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COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE
Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment: mitochondrial fitness mapping
Pesta Dominik
MitoPedia topics: EAGLE
Name | Pesta Dominik, Mag. PhD |
Institution | Institute of Aerospace Medicine,
German Aerospace Center, DE |
Address | Linder Höhe, 51147 |
City | Cologne |
State/Province | |
Country | Germany | | |
Weblink | |
O2k-Network Lab | AT Innsbruck Burtscher M, AT Innsbruck Oroboros, DE Cologne Pesta D, DE Duesseldorf Roden M |
Published | Reference | |
Doerrier 2024 Free Radic Biol Med | 2024 | Doerrier C, Gama-Perez P, Pesta D, Distefano G, Soendergaard SD, Maise Chroeis K, Gonzalez-Franquesa A, Goodpaster BH, Prats C, Sales-Pardo M, Guimera R, Coen PM, Gnaiger E, Larsen S, Garcia-Roves PM (2024) Harmonization of experimental procedures to assess mitochondrial respiration in human permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. Free Radic Biol Med 223:384-97. |
Buescher 2024 Acta Physiol (Oxf) | 2024 | Buescher FM, Schmitz MT, Frett T, Kramme J, de Boni L, Elmenhorst EM, Mulder E, Moestl S, Heusser K, Frings-Meuthen P, Jordan J, Rittweger J, Pesta D (2024) Effects of 30 days bed rest and exercise countermeasures on PBMC bioenergetics. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 240(3):e14102. |
Bodis 2023 Diabetes Obes Metab | 2023 | Bódis K, Breuer S, Crepzia-Pevzner A, Zaharia OP, Schön M, Saatmann N, Altenhofen D, Springer C, Szendroedi J, Wagner R, Al-Hasani H, Roden M, Pesta D, Chadt A (2023) Impact of physical fitness and exercise training on subcutaneous adipose tissue beiging markers in humans with and without diabetes and a high-fat diet-fed mouse model. |
Dewidar 2023 EBioMedicine | 2023 | Dewidar B, Mastrototaro L, Englisch C, Ress C, Granata C, Rohbeck E, Pesta D, Heilmann G, Wolkersdorfer M, Esposito I, Reina Do Fundo M, Zivehe F, Yavas A, Roden M (2023) Alterations of hepatic energy metabolism in murine models of obesity, diabetes and fatty liver diseases. |
Jelenik 2022 Pharmacol Res | 2022 | Jelenik T, Kodde A, Pesta D, Phielix E, Oosting A, Rohbeck E, Dewidar B, Mastrototaro L, Trenkamp S, Keijer J, van der Beek EM, Roden M (2022) Dietary lipid droplet structure in postnatal life improves hepatic energy and lipid metabolism in a mouse model for postnatal programming. Pharmacol Res 179:106193. |
Gancheva 2022 Diabetes Care | 2022 | Gancheva S, Kahl S, Pesta D, Mastrototaro L, Dewidar B, Strassburger K, Sabah E, Esposito I, Weiß J, Sarabhai T, Wolkersdorfer M, Fleming T, Nawroth P, Zimmermann M, Reichert AS, Schlensak M, Roden M (2022) Impaired hepatic mitochondrial capacity in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis associated with type 2 diabetes. |
Zweck 2021 Diabetes Care | 2021 | Zweck E, Scheiber D, Jelenik T, Bönner F, Horn P, Pesta D, Schultheiss HP, Boeken U, Akhyari P, Lichtenberg A, Kelm M, Roden M, Westenfeld R, Szendroedi J (2021) Exposure to type 2 diabetes provokes mitochondrial impairment in apparently healthy human hearts. Diabetes Care 44:e82-e84. |
Pesta 2021 Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) | 2021 | Pesta D, Jelenik T, Zaharia OP, Bobrov P, Görgens S, Bódis K, Karusheva Y, Krako Jakovljevic N, Lalic NM, Markgraf DF, Burkart V, Müssig K, Knebel B, Kotzka J, Eckel J, Strassburger K, Szendroedi J, Roden M (2021) NDUFB6 polymorphism is associated with physical activity-mediated metabolic changes in type 2 diabetes. |
Sarabhai 2021 Diabetologia | 2021 | Sarabhai T, Koliaki C, Mastrototaro L, Kahl S, Pesta D, Apostolopoulou M, Wolkersdorfer M, Bönner AC, Bobrov P, Markgraf DF, Herder C, Roden M (2021) Dietary palmitate and oleate differently modulate insulin sensitivity in human skeletal muscle. Diabetologia 65:301-14. |
