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Difference between revisions of "Category:Oroboros Ecosystem"

From Bioblast
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[[Image:Oroboros Ecosystem.jpg|right|500px|Oroboros Ecosystem]]
[[Image:Oroboros Ecosystem.jpg|right|450px|Oroboros Ecosystem]]

<big><big><big>'''Das Oroboros Ecosystem'''</big></big></big>
<big><big><big>'''The Oroboros Ecosystem'''</big></big></big>

:::: Medizinische Bereiche von Neurologie bis Pharmakologie werden von mitochondrialen Problemstellungen durchdrungen. Die Zahl mitochondrialer Publikationen steigt exponentiell. Moderne Studien heben die ausschlaggebende Rolle der Mitochondrien in der Progression vieler Krankheiten und fĂŒr den Erhalt der Gesundheit hervor. Der [[Oroboros O2k]] setzt sich seit 10 Jahren weltweit als fĂŒhrendes Messinstrument fĂŒr mitochondriale Funktionsanalyse durch.
:::: Medical fields from neurology to pharmacology are permeated by mitochondrial problems. Modern studies highlight the crucial role of mitochondria in the progression of many diseases and in maintaining health, with the number of mitochondrial publications increasing exponentially. For 10 years, the [[Oroboros O2k]] has been established worldwide as the leading measuring instrument for mitochondrial functional analysis.

:::: Mitochondrien – die Kraftwerke der Zellen – erzeugen in einem molekularen Verbrennungsprozess elektrische Energie und regeln den Sauerstoffverbrauch der Zellatmung. Mitochondriale Physiologie ist Teil unseres Lebens: mitochondriale Fitness ist ausschlaggebend fĂŒr LebensqualitĂ€t und Funktion jedes Organs ‒ vom Muskel zum Gehirn ‒ und macht uns resistent gegen vermeidbare und alternsbedingte degenerative Krankheiten: Diabetes, Herzversagen, Alzheimer, etliche Krebsarten, uvm. Erbgut, Alter, Geschlecht, Lebensstil und Umweltfaktoren beeinflussen die mitochondriale Fitness als WirkgefĂŒge komplexer molekularer Funktionen.
:::: Mitochondria - the powerhousesof the cell - generate electrical energy in a molecular combustion process and regulate the oxygen consumption of cellular respiration. Mitochondrial physiology is part of our lives: mitochondrial fitness is crucial for the quality of life and function of every organ - from muscle to brain. Moreover, mitochondrial fitness makes us resistant to preventable and age-related degenerative diseases: diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer's, several types of cancer, and more. Heredity, age, gender, lifestyle and environmental factors all influence mitochondrial fitness as a set of complex molecular functions.

:::: Die mitochondriale Funktionsanalyse stellt eine aktuelle Herausforderung in der biomedizinischen Diagnostik dar. Mit keinem GerĂ€t konnten die wichtigsten Parameter der Zellatmung unter vergleichbaren Bedingungen analysiert werden. Dies erklĂ€rt die hohe Nachfrage nach einem verlĂ€sslichen, genauen und effizienten GerĂ€t zur gleichzeitigen Messung von [[Cell respiration |Zellatmung]] und weiteren mitochondrialen Funktionen: all-in-one. Jedoch erfordert die Planung von optimal auf spezifische Fragestellungen abgestimmten Experimenten ein tiefes VerstĂ€ndnis der mitochondrialen Physiologie und Biochemie. Rohdaten mĂŒssen von Experten analysiert und interpretiert werden. Diese Anforderungen schufen Barrieren, die breiten Anwendungen der O2k-Technologie außerhalb spezialisierter Forschungslabors entgegenstanden.
:::: Mitochondrial functional analysis represents a current challenge in biomedical diagnostics. No other instrument has been able to analyze the most important parameters of cellular respiration under comparable conditions. This explains the high demand for a reliable, accurate and efficient instrument for the simultaneous measurement of [[Cell respiration |cell respiration]] and other mitochondrial functions: all-in-one. However, the planning of experiments optimally adapted to specific problems requires a deep understanding of mitochondrial physiology and biochemistry. Additionally, raw data needs to be analyzed and interpreted by experts. These requirements created barriers that stood in the way of broad applications of O2k technology outside specialized research laboratories.
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem DE.png|right|600px|Oroboros Ecosystem]]

[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem DE.png|right|800px|Oroboros Ecosystem]]
::::The Oroboros Ecosystem responds to the needs of biomedical research and expands the market leadership of Oroboros Instruments worldwide. It has developed in a sequence of three phases:
:::: Das Oroboros Ecosystem reagiert auf die BedĂŒrfnisse der biomedizinischen Forschung und baut die MarktfĂŒhrung von Oroboros Instruments weltweit nachhaltig aus. Es hat sich in einer Sequenz von drei Phasen entwickelt:  
::::: 1)    The Tyrolean life science company Oroboros Instruments developed the O2k-FluoRespirometer in cooperation with a network of SMEs and university institutes. This innovation was supported by the K-Regio project '[[MitoCom O2k-Fluorometer |MitoCom]]' and was awarded the Houska Prize "[[Houska Award 2012 |Light in the Powerhouse of the Cells]]" in 2012.
::::# Das Tiroler Life Science Unternehmen Oroboros Instruments entwickelte in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Netzwerk aus KMUs und UniversitĂ€tsinstituten das [[O2k-FluoRespirometer]]. Diese Innovation wurde vom K-Regio Projekt ‚[[MitoCom O2k-Fluorometer |MitoCom]]‘ gefördert und 2012 mit dem Houskapreis „[[Houska Award 2012 |Licht in die Kraftwerke der Zellen]]“ ausgezeichnet.
::::: 2)    The further development of the innovation and marketing strategy and the corporate concept of Oroboros led to the project "Oroboros Ecosystem". ‘[[K-Regio MitoFit |MitoFit]]’ as a second K-Regio project in series and the project '[[O2k-Innovation]]' referred to the Houska Prize 2012. The synergistic effects of the cooperation between the university and industry as well as the further development of quality management with our partner [[AT Kolsass WGT |WGT Elektronik GmbH & Co KG]] were recognized. MitoFit led to the ISO13485 certification of WGT (2016). Stemming from innovative technical developments the further scientific and economic success was rooted in the concept "Oroboros Ecosystem":
::::# Die Weiterentwicklung der Innovations- und Marketingstrategie und des Firmenkonzepts von Oroboros fĂŒhrte zum Projekt „Oroboros Ecosystem“. ‚[[K-Regio MitoFit |MitoFit]]‘ als zweites K-Regio Projekt in Serie und das Projekt ‚[[O2k-Innovation]]‘ nahmen Bezug auf den Houskapreis 2012. In allen FĂ€llen wurden die Synergieeffekte der Kooperation von UniversitĂ€t und Wirtschaft und das mit unserem Partner [[AT Kolsass WGT |WGT Elektronik GmbH & Co KG]] vertiefte QualitĂ€tsmanagement gewĂŒrdigt. MitoFit fĂŒhrte zur ISO13485 Zertifizierung von WGT (2016). Aufbauend auf innovativen technischen Entwicklungen basierte der weitere wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Erfolg auf dem Konzept „Oroboros Ecosystem“: (a) GrĂŒndung (2013) und Erweiterung des Oroboros O2k-Forschungslabors, wo eine wissenschaftliche Elite zur UnterstĂŒtzung und Beratung unserer Kunden aufgebaut wird; (b) vertiefte Zusammenarbeit mit akademischen Instituten und Unternehmen in Österreich; Aufbau internationaler Netzwerke, z.B. das von E. Gnaiger geleitete H2020 COST Action Projekt ‚[[MitoEAGLE]]‘, das zu einer [[Gnaiger 2019 MitoFit Preprint Arch |Publikation mit 620 Mitautoren]] fĂŒhrte; (c) innovatives GeschĂ€ftsmodell mit weltweitem [[O2k-Network |O2k-Netzwerk]], [[O2k-Open Support]] und [[Open innovation management |Open Innovation]]; (d) auf Nachhaltigkeit ausgerichtete Initiativen, besonders die wissenschaftliche Website [[Bioblast]] mit [[MitoPedia]], das ‚[[Blue Book]]‘ als Lehrbuch der mitochondrialen Physiologie ‒ welches als Grundlage von Kursen an zahlreichen UniversitĂ€ten Forscher und Studenten zur O2k-Technologie fĂŒhrt ‒, und ein auf mitochondriale Forschung ausgerichteter Preprint Server ([[MitoFit Preprint Archives]]). Das Oroboros Ecosystem kombiniert diese Bausteine zu einem Mosaik, welches Innovation, Forschung, Entwicklung und weltweite Kooperation im wirtschaftsorientierten Unternehmen zu einem modernen Bild mitochondrialer respiratorischer Physiologie zusammenfĂŒgt (Abb. 1). Die umfassende mitochondriale Funktionsanalytik zur VitalitĂ€tsbestimmung soll letztlich unser Gesundheitssystem verbessern. Wussten Sie um den Zusammenhang zwischen pandemischem Übergewicht, Verlust mitochondrialer Fitness und degenerativen Krankheiten? - [[Body mass excess]] - [] 
::::# Mit Ausrichtung auf das Oroboros Ecosystem samt Innovation, Marketing und Projektmanagement lukrierten wir das bisher höchste Förderbudget (EU H2020 KMU [[NextGen-O2k]]) mit €1,7 Mill fĂŒr zwei Jahre, in dem der Ansporn durch den Houskapreis 2012 hervorgehoben wurde. Das all-in-one O2k-Konzept wurde um Module ergĂ€nzt und das Marktsegment mit den Bereichen der Photosynthese und Umwelttechnologie erweitert.

