bioblast alert 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Bioblast home



MiPArt by Odra Noel

2014-08-29: » MiP2014 Book of Abstracts Open Access

2014-08-18: » MiP2014 - Joint IUBMB/MiP Symposium see » MiP2014 abstracts in the MiPMap
Sir John Walker

2013-09-28: » » MiP2013 Book of abstracts - MiPMap: compare and share

» Keynote by Sir John Walker: Generating the fuel of life
» mt-Oxygen kinetics
» Titration-Injection microPump TIP2k
» O2k-Fluorometry
MitoPedia Glossaries
» Exercise physiology;life style
» mt-Biogenesis;mt-density

Gentle Science

Gentle Science

The scientific community is deeply saddened by the loss of a great scientist, a Gentle Scientist and friend. In order to honour and commemorate the scientific work of Prof Bengt Saltin, the The Saltin Symposium is held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015-June-2 to 4, to celebrate his 80th birthday.
Bengt Saltin
  • 2014-09-18: » Prof Bengt Saltin 03.06.1935 - 12.09.2014. The scientific community is deeply saddened by the loss of a great Gentle Scientist.
Sir John Walker Biography
at MiP2013, Obergurgl, AT
Gottfried Schatz, Erich Gnaiger



MitoGlobal Societies
  • 2016-01-05: MitoGlobal provides a world-wide platform for societies and organizations supporting mitochondrial research and medicine.
MitoGlobal is moderated by the international MiPsociety
MiP2015 Book of Abstracts
The Blue Book
Peter Hochachka
» MiP2015 Book of Abstracts Open Access
» Three MiPschools 2015: Cape Town, London, Greenville
» Prof. Vladimir P Skulachev was elected as the second "Honorary Member of the MitoGlobal Society"
Publications in the MiPMap
  • 2013-10-26: » MiPMaps for O2k-Publications:

2012-11-13: » Emerging Mitochondrial Global Network


O2k-Publications in the MiPMap The most popular O2k-Publication and O2k-Abstract in Bioblast 2015

>21,000 views: Gnaiger 2014 MitoPathways
>20,000 views: Bouillaud 2012 Abstract Bioblast
1681 O2k-Publications in the MiPMap

Bioblast wiki

Popular Bioblast pages 2015

O2k-Network >90,000 views: Bioblast 2012 O2k-Network >80,000 views: O2k-Network O2k-Publications in the MiPMap >60,000 views: O2k-Publications
O2k-Catalogue >50,000 views: OROBOROS O2k-Catalogue O2k-Publications in the MiPMap >40,000 views: O2k-Publications: Topics MitoPedia >30,000 views: Q-junction
O2k-Publications in the MiPMap >20,000 views: Gnaiger 2014 MitoPathways O2k-Publications in the MiPMap >10,000 views: Gnaiger 2009 Int J Biochem Cell Biol MitoGlobal >5,000 views: Asia Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine
Bioblast accessed >470,000 times (2015-12-10) - What is BIOBLAST Bioblast wiki
OROBOROS accessed >280,000 times (2015-12-22) - What is OROBOROS OROBOROS:About


O2k-Publications in the MiPMap The most popular O2k-Publication and O2k-Abstract in Bioblast 2014

>17,000 views: Bouillaud 2012 Abstract Bioblast
>14,000 views: Pesta 2012 Methods Mol Biol
1363 O2k-Publications in the MiPMap

Bioblast wiki

Popular Bioblast pages 2014

O2k-Network Reference Laboratories
>60,000 views: Bioblast 2012
O2k-Network Reference Laboratories
>50,000 views: MiPNet Reference Laboratories
O2k-Publications in the MiPMap
>50,000 views: O2k-Publications
Bioblast wiki
>30,000 views: Gentle Science
>20,000 views: Mitochondrial Global Network
>15,000 views: Uncoupler
>10,000 views: LEAK respiration
O2k-Publications in the MiPMap
>5,000 views: Gnaiger 2000 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Popular Bioblast pages - current date

Mitochondrial Oroboros by Odra Noel

>140,000 views: Bioblast 2012


>120,000 views: O2k-Network


>110,000 views: MitoFit

O2k-Publications in the MiPMap

>100,000 views: O2k-Publications


>80,000 views: MitoEAGLE

Gentle Science

>70,000 views: Gentle Science


>60,000 views: MitoPedia


>50,000 views: O2k-Protocols


>40,000 views: O2k-Feedback

Bioblast accessed >710,000 times (2018-04-01) - What is Bioblast Bioblast wiki
Oroboros accessed >710,000 times (2018-04-24) - What is Oroboros About Oroboros
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