MiPNet23.09 IOC136 Melbourne AU

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MiPNet23.09 IOC136 Melbourne AU

Publications in the MiPMap

Melbourne AU, 2018 Nov 27-28 Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR), IOC136.

Β» Bioblast pdf Β»Versions

Oroboros (2018-11-27) Mitochondr Physiol Network



Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR) in cooperation with in cooperation with AU Melbourne Stepto NK. Melbourne, Australia, 2018 November 27 - 28. MiPNet 23.09(03):1-4.

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros, AU Melbourne Stepto NK

IOC136 Melbourne 2018

General information

This O2k-Workshop takes place prior to the AussieMit 2018 Melbourne, AU. Separate registration is required for this workshop.
It is a technical training course on mitochondrial respiratory physiology provides an introduction to high-resolution respirometry for measurement of cellular and mitochondrial phenotyping, including oxygen consumption, ROS production, mitochondrial membrane potential, and ATP production.
Use this unique opportunity to learn about the latest O2k innovations, including the new software features of DatLab 7.3.


Building P, P138
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Victoria University
Ballarat Road Melbourne, Australia
AU Melbourne Stepto NK
Β» Map

Local organizer


Download: Bioblast pdf
The dinner on the 27th will take place at Hardimans Hotel (521 Macaulay Rd, Kensington, 3031) at 7 pm.



  • Download registration form: here
  • Deadline extended to November 14th


Participant Institution
Participant Alton Lesley AU Clayton Alton L - Monash University, Clayton Victoria (AU)
Participant Batterson Philip US CO Colorado Springs Jacobs RA - University of Colorado Colorado Springs, (USA)
Participant Botella Javier AU Melbourne Stepto NK - Victoria University, Melbourne (AU)
Participant Ferri Alessandra AU Melbourne Stepto NK - Victoria University, Melbourne (AU)
Participant Gayen Jiaur IN Lucknow Gayen - CSIR- Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow (IN)
Participant Fisher Joshua AU Queensland Peart J - Griffith University, Cold Coast (AU)
Participant Hewakapuge Sudinna AU Melbourne Stepto NK - Victoria University, Melbourne (AU)
Participant Kim JKS US NE Omaha Kim JKS - University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE (US)
Participant Krycer James AU Sydney Krycer JR - The University of Sydney, (AU)
Participant Lionett Sofie Mary Mackillop Institute for Health Research, Melbourne (AU)
Participant Perks Kara AU Perth Filipovska A - arry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Nedlands (AU)
Participant Saner Nicholas AU Melbourne Stepto NK - Victoria University, Melbourne (AU)
Whitfield Jamie Whitfield Jamie AU Melbourne Whitfield J - Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research, Melbourne (AU)
Participant Winwood-Smith Hugh AU Melbourne White C - Monash University, Victoria (AU)
Participant Muccini Anna Maria AU Burwood Russell A - Faculty of Health Deakin University , (AU)
Participant Kaur Sarbjot NZ Auckland Ward ML - The University of Auckland, (NZ)
Participant Vidimce Josif AU Queensland Peart J - Griffith University, Cold Coast (AU)
Participant Cassar Samantha AU Melbourne Stepto NK - Victoria University, Melbourne (AU)

Impressions from the IOC136

AussieMit 2018 Melbourne

Β» AussieMit 2018 Melbourne AU

IOC recommended reading

Β» IOC recommended reading

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.'


HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

ORO, IOC, O2k-Network, 2018, MitoGlobal 

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