:::::: a)      Establishment (2013) and expansion of the [[Oroboros Laboratories |Oroboros O2k research laboratory]], where a scientific elite has been developed to support and advise our customers.
:::::: b)    Intensified cooperation with academic institutes and companies in Austria as well as the establishment of international networks, e.g., the H2020 COST Action Project '[[MitoEAGLE]]' chaired by E. Gnaiger, which led to a [[Gnaiger 2019 MitoFit Preprints |publication with 621 co-authors]].

:::::: c)      Innovative business model with worldwide  [[O2k-Network]], [[O2k-Open Support]], and [[Open innovation management]].
:::::: d)    Sustainable initiatives, in particular the scientific website [[Bioblast]] with [[MitoPedia]], the '[[Gnaiger 2020 MitoPathways |Blue Book]]' as a textbook of mitochondrial physiology - which leads researchers and students to the O2k technology as a basis for courses at numerous universities - and a mitochondrial preprint server ([[MitoFit Preprints]]. The Oroboros Ecosystem combines these building blocks into a mosaic that integrates innovation, research, development and worldwide cooperation in a business-oriented company to form a modern image of mitochondrial respiratory physiology (Fig. 1). The comprehensive mitochondrial functional analysis to determine vitality is ultimately intended to improve our health system. Did you know about the connection between pandemic obesity, loss of mitochondrial fitness and degenerative diseases? -  [[Body mass excess |Body Mass Excess, BME]] - []
::::: 3)    Oriented towards the Oroboros Ecosystem including innovation, marketing and project management, Oroboros received its so far largest grant (EU H2020 SME [[NextGen-O2k]]) with €1.7 mill for two years. Again we emphasized the encouragement by the Houska Prize 2012. The all-in-one O2k-concept got extended by additional modules. These enable O2k applications in photosynthesis and environmental technology, and thus add a new market segment to the Oroboros Ecosystem.
== Innovation ==
== Innovation ==

:::: Standen 2011-2014 instrumentelle Entwicklung und MarkteinfĂŒhrung des O2k im Vordergrund, hebt sich Oroboros Instruments nun durch das innovative Konzept Oroboros Ecoystem noch schĂ€rfer von der Konkurrenz ab. Im Oroboros O2k-Forschungslabor entwickelt ein Expertenteam mit 24 O2k-GerĂ€ten [[MitoPedia: SUIT |Anwendungsprotokolle]], die in die [[DatLab |O2k-Software]] eingespeist werden, testet Neuentwicklungen, betreibt Auftragsforschung, steht Kunden beratend zur VerfĂŒgung und bildet GastwissenschaftlerInnen aus. Neuen Kunden wird ein effizienter Zugang zur mitochondrialen Forschung eröffnet, ein rasches Einarbeiten in das komplexe Gebiet der mitochondrialen Physiologie ermöglicht, um mit neuen [[O2k-Catalogue: O2k-Modules |O2k-Modulen]] die experimentelle Arbeit zu erweitern.
::::While the focus in 2011-2014 was on instrument development and the market launch of the O2k, Oroboros Instruments now stands out even more sharply from the competition thanks to the innovative Oroboros Ecosystem concept. In the Oroboros O2k-Laboratory, a team of experts with 20 O2k instruments develops [[MitoPedia: SUIT |application protocols]] that are fed into the [[DatLab |O2k-Software]], tests new developments, conducts collaborative research, advises customers and trains guest scientists. With efficient access to mitochondrial research, new customers can be rapidly introduced to the complex field of mitochondrial physiology and expand their experimental work with new [ O2k-Modules].
:::: Das Oroboros Ecosystem legt Wert auf Weiterbildung unseres Teams und Fortbildung der O2k-Kunden: [[O2k-Events#Next_O2k-Workshops |Internationale O2k-Workshops]]; [[O2k-Network |O2k-Netzwerklabors]] mit O2k-Training Centers; Training Schools ([[MitoEAGLE |COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE]], Chair: E. Gnaiger). FĂŒr die rasche EinfĂŒhrung in die O2k-Technologie sind neue Funktionen unserer gerĂ€tespezifischen Software entscheidend. Ein Ticket-System in Verbindung mit der wissenschaftlich orientierten Website ([[Bioblast]] / [[MitoPedia]]) stellt das RĂŒckgrat unseres Kundenservice dar ([[O2k-Open Support]]).
:::: Kontinuierliche Innovation ist unsere nachhaltige Strategie: Das neu angebotene ‚[[O2k-sV-Module |Small Volume O2k-Modul]]‘ ermöglicht vor allem fĂŒr Blutzelldiagnostik eine vierfache Einsparung der Probenmenge. [[MiR05-Kit]] und [[MitoKit-CII]] sind qualitĂ€tskontrollierte Chemikaliensets, welche die Anwendung der O2k-Technologie vereinfachen.

:::: Unsere technisch-wissenschaftliche Expertise bietet international anerkannten Service, der im Verkaufspreis des O2k integriert ist und den Anwendern hilft, mit reproduzierbaren Resultaten und innovativen Erkenntnissen das mitochondriale Forschungsgebiet nachhaltig zu bereichern. Wir leisten einen Beitrag in der Altersforschung und PrĂ€ventivmedizin, um zukunftsweisende Lösungen fĂŒr das Gesundheitssystem zu entwickeln.
:::: The Oroboros Ecosystem attaches great importance to the continuing education of our team and the training of O2k-Customers: [[O2k-Events#Next_O2k-Workshops |international O2k-Workshops]]; [[O2k-Network |O2k-Network laboratories]] with O2k-Training centers; training schools ([[MitoEAGLE |COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE]], Chair: E. Gnaiger). New features of our device-specific software are crucial for quick implementation of O2k-Technology. A ticket system in connection with the scientifically oriented website ([[Bioblast]] / [[MitoPedia]]) is the backbone of our customer service ([[O2k-Open Support]]).

:::: Continuous innovation is our sustainable strategy: The newly offered '[[O2k-sV-Module |Small Volume O2k-Module]]' enables a fourfold saving of sample quantity, especially for blood cell diagnostics. [[MiR05-Kit]] and [[MitoKit-CII]] are quality controlled chemical sets that simplify the use of O2k-Technology.

