O2k-Publications: Coupling efficiency;uncoupling

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O2k-Publications: Coupling efficiency;uncoupling

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Davis 20242024Davis MS, Bayly WM, Hansen CM, Barrett MR, Blake CA (2024) Effects of hyperthermia and acidosis on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. J Appl Physiol 325:R725-34. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00177.2023HorseSkeletal muscle
Shabalina 2024 Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg2024Shabalina IG, Jiménez B, Sousa-Filho CPB, Cannon B, Nedergaard J (2024) In isolated brown adipose tissue mitochondria UCP1 is not essential for nor involved in the uncoupling effects of the classical uncouplers FCCP and DNP. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg [Epub ahead of print]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2024.149516MouseFat
Westerlund 2024 Heliyon2024Westerlund E, Marelsson SE, Karlsson M, Sjövall F, Chamkha I, Åsander Frostner E, Lundgren J, Fellman V, Eklund EA, Steding-Ehrenborg K, Darin N, Paul G, Hansson MJ, Ehinger JK, Elmér E (2024) Correlation of mitochondrial respiration in platelets, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and muscle fibers. Heliyon 10:e26745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26745HumanSkeletal muscle
Blood cells
Leo 2024 MitoFit2024Leo E, Rychtarova L, Garcia-Souza LF, Åsander Frostner E, Elmér E, Gnaiger E (2024) High-resolution respirometry in a small-volume chamber. MitoFit Preprints 2024.4.v2. https://doi.org/10.26124/mitofit:2024-0004.v2 - Accepted on 2024-10-27 as Manuscript JoVE67442R2 for publication in JoVEHuman
Nervous system
Blood cells
Meszaros 2024 Transpl Int2024Meszaros AT, Weissenbacher A, Schartner M, Egelseer-Bruendl T, Hermann M, Unterweger J, Mittelberger C, Reyer BA, Hofmann J, Zelger BG, Hautz T, Resch T, Margreiter C, Maglione M, Komlódi T, Ulmer H, Cardini B, Troppmair J, Öfner D, Gnaiger E, Schneeberger S, Oberhuber R (2024) The predictive value of graft viability and bioenergetics testing towards the outcome in liver transplantation. Transpl Int 37:12380. https://doi.org/10.3389/ti.2024.12380HumanLiver
Torres-Quesada 2022 Cancers (Basel)2022Torres-Quesada O, Doerrier C, Strich S, Gnaiger E, Stefan E (2022) Physiological cell culture media tune mitochondrial bioenergetics and drug sensitivity in cancer cell models. Cancers (Basel) 14:3917. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14163917HumanOther cell lines
Torres-Quesada 2022 MitoFit2022Torres-Quesada O, Doerrier C, Strich S, Gnaiger E, Stefan E (2022) Human Plasma-Like Media fine-tune mitochondrial function and alter drug sensitivity in cancer cell lines. https://doi.org/10.26124/mitofit:2022-00082022-08-13 published in https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14163917HumanOther cell lines
Zdrazilova 2022 PLOS ONE2022Zdrazilova L, Hansikova H, Gnaiger E (2022) Comparable respiratory activity in attached and suspended human fibroblasts. PLoS ONE 17:e0264496. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264496HumanFibroblast
Cardoso 2021 BEC MgG2021Cardoso LHD, Doerrier C, Gnaiger E (2021) Magnesium Green for fluorometric measurement of ATP production does not interfere with mitochondrial respiration. Bioenerg Commun 2021.1. https://doi.org/10.26124/bec:2021-0001MouseHeart
Davis 2021 J Appl Physiol2021Davis MS, Barrett MR (2021) Effect of conditioning and physiology hyperthermia on canine skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxygen consumption. J Appl Physiol. 130:1317-1325DogSkeletal muscle
Gnaiger 2021 MitoFit BCA2021Gnaiger E (2021) Bioenergetic cluster analysis – mitochondrial respiratory control in human fibroblasts. MitoFit Preprints 2021.08. https://doi.org/10.26124/mitofit:2021-0008HumanFibroblast
Schmidt 2021 J Biol Chem2021Schmidt CA, Fisher-Wellman KH, Neufer PD (2021) From OCR and ECAR to energy: perspectives on the design and interpretation of bioenergetics studies. J Biol Chem 207:101140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbc.2021.101140
Davis 2021 Comparative Exercise Physiology2021Davis Michael, Barrett Montana, Popken Andrea (2021) Effect of hyperthermia and acidosis on equine skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Comparative Exercise Physiology 17:171-179.HorseSkeletal muscle