Apostolopoulou 2021 Sci Adv | 2021 | Apostolopoulou M, Mastrototaro L, Hartwig S, Pesta D, Straßburger K, de Filippo E, Jelenik T, Karusheva Y, Gancheva S, Markgraf D, Herder C, Nair KS, Reichert AS, Lehr S, Müssig K, Al-Hasani H, Szendroedi J, Roden M (2021) Metabolic responsiveness to training depends on insulin sensitivity and protein content of exosomes in insulin-resistant males. |
Hoppel 2021 Cells | 2021 | Hoppel F, Garcia-Souza LF, Kantner-Rumplmair W, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Pesta D, Calabria E (2021) Human platelet mitochondrial function reflects systemic mitochondrial alterations: a protocol for application in field studies. Cells 10:2088. |
Schumann 2021 Commun Biol | 2021 | Schumann T, Koenig J, von Loeffelholz C, Vatner DF, Zhang D, Perry RJ, Bernier M, Chami J, Henke C, Kurzbach A, El-Agroudy NN, Willmes DM, Pesta D, de Cabo R, O Sullivan JF, Simon E, Shulman GI, Hamilton BS, Birkenfeld AL (2021) Deletion of the diabetes candidate gene Slc16a13 in mice attenuates diet-induced ectopic lipid accumulation and insulin resistance. Commun Biol 4:826. |
Hoppel 2021 Front Physiol | 2021 | Hoppel F, Calabria E, Pesta DH, Kantner-Rumplmair W, Gnaiger E, Burtscher M (2021) Effects of ultramarathon running on mitochondrial function of platelets and oxidative stress parameters: a pilot study. Front Physiol 12:632664. |
Gratl 2021 J Transl Med | 2021 | Gratl A, Pesta D, Gruber L, Speichinger F, Raude B, Omran S, Greiner A, Frese JP (2021) The effect of revascularization on recovery of mitochondrial respiration in peripheral artery disease: a case control study. |
MitoEAGLE muscle 1 | 2020 | Doerrier C, Gama-Perez P, Distefano G, Pesta D, Soendergaard SD, Chroeis KM, Gonzalez-Franquesa A, Goodpaster BH, Coen P, Larsen S, Gnaiger E, Garcia-Roves PM (2020) Inter-laboratory harmonization of respiratory protocols in permeabilized human muscle fibers. - Updated: 2020-03-08 |
BEC 2020.1 doi10.26124bec2020-0001.v1 | 2020 | Gnaiger E et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenerg Commun 2020.1. |
Gancheva 2019 Nat Commun | 2019 | Gancheva S, Ouni M, Jelenik T, Koliaki C, Szendroedi J, Toledo FGS, Markgraf DF, Pesta DH, Mastrototaro L, De Filippo E, Herder C, Jähnert M, Weiss J, Strassburger K, Schlensak M, Schürmann A, Roden M (2019) Dynamic changes of muscle insulin sensitivity after metabolic surgery. Nat Commun 10:4179. |
Gratl 2019 Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg | 2019 | Gratl A, Frese J, Speichinger F, Pesta D, Frech A, Omran S, Greiner A (2019) Regeneration of mitochondrial function in gastrocnemius muscle in peripheral arterial disease after successful revascularisation. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 59:109-15. |
Karusheva 2019 Am J Clin Nutr | 2019 | Karusheva Y, Koessler T, Strassburger K, Markgraf D, Mastrototaro L, Jelenik T, Simon MC, Pesta D, Zaharia OP, Bódis K, Bärenz F, Schmoll D, Wolkersdorfer M, Tura A, Pacini G, Burkart V, Müssig K, Szendroedi J, Roden M (2019) Short-term dietary reduction of branched-chain amino acids reduces meal-induced insulin secretion and modifies microbiome composition in type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr 110:1098-107. |
Hoppel 2019 Front Physiol | 2019 | Hoppel F, Calabria E, Pesta D, Kantner-Rumplmair W, Gnaiger E, Burtscher M (2019) Physiological and pathophysiological responses to ultramarathon running in non-elite runners. Front Physiol 10:1300. |
Chabi 2019 MitoFit Preprint Arch EA | 2019 | Chabi Béatrice, Ost M, Gama-Perez P, Dahdah N, Lemieux H, Holody CD, Carpenter RG, Tepp K, Puurand M, Kaambre T, Dubouchaud H, Cortade F, Pesta D, Calabria E, Casado M, Fernandez-Ortiz M, Acuña-Castroviejo D, Villena JA, Grefte S, Keijer J, O'Brien K, Sowton A, Murray AJ, Campbell MD, Marcinek DJ, Nollet E, Wüst R, Dayanidhi S, Gnaiger E, Doerrier C, Garcia-Roves PM (2019) Generating reference values on mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized muscle fibers. MitoFit Preprint Arch EA19.1. |