[[File:Obesety and decline of mt-fitness.png|right|800px|Obesety and decline of mt-fitness]]
== Forschung ==
:::: Our technical-scientific expertise offers internationally recognized service, which is integrated in the selling price of the O2k and helps users to enrich the mitochondrial research field with reproducible results and innovative findings in a sustainable way. We make a contribution to research on aging and preventive medicine in order to develop forward-looking solutions for the healthcare system.
== Research ==
[[File:Obesety and decline of mt-fitness.png|right|600px|Obesety and decline of mt-fitness]]
:::: The O2k is applied in basic research, ageing research and a wide range of research areas in bioenergetics, mitochondrial physiology, medicine, sports medicine and pharmacology (Fig. 2). Mitochondrial function and disorders of cellular respiration are relevant for many areas of medicine, from diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer and Alzheimer's research to organ transplantation. With lifestyle diseases, such as obesity or cardiovascular diseases, and the associated preventive medicine, insights into the cellular energy balance are essential.

:::: Der O2k wird in der Grundlagenforschung, Altersforschung und breit gefĂ€cherten Forschungsgebieten der Bioenergetik, mitochondrialen Physiologie, Medizin, Sportmedizin und Pharmakologie angewandt (Abb. 2). Mitochondriale Funktion und Störungen der Zellatmung sind fĂŒr viele Bereiche der Medizin relevant, von Diabetes, metabolischem Syndrom, Krebs- und Alzheimerforschung bis hin zur Organtransplantation. Bei Zivilisationskrankheiten wie Übergewicht oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und der damit verbundenen PrĂ€ventivmedizin sind Einblicke in den zellulĂ€ren Energiehaushalt essentiell.
:::: Oroboros is internationally known among mitochondrial researchers. Our high-quality product is considered a reference for high-resolution respirometry. We have participated in [[The World as a Laboratory |expeditions]] in the far north of [[Gnaiger 2015 Scand J Med Sci Sports |Greenland]] and up to altitudes of 5300 m at the [[Horscroft 2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A |Everest Basecamp]], as good publicity to prove the reliability of O2k under extreme conditions and to publish spectacular results also relevant for intensive care medicine. The O2k-Network for scientific information exchange between [[O2k-Network |677 network laboratories]] is represented globally. Well over 1000 researchers have contributed to [[O2k-Publications: Topics |>3800 O2k-Publications]].

:::: Oroboros ist unter mitochondrialen ForscherInnen weltweit ein Begriff. Unser hochwertiges Produkt gilt als Referenz fĂŒr die [[High-resolution respirometry |hochauflösende Respirometrie]]. Wir beteiligten uns an [[The World as a Laboratory |Expeditionen]] in den höchsten [[Gnaiger 2015 Scand J Med Sci Sports |Norden Grönlands]] bis auf Höhen von 5300 m ins [[Horscroft 2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A |Everest Basecamp]], um öffentlichkeitswirksam die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit des O2k unter extremen Bedingungen zu beweisen und spektakulĂ€re Ergebnisse zu publizieren, die auch fĂŒr die Intensivmedizin relevant sind. Das O2k-Netzwerk fĂŒr wissenschaftlichen Informationsaustausch zwischen [[O2k-Network |663 Network-Labors]] ist weltweit vertreten. Weit ĂŒber 1000 ForscherInnen trugen zu [[O2k-Publications: Topics |>3400 O2k-Publikationen]] bei.
:::: As a long-term strategy, we are working with preclinical and clinical laboratories to develop a diagnostic tool as an in-vitro medical device for researching mitochondrial status in various diseases and, in a further step, to introduce it as an in-vitro diagnostic tool. The [[NextGen-O2k]] project also aims to expand the scientific scope to enter the field of photosynthesis with the O2k-PhotoBiology Module and to gain the corresponding clientele in the environmental technology sector.

:::: Als Langzeitstrategie arbeiten wir mit prĂ€klinischen und klinischen Labors zusammen, um ein diagnostisches Instrument als in-vitro Medizinprodukt zur Erforschung des mitochondrialen Status in verschiedenen Krankheiten zu entwickeln und in einem weiteren Schritt als in-vitro Diagnostikum einzufĂŒhren. Das [[NextGen-O2k]] Projekt zielt auch auf die Erweiterung des wissenschaftlichen Anwendungsbereiches ab, um mit dem O2k-PhotoBiologie Modul in das Gebiet der Photosynthese vorzudringen und den entsprechenden Kundenkreis der Umwelttechnologie zu gewinnen.
== Mitochondrial Respiration ==

:::: Our research focus is mitochondrial respiration. By integrating fluorometry into the O2k, H2O2 production (oxidative stress), mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP production, Ca2+, pH, H2S or NO can be measured simultaneously with oxygen consumption.

== Mitochondriale Atmung ==
:::: The Q-Redox module further compliments the 'all-in-one' concept of the O2k. Adding a photo-[CG1] biology module for measuring photosynthesis opens up the environmental technology market. The complexity of the possible applications required the development and quality control of standardized protocols with detailed descriptions in publications and on the homepage ([[MitoPedia: SUIT]]) to support our customers in generating reproducible and universally interpretable data. An open access software ([[SUITbrowser]]) selects the optimal [[MitoPedia: SUIT |SUIT protocol]] for a specific question and application in our new [[DatLab |DatLab 7.4 Software]] ([]).

:::: Unsere Forschungsthematik ist die mitochondriale Atmung. Durch Integration der Fluorometrie in den O2k können gleichzeitig mit Sauerstoffverbrauch die H2O2 Produktion (oxidativer Stress), mitochondriales Membranpotential, ATP-Produktion, Ca2+, pH, H2S oder NO gemessen werden.
:::: For quality control a worldwide unique [[Development MitoFit proficiency test |proficiency test]] for mitochondrial respirometry has been developed based on an optimized cryopreservation procedure of HEK cell cultures. Chemical sets were developed and distributed as the foundation for quality management of [[MiR05-Kit |chemical solutions]]. [[O2k-Videosupport |Video clips]] support the O2k-users in the preparation of [ tissue homogenates] and [ permeabilized muscle fibers] as well as in the [[O2k-Videosupport#O2k-start_.28DatLab_7.2FSeries_H.29 |operation of the O2k]]. The new [[O2k-sV-Module |Small-Volume O2k-Module]] was tested with mitochondria and HEK cells with applications for fresh and cryopreserved human blood cells, fibroblasts and sperm cells from patients. Quality control and data management are now a key component of O2k-Technology.

:::: Das ‚all-in-one‘ Konzept des O2k wurde mit dem Q-Redoxmodul ergĂ€nzt. Durch ein PhotoBiologie-Modul zur Messung der Photosynthese wird die Umwelttechnologie als Marktsegment eröffnet. Die komplexen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten erforderten die Entwicklung und QualitĂ€tskontrolle standardisierter Protokolle mit detaillierter Beschreibung in Publikationen und auf der Homepage ([[MitoPedia: SUIT]]), um unsere Kunden bei der Generierung reproduzierbarer und allgemein interpretierbarer Daten zu unterstĂŒtzen. Eine Open Access Software ([[SUITbrowser]]) wĂ€hlt das optimale [[MitoPedia: SUIT |SUIT-Protokoll]] fĂŒr eine spezifische Fragestellung und Anwendung in unserer neuen [[DatLab |DatLab 7.4 Software]] aus ([]).
:::: These methodological developments have been successfully applied in several dissertations and scientific collaborations in cancer research, neurology, sports science and altitude medicine and have contributed to numerous publications.
:::: Zur QualitĂ€tskontrolle wurde ein weltweit einzigartiger [[Development MitoFit proficiency test |Ringtest]] fĂŒr mitochondriale Respirometrie entwickelt, basierend auf einem optimierten KryoprĂ€servationsverfahren von HEK-Zellkulturen. Chemikaliensets wurden entwickelt und als Grundlage des QualitĂ€tsmanagements [[MiR05-Kit |chemischer Lösungen]] vertrieben. [[O2k-Videosupport |Videoclips]] unterstĂŒtzen die O2k-Anwender bei der [ PrĂ€paration von Gewebehomogenaten] und [ permeabilisierten Muskelphasern] sowie der [[O2k-Videosupport#O2k-start_.28DatLab_7.2FSeries_H.29 |Bedienung des O2k]]. Das neue [[O2k-sV-Module |Small-Volume O2k-Modul]] wurde mit Mitochondrien und HEK-Zellen getestet und fand Anwendung mit frischen und kryoprĂ€servierten humanen Blutzellen, Fibroblasten und Spermienzellen von Patienten. QualitĂ€tskontrolle und Datenmanagement sind nun wesentlicher Bestandteil der O2k-Technologie.
:::: In etlichen Dissertationen und wissenschaftlichen Kooperationen wurden diese methodischen Entwicklungen erfolgreich in der Krebsforschung, Neurologie, Sportwissenschaft und Höhenmedizin angewandt und haben zu zahlreichen Publikationen beigetragen.