Juhaszova 2021 Function (Oxf)2021Juhaszova M, Kobrinsky E, Zorov DB, Nuss HB, Yaniv Y, Fishbein KW, de Cabo R, Montoliu L, Gabelli SB, Aon MA, Cortassa S, Sollott SJ (2021) ATP synthase K+- and H+-fluxes drive ATP synthesis and enable mitochondrial K+-"uniporter" function: I. Characterization of ion fluxes. Function (Oxf) 3(2):zqab065. doi: 10.1093/function/zqab065
Galli 2021 Front Physiol2021Galli GLJ, Ruhr IM, Crossley J, Crossley DA 2nd (2021) The long-term effects of developmental hypoxia on cardiac mitochondrial function in snapping turtles. Front Physiol 12:689684. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.689684ReptilesHeart
Gnaiger 2020 BEC MitoPathways2020Gnaiger E (2020) Mitochondrial pathways and respiratory control. An introduction to OXPHOS analysis. 5th ed. Bioenerg Commun 2020.2. https://doi.org/10.26124/bec:2020-0002Human
Skeletal muscle
Hassan 2020 MitoFit Preprint Arch2020Hassan Hazirah, Gnaiger Erich, Zakaria Fazaine, Makpol Suzana, Abdul Karim Norwahidah (2020) Alterations in mitochondrial respiratory capacity and membrane potential: a link between mitochondrial dysregulation and autism. MitoFit Preprint Arch 2020.3. https://doi.org/10.26124/mitofit:200003Human
Schoepf 2020 Nat Commun2020Schöpf B, Weissensteiner H, Schäfer G, Fazzini F, Charoentong P, Naschberger A, Rupp B, Fendt L, Bukur V, Giese I, Sorn P, Sant’Anna-Silva AC, Iglesias-Gonzalez J, Sahin U, Kronenberg F, Gnaiger E, Klocker H (2020) OXPHOS remodeling in high-grade prostate cancer involves mtDNA mutations and increased succinate oxidation. Nat Commun 11:1487. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15237-5HumanGenital
Other cell lines
Lemieux 2019 bioRxiv2019Lemieux H, Subarsky P, Doblander C, Wurm M, Troppmair J, Gnaiger E (2019) Mitochondrial respiratory function as an early biomarker of apoptosis induced by growth factor removal. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/151480 .MouseBlood cells
Miranda-Silva 2019 Acta Physiologica2019Miranda-Silva D, Wüst RCI, Conceição G, Gonçalves-Rodrigues P, Gonçalves N, Gonçalves A, Kuster DWD, Leite-Moreira AF, van der Velden J, de Sousa Beleza JM, Magalhães J, Stienen GJM, Falcão-Pires I (2019) Disturbed cardiac mitochondrial and cytosolic calcium handling in a metabolic risk-related rat model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Acta Physiol e13378.RatHeart
Barca 2018 Hum Mol Genet2018Barca E, Ganetzky RD, Potluri P, Juanola-Falgarona M, Gai X, Li D, Jalas C, Hirsch Y, Emmanuele V, Tadesse S, Ziosi M, Akman HO, Chung WK, Tanji K, McCormick E, Place E, Consugar M, Pierce EA, Hakonarson H, Wallace DC, Hirano M, Falk MJ (2018) USMG5 Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutation impairs mitochondrial complex V dimerization and ATP synthesis. Hum Mol Genet 27:3305-12.HumanFibroblast
Boutoual 2018 Scientific Reports2018Boutoual, R., Meseguer, S., Villarroya, M., Martin-Hernandez, E., Errami, M., Martin, M. A., Casado, M., and Armengod, M. E. (2018) Defects in the mitochondrial-tRNA modification enzymes MTO1 and GTPBP3 promote different metabolic reprogramming through a HIF-PPARgamma-UCP2-AMPK axis. Scientific reports 8, 1163HumanOther cell lines
Boeck 2018 Sci Rep2018Boeck C, Salinas-Manrique J, Calzia E, Radermacher P, von Arnim CAF, Dietrich DE, Kolassa IT, Karabatsiakis A (2018) Targeting the association between telomere length and immunocellular bioenergetics in female patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Sci Rep 8:9419.HumanBlood cells
Zholobenko 2017 PLOS ONE2017Zholobenko AV, Mouithys-Mickalad A, Dostal Z, Serteyn D, Modriansky M (2017) On the causes and consequences of the uncoupler-like effects of quercetin and dehydrosilybin in H9c2 cells. PLOS ONE 12:e0185691.RatHeart
Horscroft 2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2017Horscroft JA, Kotwica AO, Laner V, West JA, Hennis PJ, Levett DZH, Howard DJ, Fernandez BO, Burgess SL, Ament Z, Gilbert-Kawai ET, Vercueil A, Landis BD, Mitchell K, Mythen MG, Branco C, Johnson RS, Feelisch M, Montgomery HE, Griffin JL, Grocott MPW, Gnaiger E, Martin DS, Murray AJ (2017) Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:6382–7. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1700527114HumanSkeletal muscle
MiPNet10.04 CellRespiration2016-08-08
An experiment with high-resolution respirometry: coupling control in cell respiration.
