
From Bioblast

high-resolution terminology - matching measurements at high-resolution



Various methods of smoothing can be applied to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. For instance, data points recorded over time [s] or over a range of wavelengths [nm] can be smoothed by averaging n data points per interval. Then the average of the n points per smoothing interval can be taken for each successively recorded data point across the time range or range of the spectrum to give a n-point moving average smoothing. This method decreases the noise of the signal, but clearly reduces the time or wavelength resolution. More advanced methods of smoothing are applied to retain a higher time resolution or wavelength resolution.

Reference: Press 1990 Computers in Physics

MitoPedia methods: Respirometry, Fluorometry, Spectrophotometry 

MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry: DatLab, Oroboros QM 

Communicated by Harrison DK, 2011-11-25

DatLab oxygen flux: performance and data analysis

  • Recommendation: Set "Slope smoothing" to 20 for performing and analyzing experiments with biological sample (strongly recommended in the case of uncoupler titrations). A slope smoothing of 20 increases the time or wavelength resolution, but increases the noise of the signal.
The following DatLab traces illustrate an example of "Slope smoothing" using 20 versus 40 data points:

Slope smoothing 40 Slope smoothing 20

  • In DatLab 7.4: open the "Flux/Slope" window by clicking in the upper menu, "A: or B: O2 slope" (or or double-clicking in "Y2", O2 flux). Select the slope smoothing in the pulldown menu and click "ok". A confirmation window might appear, click "yes" to confirm.

DatLab Amp slope: performance and data analysis

  • Recommendation: Set "Slope smoothing" of the Amp slope to 20 for performing and analyzing experiments with biological sample (strongly recommended in the case of uncoupler titrations). A slope smoothing of 20 increases the time or wavelength resolution, but increases the noise of the signal.
The following DatLab traces illustrate an example of "Slope smoothing" using 20 versus 40 data points:
  • Slope smoothing: 20

Amp slope smoothing 20.png

  • Slope smoothing: 40

Amp slope smoothing 40.png

  • In DatLab 7.4: open the "Flux/Slope" window by clicking in the upper menu, "A: or B: Amp slope" (or or double-clicking in "Y2", Amp slope). Select the slope smoothing in the pulldown menu and click "ok". A confirmation window might appear, click "yes" to confirm.
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