From Bioblast
A major task in establishing a procedure for measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential using probe molecules is the evaluation of inhibitory concentrations of the probe molecule on the activity of respiration. The TPP+ inhibitory effect (this also applies to TPMP+ and other indicator molecules) is frequently ignored. Accurate knowledge of a threshold concentration is required to evaluate the necessary limit of detection of TPP+, and for restriction of experimental TPP+ concentrations below the inhibitory range.
Reference: MiPNet14.05
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- Fundamental relationships
- Β» Force
- Β» Affinity
- Β» Flux
- Β» Advancement
- Β» Advancement per volume
- Β» Stoichiometric number
- Fundamental relationships
- mt-Membrane potential and protonmotive force
- Β» Uncoupler
- Oroboros Potentiometry
- Β» TPP ISE-Module
- Β» Oroboros Manual: MiPNet15.03 O2k-MultiSensor-ISE
- Β» TPP - Oroboros Procedures: Tetraphenylphosphonium
- Β» Specifications: MiPNet15.08 TPP electrode
- Β» Poster
- Β» Unspecific binding of TPP+
- Β» TPP+ inhibitory effect
- Oroboros Potentiometry
- Oroboros FluoRespirometry
- Β» Oroboros Catalogue: Oroboros FluoRespirometer
- Β» Oroboros Manual: MiPNet22.11 O2k-FluoRespirometer manual
- Β» Safranin - Oroboros Procedures: MiPNet20.13 Safranin mt-membranepotential / Safranin
- Β» TMRM - Oroboros Procedures: TMRM
- Oroboros FluoRespirometry
- Oroboros Publications
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