::: '''Publications'''
::: '''Publications'''
Line 68: Line 72:
:::# [[Weber A |Weber Anja]] (2018) Metabolic reprogramming of prostate cancer cells. Med Univ Innsbruck.
:::# [[Weber A |Weber Anja]] (2018) Metabolic reprogramming of prostate cancer cells. Med Univ Innsbruck.
:::# [[Volani C |Volani Chiara]] (2019) Regulatory mechanisms between homeostasis, mitochondrial function and metabolic pathways. Med Univ Innsbruck.
:::# [[Volani C |Volani Chiara]] (2019) Regulatory mechanisms between homeostasis, mitochondrial function and metabolic pathways. Med Univ Innsbruck.
== The Economic Factor ==
[[File:O2k per country 2019-Nov.png|right|600px|O2k per country 2019-Nov]]
:::: Successes of the Oroboros Ecosystem project are the result of a user-tailored communication concept with direct customer contact and a global network. Together with our sophisticated instrument, the Oroboros Ecosystem offers complete solutions based on R&D and builds a symbiotic relationship between developers and users with feedback analogous to the [[Oroboros logo]]. The Oroboros Ecosystem links threads into interrelated networks - experimental planning, sample preparation, instrumental application, data evaluation and interpretation - focused on scientific relevance and reproducibility. The Oroboros Ecosystem concept is an open model for continuous innovation.

:::: [[O2k-Workshops]] with a contribution to travel expenses are included in the O2k basic price. Project-related revenues thus result largely from O2k sales, which, since the [[Houska Award 2012 |2012 Houska Award]], have increased 1.7 and 2.15 times in four and eight years (2011: 54; 2015: 94; 2019: 116 devices; Fig. 3). Direct revenue per O2k increased from €25,293 (2011) to €36,111 (2019) thanks to the all-in-one concept. The revenues generated directly with the O2k sales have therefore more than doubled from €1.4 million (2011) to €3.0 million (2015), and tripled to €4.2 million (2019). To date, the high-quality Oroboros products have been sold to customers in the public and private sectors in 49 countries and generated revenues of more than €28 million.

[[File:O2k per country 2019-Nov.png|right|800px|O2k per country 2019-Nov]]
:::: Oroboros has been successful with national and EU project funding: [[K-Regio MitoFit |K-Regio project MitoFit]], [[O2k-Innovation |O2k-Innovation project]], several [[Projects |Marie Curie networks]]. As consistent continuation of our project management, we were able to obtain the highest funding budget to date in the competitive H2020 SME funding scheme with €1.7 million for two years, which, in line with the Oroboros Ecosystem, is oriented towards synergy of innovation and marketing. Oroboros was consequently recognized as one of the most innovative SMEs in Austria.
== Der Wirtschaftsfaktor ==
:::: Erfolge des Projekts Oroboros Ecosystem sind Ergebnis eines auf die Anwender zugeschnittenen, im direkten Kundenkontakt und globalen Netzwerk kommunizierten Konzepts. Es bietet mit dem anspruchsvollen Messinstrument Gesamtlösungen an, die auf Erfahrung in F&E basieren und eine Symbiose verschiedener Entwickler und Anwender bilden, mit Feedback entsprechend dem [[Oroboros logo |Logo Oroboros]]. Das Oroboros Ecosystem verknĂŒpft FĂ€den zu zusammenhĂ€ngenden Netzen ‒ experimentelle Planung, Probenaufbereitung, instrumentelle Anwendung, Datenauswertung, Interpretation ‒ fokussiert auf wissenschaftliche Relevanz und Reproduzierbarkeit. Das Konzept Oroboros Ecosystem ist ein offenes Leitbild fĂŒr kontinuierliche Innovation.
:::: [[O2k-Workshops]] mit Reisekostenbeitrag sind im O2k-Grundpreis eingerechnet. Projektbezogene UmsĂ€tze ergeben sich somit großteils aus dem O2k-Verkauf, der sich nach dem [[Houska Award 2012 |Houskapreis 2012]] in vier und acht Jahren um das 1,7- und 2,15-fache steigerte (2011: 54; 2015: 94; 2019: 116 GerĂ€te; Abb. 3). Der pro O2k direkt erzielte Umsatz stieg durch das all-in-one Konzept von €25293 (2011) auf €36111 (2019). Der unmittelbar mit dem O2k-Verkauf erzielte Umsatz hat sich deshalb von €1,4 Mio (2011) bis €3,0 Mio mehr als verdoppelt (2015), und auf €4,2 Mio verdreifacht (2019). Die hochwertigen Oroboros-Produkte wurden bisher an Kunden im öffentlichen und privaten Sektor in 49 LĂ€ndern verkauft und fĂŒhrten zu Einnahmen von ĂŒber €28 Mio.
:::: Oroboros war mit nationalen und EU-Projektförderungen erfolgreich: [[K-Regio MitoFit |K-Regio Projekt MitoFit]]; [[O2k-Innovation |O2k-Innovationsprojekt]], mehrere [[Projects |Marie-Curie Netzwerke]]. In konsequenter Fortsetzung unseres Projektmanagements konnten wir in der kompetitiven Förderschiene [[NextGen-O2k |H2020 KMU]] das bisher höchste Förderbudget mit €1,7 Mio fĂŒr zwei Jahre lukrieren, welches im Sinne des Oroboros Ecosystem auf Synergie von Innovation und Marketing ausgerichtet ist. Oroboros wurde damit als eines der innovativsten KMUs Österreichs anerkannt.
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem vision.png|right|800px|Oroboros Ecosystem vision]]
== Vertrieb ==
:::: Das [[O2k-Purchase |B2C Konzept]] in 45 LĂ€ndern und jĂ€hrliche Fortbildungskurse fĂŒr unsere [[OroDM01_Innsbruck_AT |Distributoren]] (China, Taiwan, Korea und Japan) fördern persönliche Kundenkontakte mit unseren Vertriebs- und Forschungsteams, wodurch eine maßgeschneiderte Beratung und wissenschaftliche UnterstĂŒtzung ermöglicht wird.
:::: In den Jahren 2016-2019 organisierten wir zusÀtzlich zu On-site Schulungen und Distributor-Meetings 36 [[O2k-Events#All_O2k-Workshops |O2k-Workshops]] mit je 20 bis 28 internationalen TeilnehmerInnen, die zwar vorwiegend von bereits als Kunden registrierten Arbeitsgruppen entsandt werden, aber auch von neuen Interessenten zur Beurteilung der O2k-Technologie besucht werden.
:::: Unsere Kunden sind die Oroboros Ecosystem Botschafter, die unser Konzept weiter vermitteln ‒ ohne teures Marketing. Die wissenschaftliche Elite und aufgeschlossene StudentInnen schĂ€tzen es, dass die finanziellen Ressourcen nachhaltig fĂŒr F&E, Optimierung unseres Angebots und Forschungsförderung verwendet werden. Unsere Forschungsergebnisse werden als Marketingstrategie Open-Access publiziert.
:::: Das technische Alleinstellungsmerkmal des O2k, der als ‚[ Sole-Source]‘ Instrument weltweit in jeder öffentlichen Ausschreibung die Mitanbieter ĂŒbertrifft, ermöglicht die direkte Vermarktung durch Oroboros als Entwickler und wissenschaftliches Expertenteam in vielen LĂ€ndern der Welt. Der O2k wird vom Ecosystem-Partner [[AT Kolsass WGT |WGT Elektronik]] in Kolsass, Tirol, hergestellt. Der Versand erfolgt direkt an die Kunden nach QualitĂ€tskontrolle durch WGT und das O2k-Forschungslabor. Durch den direkten Vertrieb wird eine starke Kundenbindung und RĂŒckkoppelung zur Optimierung unseres Angebots erreicht. Dadurch fließen Ideen und Feedback der Kunden in die Entwicklung des GerĂ€tes ein und unsere Kunden werden technisch und wissenschaftlich optimal unterstĂŒtzt. Die Expansion im asiatischen Markt bedarf der Einbindung nationaler Vertriebsfirmen ins Oroboros Ecosystem.