Robach 2018 Scand J Med Sci Sports | 2018 | Robach P, Hansen J, Pichon A, Meinild Lundby AK, Dandanell S, Slettaløkken Falch G, Hammarström D, Pesta DH, Siebenmann C, Keiser S, Kérivel P, Whist JE, Rønnestad BR, Lundby C (2018) Hypobaric live high-train low does not improve aerobic performance more than live low-train low in cross-country skiers. Scand J Med Sci Sports 28:1636-52. |
Fischer 2018 BMC Musculoskelet Disord | 2018 | Fischer MJ, Horvath G, Krismer M, Gnaiger E, Goebel G, Pesta DH (2018) Evaluation of mitochondrial function in chronic myofascial trigger points - a prospective cohort pilot study using high-resolution respirometry. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 19:388. |
Pesta 2016 FASEB J | 2016 | Pesta DH, Tsirigotis DN, Befroy DE, Caballero D, Jurczak MJ, Rahimi Y, Cline GW, Dufour S, Birkenfeld AL, Rothman DL, Carpenter TO, Insogna K, Petersen KF, Bergwitz C, Shulman GI (2016) Hypophosphatemia promotes lower rates of muscle ATP synthesis. FASEB J 30:3378-87. |
Laursen 2015 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA | 2015 | Laursen WJ, Mastrotto M, Pesta D, Funk OH, Goodman JB, Merriman DK, Ingolia N, Shulman GI, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO (2015) Neuronal UCP1 expression suggests a mechanism for local thermogenesis during hibernation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112:1607-12. |
Camporez 2013 Endocrinology | 2013 | Camporez JP, Jornayvaz FR, Petersen M, Pesta D, Guigni BA, Serr J, Zhang D, Kahn M, Samuel VT, Jurczak MJ, Shulman GI (2013) Cellular mechanisms by which FGF21 improves insulin sensitivity in male mice. Endocrinology 154:3099-109. |
Aidt 2013 PLoS Curr | 2013 | Aidt FH, Nielsen SM, Kanters J, Pesta D, Nielsen TT, Nørremølle A, Hasholt L, Christiansen M, Hagen CM (2013) Dysfunctional mitochondrial respiration in the striatum of the Huntington's disease transgenic R6/2 mouse model. PLoS Curr 5. pii:ecurrents.hd.d8917b4862929772c5a2f2a34ef1c201. |
Pesta 2012 Methods Mol Biol | 2012 | Pesta D, Gnaiger E (2012) High-resolution respirometry. OXPHOS protocols for human cells and permeabilized fibers from small biopsies of human muscle. Methods Mol Biol 810:25-58. |
Robach 2012 Br J Sports Med | 2012 | Robach P, Siebenmann C, Jacobs R, Rasmussen P, Nordsborg N, Pesta D, Gnaiger E, Diaz V, Christ A, Fiedler J, Crivelli N, Secher NH, Pichon A, Maggiorini M, Lundby C (2012) The role of haemoglobin mass on VO2max following normobaric live high-train low in endurance-trained athletes. Br J Sports Med Jul 12. 46:822-7. |
Sirtuins | 2012 | Pesta D (2012) Sirtuin family. Mitochondr Physiol Network 2012-06-29. |
Mitophagy | 2012 | Pesta D (2012) Mitochondrial mitophagy. Mitochondr Physiol Network 2012-05-22. |
Jacobs 2011 J Appl Physiol | 2011 | Jacobs R, Rasmussen P, Siebenmann C, Díaz V, Pesta D, Gnaiger E, Nordsborg NB, Robach P, Lundby C (2011) Determinants of time trial performance and maximal incremental exercise in highly trained endurance athletes. J Appl Physiol 111:1422–30. |
Pesta 2011 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol | 2011 | Pesta D, Hoppel F, Macek C, Messner H, Faulhaber M, Kobel C, Parson W, Burtscher M, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Similar qualitative and quantitative changes of mitochondrial respiration following strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia in sedentary humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 301:R1078–87. |
Published | Reference | |
