Wohlwend 2015 Fatty Acid Oxidation O2k-Network Discussion Forum

From Bioblast
Wohlwend 2015 Fatty Acid Oxidation O2k-Network Discussion Forum

Link: O2k-Network Discussion Forum

Wohlwend M (2015)

Event: Fatty Acid Oxidation O2k-Network Discussion Forum

Fatty acid oxidation in permeabilized muscle fibers has worked well for us in both human and rat studies. Typically we use Octanoylcarnitine and Malate for skeletal muscle and a combination of Octanoylcarnitine plus Palmitylcarnitine and Malate for human heart tissue. These protocols have given us a good insight into Beta oxidation.


Organism: Human, Rat  Tissue;cell: Skeletal muscle  Preparation: Permeabilized tissue 


Octanoylcarnitine + Malate, Octanoylcarnitine + Palmitoylcarnitine + Malate (for heart) 

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