MouseBlood cells
Smith 2016 Diabetes2016Smith BK, Ford RJ, Desjardins EM, Green AE, Hughes MC, Houde VP, Day EA, Marcinko K, Crane JD, Mottillo EP, Perry CG, Kemp BE, Tarnopolsky MA, Steinberg GR (2016) Salsalate (Salicylate) uncouples mitochondria, improves glucose homeostasis, and reduces liver lipids independent of AMPK β1. Diabetes 65:3352-61.MouseSkeletal muscle
Tam 2016 Eur J Appl Physiol2016Tam E, Bruseghini P, Calabria E, Sacco LD, Doria C, Grassi B, Pietrangelo T, Pogliaghi S, Reggiani C, Salvadego D, Schena F, Toniolo L, Verratti V, Vernillo G, Capelli C (2016) Gokyo Khumbu/Ama Dablam Trek 2012: effects of physical training and high-altitude exposure on oxidative metabolism, muscle composition, and metabolic cost of walking in women. Eur J Appl Physiol 116:129-44.HumanSkeletal muscle
Soares 2015 PLoS One2015Soares JB, Gaviraghi A, Oliveira MF (2015) Mitochondrial physiology in the major arbovirus vector Aedes aegypti: substrate preferences and sexual differences define respiratory capacity and superoxide production. PLoS One 10:e0120600.HexapodsSkeletal muscle
Gnaiger 2015 Scand J Med Sci Sports2015Gnaiger E, Boushel R, Søndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Díez-Sánchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet JAL, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B (2015) Mitochondrial coupling and capacity of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of Inuit and caucasians in the arctic winter. Scand J Med Sci Sports 25 (Suppl 4):126–34. https://doi.org/10.1111/sms.12612HumanSkeletal muscle
Abou-Hamdan 2015 Methods Enzymol2015Abou-Hamdan A, Guedouari-Bounihi H, Lenoir V, Andriamihaja M, Blachier F, Bouillaud F (2015) Oxidation of H2S in mammalian cells and mitochondria. Methods Enzymol 554:201-28.Human
Nervous system
Hecker 2015 Methods Mol Biol2015Hecker M, Sommer N, Mayer K (2015) Assessment of short- and medium-chain fatty acids on mitochondrial function in severe Inflammation. Methods Mol Biol 1265:389-96.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
MiPNet12.11 MitoRespiration2014-02-20
Oroboros Procedures
Flux control ratios in isolated mitochondria. OXPHOS capacity and respiratory control.
Pham 2014 Am J Physiol2014Pham T, Loiselle D, Power A, Hickey AJ (2014) Mitochondrial inefficiencies and anoxic ATP hydrolysis capacities in diabetic rat heart. Am J Physiol 307:C499–507.RatHeart
Gnaiger 2014 MitoPathways2014
Oroboros Procedures
Gnaiger E (2014) Mitochondrial pathways and respiratory control. An introduction to OXPHOS analysis. 4th ed. Mitochondr Physiol Network 19.12. Oroboros MiPNet Publications, Innsbruck:80 pp. — see 5th edition: Gnaiger 2020 BEC MitoPathways.