== Distribution ==

== Standort Österreich ==
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem vision.png|right|600px|Oroboros Ecosystem vision]]
:::: The [[O2k-Purchase |B2C concept]] in 45 countries and annual training courses for our [[OroDM01_Innsbruck_AT |distributors]] (China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan) promote personal customer contact with our sales and research teams, enabling tailor-made advice and scientific support.

:::: Die Struktur des Oroboros Ecosystem zielt auf maximale Wertschöpfung und Verankerung in Österreich. Auch die Produktion erfolgt regional durch WGT mit Zulieferfirmen vorwiegend aus Österreich. Die fĂŒr die O2k-Technologie unentbehrliche Software [[DatLab]] wird in Kooperation mit der heimischen Wirtschaft kontinuierlich optimiert ‒ seit 2017 zusĂ€tzlich mit dem Innsbrucker Start-up Softwareunternehmen [[Haider M |HTech]], mit einem von Oroboros teils ĂŒber Projektförderung eingebrachten Investitionsvolumen von €1 Mio. Da der internationale Vertrieb zum Großteil direkt abgewickelt wird, können unsere Produkte zu einem ökonomischen und kompetitiven Preis angeboten werden, ohne Abstriche von ProduktqualitĂ€t und angemessener Wertschöpfung.
:::: In 2016-2019, alongside on-site training and distributor meetings, we organized 36 [[O2k-Events#All_O2k-Workshops |O2k-Workshops]] with 20 to 28 international participants each. Although these workshops are mainly attended by working groups already registered as customers, new interested parties also join to assess O2k-Technology.

:::: 2018 wurden von einem Umsatz von €4,6 Mio (ohne Projektförderungen) €4,5 Mio durch Export erzielt mit wesentlichen Anteilen in [[O2k-Network Labs USA |USA]] und [[O2k-Network Labs China |China]]. Der Wirtschaftsstandort Tirol und die Reputation von Österreich als Innovationspromoter im Life Science Sektor werden durch die internationale PrĂ€senz von Oroboros Instruments gestĂ€rkt. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde von Oroboros ĂŒber €2.7 Mio an EU-Projektförderungen von 2016-2019 fĂŒr den Standort Österreich eingeworben.
:::: Our customers are the Oroboros Ecosystem Ambassadors, who communicate our concept - without expensive marketing. The scientific elite and open-minded students appreciate that the financial resources are used sustainably for R&D, optimization of our products and research support. As part of our marketing strategy, our research results are published on open-access platforms.

:::: Durch die EinfĂŒhrung unseres [[MitoPedia: Oroboros QM |QualitĂ€tsmanagements]] wurden 2019 zwei Vollzeit-Akademikerstellen geschaffen. Oroboros sichert aktuell 25-27 hochwertige ArbeitsplĂ€tze in Innsbruck ab. Das [[Oroboros_contact |international aufgestellte Team]] bringt Know-how nach Österreich und schafft ein attraktives und herausforderndes Arbeitsumfeld fĂŒr junge inlĂ€ndische WissenschaftlerInnen. ZusĂ€tzlich sind 10-12 ArbeitsplĂ€tze bei WGT und Htech ins Oroboros Ecosystem eingebunden. Durch neu eingeworbene biomedizinische Forschungsprojekte und Erweiterung des Marktsegments auf die Umwelttechnologie (Photosynthese) werden kurzfristig weitere ArbeitsplĂ€tze geschaffen.
:::: The unique technical selling point of the O2k, which as a '[ sole-source]' instrument surpasses its competitors in every public tender worldwide, enables direct marketing in many countries around the globe by Oroboros as developers and scientific experts. Manufactured by the Ecosystem Partner [[AT Kolsass WGT |WGT Elektronik]] in Kolsass, Tyrol, the O2k is shipped directly to customers following quality control by WGT and the Oroboros O2k-Laboratory. The direct distribution ensures strong customer loyalty and feedback to optimize our products. Thus, ideas and observations of the customers flow into the development of the instrument and our customers receive optimal technical and scientific support. The expansion in the Asian market requires the integration of national distributors into the Oroboros Ecosystem.

:::: Als Nebeneffekt der von Oroboros in Österreich organisierten [[IOC Schroecken |O2k-Workshops]], Schulungen und Kongressen wird die Auslastung von Tourismusbetrieben besonders in der Nebensaison erhöht.
== Austrian Business Location ==

:::: The structure of the Oroboros Ecosystem aims at maximum added value and a strong link to its roots in Austria. Even production is carried out regionally by WGT with suppliers mainly from Austria. The indispensable [[DatLab]] software for O2k-Technology is continuously optimized in cooperation with local businesses and since 2017 with the Innsbruck-based start-up software company [[Haider M |HTech]], with an investment of €1 million contributed by Oroboros partly through project funding. As the international sales are mostly handled directly, our products can be offered at an economical and competitive price without compromising product quality.

== Umsatz ==
:::: In 2018, a turnover of €4.6 million (without project funding) was achieved through exports, with a significant proportion in the[[O2k-Network Labs USA |USA]] and [[O2k-Network Labs China |China]]. Through the international presence of Oroboros Instruments, Tyrol as a business location and the reputation of Austria as a promoter of innovation in the life science sector are strengthened. In addition, Oroboros has raised more than €2.7 million in EU project funding from 2016-2019 for Austria as a business location.

:::: Der Life Science Instrumentation Markt soll mit einer Wachstumsrate von 6,7 % (2017-2022) bis zum Jahr 2022 einen Wert von global $75,2 Milliarden erreichen. Nordamerika, Europa und China sind als HauptmĂ€rkte von Oroboros fĂŒr den grĂ¶ĂŸten Anteil des Marktwachstums verantwortlich. Weitere LĂ€nder in Asien, SĂŒdamerika und Australien sind wichtige MĂ€rkte.  
:::: With the introduction of our [[MitoPedia: Oroboros QM |quality management]], two full-time academic positions were created in 2019. Oroboros currently provides 25-27 high-quality jobs in Innsbruck. The internationally positioned [ team] brings know-how to Austria and creates an attractive and challenging working environment for young domestic scientists. In addition, 10-12 jobs at WGT and Htech are integrated into the Oroboros Ecosystem. Newly acquired biomedical research projects and expansion into the environmental technology (photosynthesis) sector will create additional jobs in the near future.

