Bioenergetics Exhibition - Art meets Gentle Science

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Bioenergetics Exhibition - Art meets Gentle Science

Publications in the MiPMap
Richmond VA US, 2015 Mar 15 - Jun 17. Bioenergetics Exhibition - Art meets Gentle Science
Bioenergetics GS.jpg

Β» Bioenergetics Exhibition

Iyer S (2015-03-15) MitoGlobal

Abstract: Bioenergetics - Art meets Gentle Science in Sickness and in Health. A Gentle Science project initiated by Shilpa Iyer. Science Museum of Virginia, Richmond VA, US.

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: US VA Richmond Iyer S

Labels: MiParea: mt-Medicine, mt-Awareness 

2015, ORO 

Bioenergetics - Art meets Gentle Science in Sickness and in Health

Bioenergetics Gentle Science.jpg
Shilpa Iyer

Where does the Bioenergetics Exhibition go - from the Science Museum of Virginia to MitoGlobal?

The Bioenergetics Exhibition should go on, reaching out to the world on a MitoGlobal travelling tour. Contact: | Shilpa

Inauguration March 2015

Inauguration program

Listed under MitoGlobal Events.

MitoPedia topics: Gentle Science 

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