Skeletal muscle
Garnol 2014 Physiol Res2014Garnol T, Endlicher R, Kučera O, Drahota Z, Cervinková Z (2014) Impairment of mitochondrial function of rat hepatocytes by high fat diet and oxidative stress. Physiol Res 63:271-4.RatLiver
Jacobs 2013 Exp Physiol2013Jacobs R, Boushel RC, Wright-Paradis C, Calbet JA, Robach P, Gnaiger E, Lundby C (2013) Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle following high altitude exposure. Exp Physiol 98:245-55. https://doi.org/10.1113/expphysiol.2012.066092HumanSkeletal muscle
Sivertsson 2013 Adv Exp Med Biol2013Sivertsson E, Friederich-Persson M (2013) Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin induces renal mitochondrial uncoupling in rats. Adv Exp Med Biol 789:309-14.RatKidney
Guitart 2013 Nucleic Acids Res2013Guitart T, Picchioni D, Piñeyro D, Ribas de Pouplana L (2013) Human mitochondrial disease-like symptoms caused by a reduced tRNA aminoacylation activity in flies. Nucleic Acids Res 41:6595-608.Drosophila
Jacobs 2012 FASEB J2012Jacobs R, Siebenmann C, Hug M, Toigo M, Meinild AK, Lundby C (2012) Twenty-eight days at 3454-m altitude diminishes respiratory capacity but enhances efficiency in human skeletal muscle mitochondria. FASEB J 90:5192-200.HumanSkeletal muscle
Hals 2012 Biochem Biophys Res Commun2012Hals IK, Ogata H, Pettersen E, Ma Z, Björklund A, Skorpen F, Egeberg KW, Grill V (2012) Marked over expression of uncoupling protein-2 in beta cells exerts minor effects on mitochondrial metabolism. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 423:259-64.Islet cell;pancreas;thymus
Djafarzadeh 2012 PLoS One2012Djafarzadeh S, Vuda M, Takala J, Jakob SM (2012) Effect of remifentanil on mitochondrial oxygen consumption of cultured human hepatocytes. PLoS One 7:e45195.HumanLiver
Pesta 2012 Methods Mol Biol2012Pesta D, Gnaiger E (2012) High-resolution respirometry. OXPHOS protocols for human cells and permeabilized fibers from small biopsies of human muscle. Methods Mol Biol 810:25-58. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-61779-382-0_3HumanSkeletal muscle
Other cell lines
Jacobs 2012 J Appl Physiol2012Jacobs R, Lundby C (2012) Mitochondria express enhanced quality as well as quantity in association with aerobic fitness across recreationally active individuals up to elite athletes. J Appl Physiol 114:344-50.HumanSkeletal muscle
Lemieux 2011 Int J Biochem Cell Biol2011Lemieux H, Semsroth S, Antretter H, Höfer D, Gnaiger E (2011) Mitochondrial respiratory control and early defects of oxidative phosphorylation in the failing human heart. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 43:1729–38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocel.2011.08.008HumanHeart
Pesta 2011 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol2011Pesta D, Hoppel F, Macek C, Messner H, Faulhaber M, Kobel C, Parson W, Burtscher M, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Similar qualitative and quantitative changes of mitochondrial respiration following strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia in sedentary humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 301:R1078–87. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00285.2011HumanSkeletal muscle
Van den Berg 2010 Metabolism2010van den Berg SA, Nabben M, Bijland S, Voshol PJ, van Klinken JB, Havekes LM, Romijn JA, Hoeks J, Hesselink MK, Schrauwen P, van Dijk KW (2010) High levels of whole-body energy expenditure are associated with a lower coupling of skeletal muscle mitochondria in C57Bl/6 mice. Metabolism 59:1612-8.MouseSkeletal muscle
Casasnovas 2009 J Med Genet2010Casasnovas C, Banchs I, Cassereau J, Gueguen N, Chevrollier A, Martínez-Matos JA, Bonneau D, Volpini V (2010) Phenotypic spectrum of MFN2 mutations in the Spanish population. J Med Genet 47:249-56.HumanNervous system
Guillet 2010 neurogenetics2010Guillet V, Gueguen N, Verny C, Ferre M, Homedan C, Loiseau D, Procaccio V, Amati-Bonneau P, Bonneau D, Reynier P, Chevrollier A (2010) Adenine nucleotide translocase is involved in a mitochondrial coupling defect in MFN2-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2A disease. Neurogenetics 11:127-33.HumanFibroblast
Gnaiger 2009 Int J Biochem Cell Biol2009Gnaiger E (2009) Capacity of oxidative phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle. New perspectives of mitochondrial physiology. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 41:1837-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocel.2009.03.013Human
Skeletal muscle