Pesta 2023 MiP2023 | 2023 | Respiratory capacity of skeletal muscle and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of male and female individuals with type 2 diabetes. |
Pesta 2022 Bioblast2022 | 2022 | Bioblast 2022 participant. |
Doerrier 2020 PaduaMuscleDays Poster | 2020 | Doerrier C, Gama-Perez P, Chabi B, Ost M, Distefano G, Pesta D, Dahdah N, Lemieux H, Holody C, Carpenter RG, Tepp K, Puurand M, Kaambre T, Dubouchaud H, Cortade F, Calabria E, Casado M, Fernandez-Ortiz M, Acuna-Castroviejo D, Villena JA, Grefte S, Keijer J, O'Brien K, Sowton A, Murray AJ, Campbell MD, Marcinek DJ, Nollet E, Wuest R, Dayanidhi S, Soendergaard SD, Chroeis KM, Gonzalez-Franquesa A, Goodpaster BH, Coen PM, Larsen S, Gnaiger E, Garcia-Roves PM (2020) Commitment to reproducibility in mitochondrial respiration studies with permeabilized muscle fibers. PaduaMuscleDays. |
Chabi 2019 MiP2019 | 2019 | Generating reference values on mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized muscle fibers. |
Doerrier 2019 MiP2019 | 2019 | Inter-laboratory harmonization of respiratory protocols in permeabilized human muscle fibers. |
Pesta 2019 MiP2019 | 2019 | Effects of physical activity and low calorie diet lifestyle interventions on insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes. |
Garcia-Roves 2019 MiPschool Coimbra | 2019 | Generating reference values on mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized muscle fibers. |
Garcia-Roves 2018 MiP2018b | 2018 | Generating mitochondrial respirometry reference values from permeabilized mouse soleus muscle fibers. Working Group 2 report. Garcia-Roves_Presentation |
Doerrier 2018 MiP2018c | 2018 | Inter-laboratory study on human permeabilized myofibers: effects of fiber preparation, respiration buffer, and blebbistatin on mitochondrial respiratory capacity and oxygen limitation. |
Garcia-Roves 2017 MiP2017 | 2017 | Mitochondrial respirometry reference values from permeabilized mouse soleus muscle fibers. MitoEAGLE WG2 pilot study. Garcia-Roves_Presentation |
Coen 2017 MiP2017 WG2 | 2017 | Human skeletal muscle mitochondrial function: A proposal for a state-of-the-art literature review. |
Hoppel 2015 Abstract MiP2015 | 2015 | Effects of ultramarathon performance on mitochondrial respiration in human platelets. |
Pesta 2014 Abstract MiP 2014 | 2014 | Dysregulation of muscle ATP synthesis in hypophosphatemic mouse models and in a patient with hypophosphatemia due to a mutation in NaPi2c. |
Pesta 2012 Abstract Bioblast-mtGlobal | 2012 | Pesta D (2012) Mitochondrial Global Network - From a young investigator's perspective. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.12. |
Pesta 2012 Abstract Bioblast | 2012 | Pesta D, Jamison PR, Zhang D, Jurczak M, Manchem VP, Bhanot S, Samuel V, Shulman GI (2012) Prevention of diet-induced hepatic steatosis and hepatic insulin resistance by antisense oligonucleotides targeted to mIndy. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.12. |
Pesta 2011Abstract ACSM | 2011 | Pesta D, Jacobs R, Macek C, Hoppel F, Faulhaber M, Lundby C, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2011) Investigation of muscle metabolism of the quadriceps via high-resolution respirometry and 31P MRS in connection with a 10 week endurance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 43: 71 |
Pesta 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine-Training | 2011 | Pesta D, Hoppel F, Macek C, Messner H, Faulhaber M, Kobel C, Parson W, Burtscher M, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Mitochondrial improvements after strength, endurance, and intermittend hypoxic training in sedentary humans. A respiratory study on permeabilized muscle fibers. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago. |