:::: Seit MarkteinfĂŒhrung der hochauflösenden Respirometrie durch Oroboros im Jahr 1992 wurde stetig an der Weiterentwicklung gearbeitet. Erweitert durch den neu entwickelten Q-Redoxsensor ist der NextGen-O2k ein revolutionĂ€rer Teil des Oroboros Ecosystem und fĂŒr einen immensen Wettbewerbsvorteil verantwortlich. Anwendungen werden vor allem in den klinischen Bereichen der Altersforschung, Alzheimer, Diabetes, Parkinson oder fĂŒr Voruntersuchungen von Krebsbehandlungen und bei genetischen Erkrankungen eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Weiters wird das Marktpotential der O2k-Technologie durch den Einstieg in die medizinischen Bereiche der Diagnostik und der ÜberprĂŒfung therapeutischer Interventionen erheblich erhöht.
:::: As a side effect of the [[IOC Schroecken |O2k-Workshops]], training courses and congresses organized by Oroboros in Austria, the local tourist industry is given a boost, especially in the off-season.

:::: Der [[NextGen-O2k]] ist bereits in Testlabors in Europa und USA im Einsatz. Die breite MarkteinfĂŒhrung wird fĂŒr 2021 vorbereitet. Es ist zu erwarten, dass wĂ€hrend der ersten fĂŒnf Jahre der Vermarktung €46 Mio kumulative ErtrĂ€ge und €17 Mio Gewinn mit einem ROI von 3,5 erzielt werden können.
== Revenues ==

:::: Weiters wird durch die Anwendung des PhotoBiologie-Moduls zur Messung der Photosynthese in Mikroalgen ein fĂŒr Oroboros neuer Markt der botanischen Forschung und Umwelttechnologie eröffnet. Der entsprechende Weltmarkt in der ‚Green Technology‘ wird mit $3 Milliarden im Jahr 2025 veranschlagt. Die Prototypen-Entwicklung des PhotoBiologie-Moduls ist abgeschlossen und durch die MarkteinfĂŒhrung ist auch auf diesem Gebiet mit einer wesentlichen Umsatzsteigerung zu rechnen.
:::: The life science instrumentation market is expected to grow at a rate of 6.7% (2017-2022) to reach a global value of $75.2 billion by 2022. North America, Europe and China, as Oroboros' main markets, account for the largest share of market growth. Further countries in Asia, South America and Australia are important markets.

:::: Since Oroboros introduced high-resolution respirometry to the market in 1992, the company has been constantly working on continuous development. Enhanced by the newly developed Q-Redox sensor, the NextGen-O2k is a revolutionary part of the Oroboros Ecosystem and responsible for an immense competitive advantage. Applications of high-resolution respirometry will play an important role especially in the clinical areas of age research, Alzheimer's, diabetes, Parkinson's or for preliminary examinations of cancer treatments and genetic diseases. Furthermore, the market potential of O2k-Technology will be significantly increased by entering the medical fields of diagnostics and the testing of therapeutic interventions.

[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem mission.png|right|800px|Oroboros Ecosystem mission]]
:::: Prototypes of the [[NextGen-O2k]] are already being tested in laboratories in Europe and USA. The market launch is being prepared for 2021. It is expected to generate €46 million cumulative revenue and €17 million profit with an ROI of 3.5 during the first five years of commercialization.
== Nachhaltigkeit ==

:::: Nachhaltigkeit im Sinne dauerhaften wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs stellte Oroboros [[Oroboros Ecosystem history |seit GrĂŒndung]] unter Beweis. Ein ‚Lean Management‘ unterstĂŒtzt das wachsende Team und stĂ€rkt Partner-Vernetzung im Oroboros Ecosystem. Anforderungen an das QualitĂ€tsmanagement wurden organisch in die Projektlandschaft integriert.
:::: Furthermore, the application of the PhotoBiology-Module for measuring photosynthesis in microalgae will open up a new market for Oroboros in botanical research and environmental technology. The corresponding world market in 'Green Technology' is estimated to reach $3 billion in 2025. The prototype development of the PhotoBiology-Module has been completed and a significant increase in sales can be expected in this field as well.

:::: Großer Wert wird von Oroboros und WGT auf Nachhaltigkeit und Lebensdauer des O2k gelegt mit hochwertigen Materialien und qualitativ abgesicherten Fertigungsverfahren. Die O2k-Technologie ist kundenfreundlich auf sorgsamen Umgang mit Resourcen und geringe Betriebskosten ausgelegt.
== Sustainability ==

:::: Unsere [[Open innovation management |Open Innovation]] IP-Strategie basiert auf Veröffentlichung der F&E Ergebnisse ohne teure internationale Patente fĂŒr hochspezialisierte high-tech Produkte. Diese Ressourcen werden in Innovation investiert und fĂŒhrende Labors in erste Anwendungen eingebunden. Kopieren wĂŒrde nie mit der vom expandierenden Kundenkreis geschĂ€tzten Innovationsdynamik Schritt halten. ‚[ Cooperation and feedback in science]‘ ist unsere Werbestrategie.  
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem mission.png|right|600px|Oroboros Ecosystem mission]]
:::: Oroboros has proven sustainability in the sense of lasting economic success since its [[Oroboros Ecosystem history |foundation]]. Lean management supports the growing team and strengthens partner networking in the Oroboros Ecosystem. Quality management requirements were organically integrated into the project landscape.

:::: [[O2k-Feedback |Enthusiastische Kunden]] sind die effizientesten WerbetrĂ€ger. Wir verzichten auf teure Werbekampagnen, die keinen Mehrwert fĂŒr ein Produkt schaffen. Stattdessen investieren wir in Fortbildung, Innovation und QualitĂ€t. Das Oroboros Ecosystem setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit und Vernetzung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. [[Gnaiger E |E. Gnaiger]] ist Vorsitzender der [[Mitochondrial Physiology Society |internationalen Gesellschaft fĂŒr mitochondriale Physiologie]], was die fachliche WertschĂ€tzung des Oroboros Ecosystem unterstreicht und nachhaltige Vernetzung mit dem wissenschaftlichen Kundenkreis absichert. Die Website [[Bioblast]] mit [[MitoPedia]] (high-resolution terminology - matching measurements at high-resolution) gilt als Mitochondrien-Lehrbuch. Aus dem MitoFit Projekt ging der Preprint Server [[MitoFit Preprint Archives]] hervor. Dies fördert das [[Gnaiger 2019 MitoFit Preprint Arch Editorial |Open Access Preprint Konzept]] mit wissenschaftlicher QualitĂ€t und Reproduzierbarkeit.
:::: Oroboros and WGT attach great importance to the sustainability and durability of the O2k with high-quality materials and quality-assured production processes. Carefully designed to conserve resources and maintain low operating costs, the O2k-Technology is customer-friendly.

:::: Durch das Projekt [[NextGen-O2k]] werden bei Oroboros bis 2025 12 neue ArbeitsplÀtze geschaffen.
:::: Our [[Open innovation management |Open Innovation]] IP strategy is based on publishing R&D results without expensive international patents for highly specialized high-tech products. These resources are invested in innovation and leading laboratories are involved in first applications. Copying could never compete with the innovation dynamics appreciated by the expanding customer base. “[ Cooperation and feedback in science]” is our advertising strategy.

:::: [[O2k-Feedback |Enthusiastic customers]] are the most efficient advertising medium. We avoid expensive advertising campaigns that do not create added value for a product. Instead, we invest in training, innovation and quality. The Oroboros Ecosystem focuses on sustainability and interconnecting business and science. [[Gnaiger E |E. Gnaiger]] is chairman of the international [[Mitochondrial Physiology Society]], which underlines the technical appreciation of the Oroboros Ecosystem and ensures sustainable networking with the scientific clientele. The website [[Bioblast]] with [[MitoPedia]] (high-resolution terminology - matching measurements at high-resolution) is regarded as a mitochondrial textbook. Out of the MitoFit project came the preprint server [[MitoFit Preprints]], which promotes the [[Gnaiger 2019 MitoFit Preprints Editorial |Open Access preprint concept]] with scientific quality and reproducibility.

