Wikstroem 1977 Nature
Wikstroem MKF (1977) Proton pump coupled to cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria. Nature 266:271-3. |
Β» PMID: 15223
Wikstroem MKF (1977) Nature
Abstract: Cytochrome c oxidase is an important enzyme of aerobic metabolism, catalysing electron transport between cytochrome c and molecular oxygen. Apart from this essential redox reaction the enzyme must be involved in conservation of the released redox energy for utilisation in ATP synthesis at the socalled third site of oxidative phosphorylation. I report here that the redox activity of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase is coupled to the translocation of hydrogen ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This finding may be a clue to the role of cytochrome oxidase in energy conservation. β’ Keywords: Cytochrome c oxidase, proton pump, inner mitochondrial membrane
β’ O2k-Network Lab: FI Helsinki Wikstroem M
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Labels: MiParea: Respiration
Enzyme: Complex IV;cytochrome c oxidase Regulation: Coupling efficiency;uncoupling, Cyt c, Ion;substrate transport Coupling state: OXPHOS
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