Gnaiger 2008 POS2008Gnaiger E (2008) Polarographic oxygen sensors, the oxygraph and high-resolution respirometry to assess mitochondrial function. In: Mitochondrial dysfunction in drug-induced toxicity (Dykens JA, Will Y, eds) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ:327-52.MouseBlood cells
Boushel 2007 Diabetologia2007Boushel RC, Gnaiger E, Schjerling P, Skovbro M, Kraunsoee R, Dela F (2007) Patients with Type 2 diabetes have normal mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. Diabetologia 50:790-6.HumanSkeletal muscle
Huetter 2006 Exp Gerontol2006Hütter E, Unterluggauer H, Garedew A, Jansen-Dürr P, Gnaiger E (2006) High-resolution respirometry - a modern tool in aging research. Exp Gerontol 41:103-9.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Stadlmann 2006 Cell Biochem Biophys2006Stadlmann S, Renner K, Pollheimer J, Moser PL, Zeimet AG, Offner FA, Gnaiger E (2006) Preserved coupling of oxidative phosphorylation but decreased mitochondrial respiratory capacity in IL-1ß treated human peritoneal mesothelial cells. Cell Biochem Biophys 44:179-86.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Schoenfeld 2004 Biochem J2004Schönfeld P, Kahlert S, Reiser G (2004) In brain mitochondria the branched-chain fatty acid phytanic acid impairs energy transduction and sensitizes for permeability transition. Biochem J 383:121–28.Nervous system
Huetter 2004 Biochem J2004Hütter E, Renner K, Pfister G, Stöckl P, Jansen-Dürr P, Gnaiger E (2004) Senescence-associated changes in respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in primary human fibroblasts. Biochem J 380:919-28. https://doi.org/10.1042/BJ20040095HumanFibroblast
Kuznetsov 2004 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol2004Kuznetsov AV, Schneeberger S, Seiler R, Brandacher G, Mark W, Steurer W, Saks V, Usson Y, Margreiter R, Gnaiger E (2004) Mitochondrial defects and heterogeneous cytochrome c release after cardiac cold ischemia and reperfusion. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 286:H1633–41.RatHeart
Pecina 2003 Biochim Biophys Acta2003Pecina P, Capkova M, Chowdhury SK, Drahota Z, Dubot A, Vojtiskova A, Hansikova H, Houstekova H, Zeman J, Godinot C, Houstek J (2003) Functional alteration of cytochrome c oxidase by SURF1 mutations in Leigh syndrome. Biochim Biophys Acta 1639:53-63.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Renner 2003 Biochim Biophys Acta2003Renner K, Amberger A, Konwalinka G, Gnaiger E (2003) Changes of mitochondrial respiration, mitochondrial content and cell size after induction of apoptosis in leukemia cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1642:115-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0167-4889(03)00105-8HumanBlood cells
Stadlmann 2002 Transplantation2002Stadlmann S, Rieger G, Amberger A, Kuznetsov AV, Margreiter R, Gnaiger E (2002) H2O2-mediated oxidative stress versus cold ischemia-reperfusion: mitochondrial respiratory defects in cultured human endothelial cells. Transplantation 74:1800-3.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Savagner 2001 J Clin Endocrinol Metabol2001Savagner F, Franc B, Guyetant S, Rodien P, Reynier P, Malthiery Y (2001) Defective mitochondrial ATP synthesis in oxyphilic thyroid tumors. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 86:4920-25.Human
Gnaiger 2001 Respir Physiol2001Gnaiger E (2001) Bioenergetics at low oxygen: dependence of respiration and phosphorylation on oxygen and adenosine diphosphate supply. Respir Physiol 128:277-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0034-5687(01)00307-3Human
Endothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Gnaiger 2000 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2000Gnaiger E, Méndez G, Hand SC (2000) High phosphorylation efficiency and depression of uncoupled respiration in mitochondria under hypoxia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:11080-5. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.97.20.11080Rat
Steinlechner-Maran 1997 Transplantation1997Steinlechner-Maran R, Eberl T, Kunc M, Schröcksnadel H, Margreiter R, Gnaiger E (1997) Respiratory defect as an early event in preservation/reoxygenation injury in endothelial cells. Transplantation 63:136-42.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Gnaiger 1992 Funct Ecol1992Gnaiger E (1992) Optimum efficiency of energy transformation and the evolution of catabolic pathways. Funct Ecol 6:234-41.RatLiver
O2k-Publications in the MiPMap

O2k-Publications: Coupling efficiency;uncoupling - Abstracts

Sort in ascending/descending order by a click on one of the small symbols in squares below.
Goncalves Debora 2019 MiPschool Coimbra2019
Aging effects on mitochondrial control factors in Pink1 knockout Drosophila melanogaster.