[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem market.png|right|800px|Oroboros Ecosystem market]]
:::: The project [[NextGen-O2k]] will create 12 new jobs at Oroboros by 2025.
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem model.png|right|800px|Oroboros Ecosystem model]]
== Das Konzept Oroboros Ecosystem ==

:::: Oroboros verfolgt eine von Investoren unabhĂ€ngige Strategie. WGT Elektronik ist der SchlĂŒsselpartner in Entwicklung und Produktion mit zahlreichen gemeinsam abgeschlossenen Projekten. IP und wirtschaftliches Risiko verbleiben bei Oroboros. Die [[Oroboros Laboratories]] heben Synergieeffekte universitĂ€rer und betrieblicher Forschung hervor bei klarer Abgrenzung zwischen dem firmeneigenen O2k-Forschungslabor und dem ‚DSL-Oroboros Research Lab‘ (Med Univ Innsbruck), welches von uns mit 8 O2k-GerĂ€ten fĂŒr klinische Forschung ausgestattet wurde.
== The Oroboros Ecosystem concept ==
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem market.png|right|600px|Oroboros Ecosystem market]]
[[File:Oroboros Ecosystem model.png|right|600px|Oroboros Ecosystem model]]

:::: Neben weltweiter Vermarktung fokussieren wir uns auf Forschung und Entwicklung, um mit Innovationen kontinuierlich den Markt zu erweitern und unsere Marke zu schĂŒtzen. Der Nachfrage nach einem Medizinprodukt folgend wurde 2018 die Oroboros Holding GmbH als TrĂ€gerorganisation des Oroboros Ecosystem gegrĂŒndet. In Abgrenzung der auf Innovation ausgerichteten Oroboros Instruments GmbH soll sich die Oroboros Diagnostics GmbH auf Standardisierung und in vitro Diagnostika spezialisieren, wofĂŒr ein Finanzierungskonzept mit Patentschutz (8-Kammer HRR) und möglicher Investorenbeteiligung angedacht ist.
:::: Oroboros pursues a strategy independent of investors. WGT Elektronik is the key partner in development and production, with numerous jointly completed projects. IP and commercial risk remain with Oroboros. The [[Oroboros Laboratories]] emphasize synergy between university and industry research with a clear distinction between the company-owned Oroboros O2k-Laboratory and the DSL-Oroboros Research Lab (Med Univ Innsbruck), which was equipped by us with 8 O2k devices for clinical research.

:::: Der O2k hat ein optimales Preis-LeistungsverhĂ€ltnis mit [[O2k-Purchase#Low_running_costs |niedrigen Betriebskosten]]. Im ‚all-in-one‘ O2k können mehrere mitochondriale Funktionen in einem MessgerĂ€t analysiert werden, fĂŒr die bisher verschiedene Apparaturen benötigt wurden. Hohe Reproduzierbarkeit ist unser Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Wissenschaftliche Beratung durch das Oroboros Team im weltweiten O2k-Netzwerk und O2k-Workshops dienen der Kundenbindung und sind ein Marketinginstrument.  
:::: Besides global marketing, we focus on research and development to continuously expand the market with innovations and protect our brand. Following the demand for a medical device, Oroboros Holding GmbH was founded in 2018 as the supporting organization of the Oroboros Ecosystem. In contrast to the innovation-oriented Oroboros Instruments GmbH, Oroboros Diagnostics GmbH will specialize in standardization and in vitro diagnostics, for which a financing concept with patent protection (8-chamber HRR) and possible investor participation is being considered.

:::: Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Vertriebsfirmen in Asien hatte eine große Umsatzsteigerung zur Folge. In weiteren 45 LĂ€ndern vertreiben wir direkt. Besonders im Hinblick auf ein Medizinprodukt wird die GrĂŒndung von Oroboros-Vertriebsfirmen in USA und China in Kooperation mit nationalen Organisationen anvisiert. Informationen zum Oroboros Ecosystem GeschĂ€ftsmodell sind in Abb. 4-7 zusammengefasst.
:::: The O2k has an optimal price-performance ratio with low operating costs. In the 'all-in-one' O2k, several mitochondrial functions can be analyzed in one instrument, which previously required different devices. High reproducibility is our unique selling point. Scientific consulting by the Oroboros team in the international O2k-Network and at O2k-Workshops serve to strengthen customer loyalty and function as a marketing tool.

:::: The close cooperation with distribution companies in Asia resulted in a large increase in sales. We sell directly in another 45 countries. Particularly with regard to a medical product, the establishment of Oroboros sales companies in the USA and China is being pursued in cooperation with national organizations. Information on the Oroboros Ecosystem business model is summarized in Fig. 4-7.

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{{Keywords: Oroboros Ecosystem}}

Latest revision as of 23:58, 25 January 2021

Oroboros Ecosystem

The Oroboros Ecosystem

Medical fields from neurology to pharmacology are permeated by mitochondrial problems. Modern studies highlight the crucial role of mitochondria in the progression of many diseases and in maintaining health, with the number of mitochondrial publications increasing exponentially. For 10 years, the Oroboros O2k has been established worldwide as the leading measuring instrument for mitochondrial functional analysis.
Mitochondria - the powerhousesof the cell - generate electrical energy in a molecular combustion process and regulate the oxygen consumption of cellular respiration. Mitochondrial physiology is part of our lives: mitochondrial fitness is crucial for the quality of life and function of every organ - from muscle to brain. Moreover, mitochondrial fitness makes us resistant to preventable and age-related degenerative diseases: diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer's, several types of cancer, and more. Heredity, age, gender, lifestyle and environmental factors all influence mitochondrial fitness as a set of complex molecular functions.
Mitochondrial functional analysis represents a current challenge in biomedical diagnostics. No other instrument has been able to analyze the most important parameters of cellular respiration under comparable conditions. This explains the high demand for a reliable, accurate and efficient instrument for the simultaneous measurement of cell respiration and other mitochondrial functions: all-in-one. However, the planning of experiments optimally adapted to specific problems requires a deep understanding of mitochondrial physiology and biochemistry. Additionally, raw data needs to be analyzed and interpreted by experts. These requirements created barriers that stood in the way of broad applications of O2k technology outside specialized research laboratories.
Oroboros Ecosystem
The Oroboros Ecosystem responds to the needs of biomedical research and expands the market leadership of Oroboros Instruments worldwide. It has developed in a sequence of three phases:
1) The Tyrolean life science company Oroboros Instruments developed the O2k-FluoRespirometer in cooperation with a network of SMEs and university institutes. This innovation was supported by the K-Regio project 'MitoCom' and was awarded the Houska Prize "Light in the Powerhouse of the Cells" in 2012.
2) The further development of the innovation and marketing strategy and the corporate concept of Oroboros led to the project "Oroboros Ecosystem". ‘MitoFit’ as a second K-Regio project in series and the project 'O2k-Innovation' referred to the Houska Prize 2012. The synergistic effects of the cooperation between the university and industry as well as the further development of quality management with our partner WGT Elektronik GmbH & Co KG were recognized. MitoFit led to the ISO13485 certification of WGT (2016). Stemming from innovative technical developments the further scientific and economic success was rooted in the concept "Oroboros Ecosystem":
a) Establishment (2013) and expansion of the Oroboros O2k research laboratory, where a scientific elite has been developed to support and advise our customers.
b) Intensified cooperation with academic institutes and companies in Austria as well as the establishment of international networks, e.g., the H2020 COST Action Project 'MitoEAGLE' chaired by E. Gnaiger, which led to a publication with 621 co-authors.
c) Innovative business model with worldwide O2k-Network, O2k-Open Support, and Open innovation management.
d) Sustainable initiatives, in particular the scientific website Bioblast with MitoPedia, the 'Blue Book' as a textbook of mitochondrial physiology - which leads researchers and students to the O2k technology as a basis for courses at numerous universities - and a mitochondrial preprint server (MitoFit Preprints. The Oroboros Ecosystem combines these building blocks into a mosaic that integrates innovation, research, development and worldwide cooperation in a business-oriented company to form a modern image of mitochondrial respiratory physiology (Fig. 1). The comprehensive mitochondrial functional analysis to determine vitality is ultimately intended to improve our health system. Did you know about the connection between pandemic obesity, loss of mitochondrial fitness and degenerative diseases? - Body Mass Excess, BME -
3) Oriented towards the Oroboros Ecosystem including innovation, marketing and project management, Oroboros received its so far largest grant (EU H2020 SME NextGen-O2k) with €1.7 mill for two years. Again we emphasized the encouragement by the Houska Prize 2012. The all-in-one O2k-concept got extended by additional modules. These enable O2k applications in photosynthesis and environmental technology, and thus add a new market segment to the Oroboros Ecosystem.


