MiPNet14.15 IOC54

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MiPNet14.15 IOC54

Publications in the MiPMap
Oroboros Instruments

Schroecken AT, 2009 Dec 11-16. Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR), IOC54.

» Bioblast pdf

Oroboros (2009-12-11) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: O2k-International course on high-resolution respirometry. Schroecken, Voralberg, Austria; 2009 December 11 to 16.

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>> Product: Oroboros O2k

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros


ORO, IOC, 2009 

Lecturers and tutors

Erich Gnaiger Gnaiger Erich, CEO, Oroboros Instruments and Medical University of Innsbruck, D. Swarovski Research Laboratory

Kane DA.jpg Kane Daniel A, O2k-Network Lab: CA Antigonish Kane DA

Kane Constance L, O2k-Network Lab: CA Antigonish Kane DA

De Palma Clara De Palma Clara, O2k-Network Lab: IT Milan Clementi E

Pesta Dominik Pesta Dominik, O2k-Network Lab: DE Duesseldorf Roden M

Marie-Dominique Votion Votion Dominique-Marie, O2k-Network Lab: BE Liege Votion DM


Participant Institution
Ballantyne James S CA Guelph Ballantyne JS: University of Guelph (CA)
Burri Lena NO Bergen Berge RK: University of Bergen (NO)
Chamberlin ME CA Guelph Ballantyne JS: University of Guelph (CA)
Djafarzadeh Siamak CH Bern Djafarzadeh S: Universitätsspital Bern (CH)
Dworetzky Steven Knopp Neurosciences (US)
Góralska Joanna Jagiellonian University Medical College (PL)
Gutiérrez Cortés Nicolás FR Bordeaux Letellier T: Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux (FR)
Havlickova Vendula CZ Prague Houstek J: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Hébert-Chatelain Etienne FR Bordeaux Letellier T: Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux (FR)
Hejzlarova Katerina CZ Prague Houstek J: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Holloway Graham P Holloway Graham P CA Guelph Holloway GP: University of Guelph (CA)
Iyer Shilpa Iyer Shilpa US VA Richmond Iyer S: Virginia Commonwealth University (US)
Krohne Christian Klinikum Mannheim (DE)
Kruse Shane US WA Seattle Marcinek DJ: University Washington Med Center (US)
Lindner Jessica DE Biberach Kussmaul L: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG (DE)
Kuncova Jitka Dpt. of Physiology (CZ)
Vuda Madhusudanarao CH Bern Djafarzadeh S: Universitätsspital Bern (CH)
Marcelo Dietrich Yale University School of Medicine (US)
Mirkovitch Jelena CH Bern Nuoffer JM: Universitätsinstitut für klinische Chemie (CH)
Nansoz Sandra CH Bern Djafarzadeh S: Universitätsspital Bern (CH)
Pak Oleg DE Giessen Weissmann N: Justus-Liebig-Univ. Giessen (DE)
Reinders Yvonne University Regensburg (DE)
Schild Christoph CH Bern Nuoffer JM: Universitätsinstitut für klinische Chemie (CH)
Schmoll Dieter DE Frankfurt Schmoll D: Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH (DE)
Strobel Ingmar DE Frankfurt Osiewacz HD: Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Biocenter (DE)
Sumbalova Zuzana Sumbalova Zuzana SK Bratislava Sumbalova Z: Comenius University (SK)


  • I thank you for hosting a fun and informative workshop. I made many friends and the general atmosphere was very good. The workshop was succesful because of the participants as much as the tutors, administration/activity schedule, and beautiful country. However, the key to success was certainly primarily due to your enthusiasm, knowledgeable/informative talks, and positive attitude. - Kruse Shane, O2k-Network Lab: US WA Seattle Marcinek DJ
  • Thank you very much for the kind invitation and opportunity to participate in the QA workshop/course. I learnt a lot and immensely enjoyed the whole experience. - Iyer Shilpa, O2k-Network Lab: US VA Richmond Iyer S
  • I just wanted to say once again how wonderful the course was. I am looking forward to starting experiments in the New Year, and I will keep you posted regarding our fatty acid protocols. Hopefully we can create a 'fatty acid substrate' protocol that will become standard and reproducible for everyone. - Holloway Graham P, O2k-Network Lab: CA Guelph Holloway GP
  • It was a great opportunity for me to learn HRR method as well as to meet a lot of wonderfull people working on the field of mitochondrial physiology. - Góralska Joanna, O2k-Network Lab: Jagiellonian University Medical College

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