Stevens 2018 Br J Anaesth2018Stevens JL, McKenna H, Murray A, Jell G, Guliyeva M, Martin D (2018) Effects of major hepato-pancreatico-biliary surgery and general anaesthesia on skeletal-muscle mitochondrial respiration: a pilot study. Br J Anaesth.HumanSkeletal muscle
Volani 2016 Abstract Mito Xmas Meeting Innsbruck2016Effects of systemic iron perturbations on mitochondrial activity and on cellular metabolism in vivo.MouseLiver
Gnaiger 2016 Abstract Mito Xmas Meeting Innsbruck2016The world as a laboratory: exploring mitochondrial fitness.HumanSkeletal muscle
Felser 2014 Abstract MiP20142014Assessing mitochondrial dysfunction in fibroblast cells – a comparison between O2k and multiwell respirometry.HumanEndothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell
Sparks 2014 Abstract MiP20142014NAMPT remodels substrate metabolism in skeletal muscle.MouseSkeletal muscle
Neufer 2014 Abstract MiP20142014Assessing ATP production and oxygen consumption simultaneously in permeabilized fibers: ATP/O.MouseSkeletal muscle
Kressig 2013 Abstract IOC792013Kressig F (2013) et al. Mechanism of increased pulmonary vascular remodeling in UCP2 k/o mice. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.07MouseLung;gill
Other cell lines
Gnaiger 2013 Abstract Mito20132013Gnaiger E, Søndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Díez-Sánchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet J, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B, Boushel R (2013) Conserved mitochondrial coupling efficiency and adaptive substrate control in Inuit and Caucasians: adaptation and acclimatization to the Arctic winter.HumanSkeletal muscle
Gnaiger 2013 Abstract ASMRM2013Gnaiger E(2013) Loss of mitochondrial competence and degenerative disease: cause and effect. Abstract ASMRM-Seoul.Human
Krumschnabel 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Krumschnabel G, Eigentler A, Fontana-Ayoub M, Draxl A, Fasching M, Gnaiger E (2013) Tissue homogenates for respiratory OXPHOS analysis in comparative mitochondrial physiology: mouse and trout – heart and liver. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.Mouse
Nervous system
Zelenka J 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Zelenka J, Alan L, Jezek P(2013) Response of cancer cells to mitochondrial DNA damage. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.Other cell lines
Vercesi 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Vercesi AE (2013) Mitochondrial respiration, Ca2+ transport and oxidative stress: Fungi, trypanosomes, plants and mammals. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.Rat
Other invertebrates
Szibor 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Szibor M, Heidler J, Gizatullina Z, Salwig I, Dhandapani PK, Wittig I, Rustin P (2013) Expression of Ciona intestinalis alternative oxidase in mouse. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.MouseHeart
Skeletal muscle
Nervous system
Larsen FJ 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Larsen FJ, Schiffer TA, Lundberg JO, Weitzberg E (2013) Human mitochondria has a unique response to ischemia-reperfusion injury compared to mitochondria from rat, mouse and pig . Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.Human
Jezek 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Ježek P, Ježek J, Zelenka J, Dlasková A, Jabůrek M (2013) Antioxidant synergy of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 and phospholipase iPLA2γ. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.MouseLung;gill
Islet cell;pancreas;thymus
Tretter 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Tretter L, Komlódi T, Ádám-Vizi V (2013) The effects of methylmalonic acid on alpha-ketoglutarate supported oxidation in isolated brain, heart and liver mitochondria. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.Guinea pigHeart
Nervous system
Gnaiger 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Gnaiger E, Søndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, Díez-Sánchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet J, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B, Boushel R (2013) Biochemical coupling efficiency in permeabilized fibers from arm and leg muscle in Inuit versus Caucasians: A functional test of the uncoupling hypothesis in Greenland. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.HumanSkeletal muscle
Labieniec-Watala 2012 Abstract Bioblast2012Labieniec-Watala M, Siewiera K, Watala C (2012) Seasonal fluctuations affect the physiology of laboratory animals – facts and artifacts from the perspective of heart mitochondrial respiratory response to tested compounds. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.12.Mouse
Bouillaud 2012 Abstract Bioblast2012Bouillaud F (2012) Sulfide - a remarkable mitochondrial substrate. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.12.HumanCHO
Gnaiger 2011 Abstract SMRM-Hyderabad2011Gnaiger E, Wright-Paradis C, Sondergaard H, Calbet J, Damsgaard R, Munck-Andersen T, Saltin B, Boushel RC (2011) Conserved mitochondrial coupling and adaptive substrate control in Inuit and Caucasians: Acclimatization to active life styles in the Arctic winter. Abstract SMRM-Hyderabad.Human

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