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MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry:
Status bar - DatLab |
MitoPedia O2k and high-resolution respirometry:
O2k-Open Support
DatLab 8: Displays information about the O2k and the current measurement, including Power O2k number, calibration status, raw O2 values and ongoing measurement time.
DatLab 7 : Status line
Reference: MitoPedia: DatLab
Last update: 2024-08-14
- The following information about the O2k and the current measurement is displayed in the status bar, located in the bottom left corner:
- Power-O2k number or serial number: Displays the Power O2k number set by the user or the O2k serial number when a number is not entered. The default Power O2k number is P1.
- Calibration status: Provides information on the calibrations in chambers A and B:
- O2 calibration: Green indicates that a calibration has been applied by the user to a measurement (ongoing or recorded). If a calibration is applied as default, the status box will be green in all the following measurements with the same temperature and sensor number started within 24h. Orange indicates that a calibration has not been applied by the user or that the measurement has different conditions (temperature, sensor number) from the default calibration or was not stared within 24h after it.
- If a calibration is applied as default it will always be applied to following measurements even if the status box is orange. In this case the user should check which condition was not met. An air calibration should be performed every day before starting measurements
- Other calibrations: the status box appears green only if a calibration has been applied by the user to a measurement (ongoing or recorded).
- By clicking on the calibration status box the Calibration window opens in the corresponding channel and chamber.
- If more files are open, the calibration status and the Power O2k always refers to the selected file (not necessarily the current recording file).
- Raw values: the real-time O2 raw values [Β΅A] in chambers A and B are displayed during a measurement.
- Ongoing measurement time: Displays the measurement time (hh:mm:ss) according to the chosen time recording interval.
- Raw values and ongoing measurement time are only displayed during a measurement. If a previously recorded file is open together with an active measurement, these values always refer to the active measurement.