Pesta 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine-Diagnosis | 2011 | Pesta D, Wiethuechter A, Karall D, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Functional mitochondrial diagnosis in a patient suffering from sudden exercise intolerance. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago. |
Burtscher 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine | 2011 | Burtscher M, Dietrich H, Gatterer H, Gnaiger E, Harrison DK, Karall D, Krismer M, Lass-Floerl C, Parson W, Perkhofer S, Pesta D, Schocke M, Sumbalova Z, Wiethüchter A (2011) Mitochondrial competence. Regional and international cooperation for establishing new standards in functional mitochondrial diagnosis. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago. |
Pesta 2010 MiP Abstract | 2010 | Pesta D, Faulhaber M, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2010) Investigation of muscle metabolism of the M. quadriceps via 31P MRS and high-resolution respirometry in connection with 10 weeks of strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia. MiP2010. |
Pesta 2010 Abstract IOC60 | 2010 | Pesta D, Macek C, Hoppel F, Faulhaber M, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2010) The impact of endurance training on muscle oxidative capacity. MiPNet15.10. |
Previous address: Department of Radiology, Medical University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
- Benefits for COST and for the COST Action MitoEAGLE
- The German Diabetes Center (DDZ) in Düsseldorf has one research focus, which addresses metabolic pathways in various human and animal tissues emphasizing the role of mitochondria in insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes mellitus. The research objectives are to characterize how mitochondrial function, energy, glucose and lipid metabolism change under different physiological and pathophysiological conditions in order to derive potential diagnostic tools and therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications.
- As such, the center has a longstanding reputation in basic, clinical and epidemiological studies in the field of diabetes mellitus and its comorbidities. One key effort of the DDZ is the organization of the German Diabetes Study (GDS), a nationwide long-term prospective multicenter cohort study in patients with new-onset diabetes. This study comprises repetitive detailed phenotyping including anthropometry, insulin secretion and sensitivity testing, biobanks including blood, muscle, skin and adipose tissue specimen, spiroergometry, as well as cognitive and neurological tests. Another long-term study with similar extensive phenotyping including also liver samples addresses the effects of bariatric surgery in obese humans. In addition, research groups at DDZ also examine various transgenic mouse models with altered muscle, liver, and fat metabolism.
- Thus, we can provide relevant input into WG 2: MITOEAGLE data repository in muscle and other tissues and WG3: MITOEAGLE data repository on fat tissues and other tissues. With 6 oxygraphs continuously running in our lab, we can further contribute to WG5 MITOEAGLE dissemination and training by organizing scientific meetings and workshops in order to foster collaborative interactions among the member of the COST Action Mitochondrial fitness mapping MITOEAGLE: Evolution - Age - Gender - Lifestyle - Environment.
Participated at
- MiP2023 Obergurgl AT
- Bioblast 2022: BEC Inaugural Conference
- MitoEAGLE 2019 Belgrade RS
- MitoEAGLE 2019 Obergurgl AT
- MitoEAGLE 2018 Copenhagen DK
- MitoFit Science Camp 2016 Kuehtai AT
- IOC95 Obergurgl AT
- MiP2014 Obergurgl AT
- MiP2013 Innsbruck AT
- IOC79 Obergurgl AT
- Bioblast 2012 Innsbruck AT
- IOC66 Innsbruck AT
- IOC65 Schroecken AT
- IOC61 Schroecken AT
- IOC60 Schroecken AT
- IOC56 Schroecken AT
- IOC55 Schroecken AT
- IOC54 Schroecken AT
- IOC50 Schroecken AT