Gaviraghi 2024 Mol Microbiol
Gaviraghi A, Barletta ABF, Silva TLAE, Oliveira MP, Sorgine MHF, Oliveira MF (2024) Activation of innate immunity selectively compromises mitochondrial complex I, proline oxidation, and flight activity in the major arbovirus vector Aedes aegypti. Mol Microbiol [Epub ahead of print]. |
Gaviraghi Alessandro, Barletta Ana Beatriz F, Silva Thiago Luiz Alves E, Oliveira Matheus P, Sorgine Marcos HF, Oliveira Marcus F (2024) Mol Microbiol
Abstract: Aedes aegypti females are natural vectors of important arboviruses such as dengue, zika, and yellow fever. Mosquitoes activate innate immune response signaling pathways upon infection, as a resistance mechanism to fight pathogens and limit their propagation. Despite the beneficial effects of immune activation for insect vectors, phenotypic costs ultimately affect their fitness. However, the underlying mechanisms that mediate these fitness costs remain poorly understood. Given the high energy required to mount a proper immune response, we hypothesized that systemic activation of innate immunity would impair flight muscle mitochondrial function, compromising tissue energy demand and flight activity. Here, we investigated the dynamic effects of activation of innate immunity by intra-thoracic zymosan injection on A. aegypti flight muscle mitochondrial metabolism. Zymosan injection significantly increased defensin A expression in fat bodies in a time-dependent manner that compromised flight activity. Although oxidant levels in flight muscle were hardly altered, ATP-linked respiratory rates driven by mitochondrial pyruvate+proline oxidation were significantly reduced at 24 h upon zymosan injection. Oxidative phosphorylation coupling was preserved regardless of innate immune response activation along 24 h. Importantly, rotenone-sensitive respiration and complex I-III activity were specifically reduced 24 h upon zymosan injection. Also, loss of complex I activity compromised ATP-linked and maximal respiratory rates mediated by mitochondrial proline oxidation. Finally, the magnitude of innate immune response activation negatively correlated with respiratory rates, regardless of the metabolic states. Collectively, we demonstrate that activation of innate immunity is strongly associated with reduced flight muscle complex I activity with direct consequences to mitochondrial proline oxidation and flight activity. Remarkably, our results indicate a trade-off between dispersal and immunity exists in an insect vector, underscoring the potential consequences of disrupted flight muscle mitochondrial energy metabolism to arbovirus transmission. β’ Keywords: Bioenergetics, Dengue, Dispersal, Fitness, Flight, Immunity, Metabolism, Muscle, Proline, Respiration, Transmission, Zika β’ Bioblast editor: Plangger M β’ O2k-Network Lab: BR Rio de Janeiro Oliveira MF
Labels: MiParea: Respiration
Pathology: Infectious
Organism: Hexapods Tissue;cell: Skeletal muscle Preparation: Permeabilized tissue
Coupling state: ET, LEAK, OXPHOS
Pathway: N, ROX
HRR: Oxygraph-2k