While the focus in 2011-2014 was on instrument development and the market launch of the O2k, Oroboros Instruments now stands out even more sharply from the competition thanks to the innovative Oroboros Ecosystem concept. In the Oroboros O2k-Laboratory, a team of experts with 20 O2k instruments develops application protocols that are fed into the O2k-Software, tests new developments, conducts collaborative research, advises customers and trains guest scientists. With efficient access to mitochondrial research, new customers can be rapidly introduced to the complex field of mitochondrial physiology and expand their experimental work with new O2k-Modules.

The Oroboros Ecosystem attaches great importance to the continuing education of our team and the training of O2k-Customers: international O2k-Workshops; O2k-Network laboratories with O2k-Training centers; training schools (COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE, Chair: E. Gnaiger). New features of our device-specific software are crucial for quick implementation of O2k-Technology. A ticket system in connection with the scientifically oriented website (Bioblast / MitoPedia) is the backbone of our customer service (O2k-Open Support).

Continuous innovation is our sustainable strategy: The newly offered 'Small Volume O2k-Module' enables a fourfold saving of sample quantity, especially for blood cell diagnostics. MiR05-Kit and MitoKit-CII are quality controlled chemical sets that simplify the use of O2k-Technology.

Our technical-scientific expertise offers internationally recognized service, which is integrated in the selling price of the O2k and helps users to enrich the mitochondrial research field with reproducible results and innovative findings in a sustainable way. We make a contribution to research on aging and preventive medicine in order to develop forward-looking solutions for the healthcare system.


Obesety and decline of mt-fitness
The O2k is applied in basic research, ageing research and a wide range of research areas in bioenergetics, mitochondrial physiology, medicine, sports medicine and pharmacology (Fig. 2). Mitochondrial function and disorders of cellular respiration are relevant for many areas of medicine, from diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer and Alzheimer's research to organ transplantation. With lifestyle diseases, such as obesity or cardiovascular diseases, and the associated preventive medicine, insights into the cellular energy balance are essential.
Oroboros is internationally known among mitochondrial researchers. Our high-quality product is considered a reference for high-resolution respirometry. We have participated in expeditions in the far north of Greenland and up to altitudes of 5300 m at the Everest Basecamp, as good publicity to prove the reliability of O2k under extreme conditions and to publish spectacular results also relevant for intensive care medicine. The O2k-Network for scientific information exchange between 677 network laboratories is represented globally. Well over 1000 researchers have contributed to >3800 O2k-Publications.
As a long-term strategy, we are working with preclinical and clinical laboratories to develop a diagnostic tool as an in-vitro medical device for researching mitochondrial status in various diseases and, in a further step, to introduce it as an in-vitro diagnostic tool. The NextGen-O2k project also aims to expand the scientific scope to enter the field of photosynthesis with the O2k-PhotoBiology Module and to gain the corresponding clientele in the environmental technology sector.

Mitochondrial Respiration

Our research focus is mitochondrial respiration. By integrating fluorometry into the O2k, H2O2 production (oxidative stress), mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP production, Ca2+, pH, H2S or NO can be measured simultaneously with oxygen consumption.
The Q-Redox module further compliments the 'all-in-one' concept of the O2k. Adding a photo-[CG1] biology module for measuring photosynthesis opens up the environmental technology market. The complexity of the possible applications required the development and quality control of standardized protocols with detailed descriptions in publications and on the homepage (MitoPedia: SUIT) to support our customers in generating reproducible and universally interpretable data. An open access software (SUITbrowser) selects the optimal SUIT protocol for a specific question and application in our new DatLab 7.4 Software (
For quality control a worldwide unique proficiency test for mitochondrial respirometry has been developed based on an optimized cryopreservation procedure of HEK cell cultures. Chemical sets were developed and distributed as the foundation for quality management of chemical solutions. Video clips support the O2k-users in the preparation of tissue homogenates and permeabilized muscle fibers as well as in the operation of the O2k. The new Small-Volume O2k-Module was tested with mitochondria and HEK cells with applications for fresh and cryopreserved human blood cells, fibroblasts and sperm cells from patients. Quality control and data management are now a key component of O2k-Technology.
These methodological developments have been successfully applied in several dissertations and scientific collaborations in cancer research, neurology, sports science and altitude medicine and have contributed to numerous publications.
  1. Oemer G, Lackner L, Muigg K, Krumschnabel G, Watschinger K, Sailer S, Lindner H, Gnaiger E, Wortmann SB, Werner ER, Zschocke J, Keller MA (2018) The molecular structural diversity of mitochondrial cardiolipins. Proc Nat Acad Sci U S A 115:4158-63. - »Bioblast link«
  2. Doerrier C, Garcia-Souza LF, Krumschnabel G, Wohlfarter Y, Mészåros AT, Gnaiger E (2018) High-Resolution FluoRespirometry and OXPHOS protocols for human cells, permeabilized fibers from small biopsies of muscle, and isolated mitochondria. Methods Mol Biol 1782:31-70. - »Bioblast link«
  3. Horscroft JA, Kotwica AO, Laner V, West JA, Hennis PJ, Levett DZH, Howard DJ, Fernandez BO, Burgess SL, Ament Z, Gilbert-Kawai ET, Vercueil A, Landis BD, Mitchell K, Mythen MG, Branco C, Johnson RS, Feelisch M, Montgomery HE, Griffin JL, Grocott MPW, Gnaiger E, Martin DS, Murray AJ (2017) Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:6382–7. - »Bioblast link«
  4. Lemieux H, Blier PU, Gnaiger E (2017) Remodeling pathway control of mitochondrial respiratory capacity by temperature in mouse heart: electron flow through the Q-junction in permeabilized fibers. Sci Rep 7:2840. - »Bioblast link«
  5. Gnaiger E, Boushel R, SĂžndergaard H, Munch-Andersen T, Damsgaard R, Hagen C, DĂ­ez-SĂĄnchez C, Ara I, Wright-Paradis C, Schrauwen P, Hesselink M, Calbet JAL, Christiansen M, Helge JW, Saltin B (2015) Mitochondrial coupling and capacity of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of Inuit and caucasians in the arctic winter. Scand J Med Sci Sports 25 (Suppl 4):126–34. - »Bioblast link«
  1. Gnaiger E: High-resolution respirometry and innovations in the Oroboros O2k-technology. Nature Conference Cellular Metabolism. 2019 Apr 8-11; Xiamen CN. - »Bioblast link«
  2. Gnaiger E: The protonmotive force under pressure: an isomorphic analysis. 20th European Bioenergetics Conference. 2018 Aug 25-30; Budapest, Hungary. - »Bioblast link«
  3. Doerrier C: High-resolution respirometry, two techniques combined in one to explore mitochondrial function in health and disease. 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation. 2018 May 30–Jun 01; Barcelona, Spain. - »Bioblast link«
  4. Gnaiger E: Electron transfer at the Q-junction: new perspectives from combined measurement of mitochondrial O2 flux, H2O2 flux, and coenzyme Q redox state. AussieMit. 2018 Nov 29 - Dec 01; Melbourne, Australia. - »Bioblast link«
  5. Gnaiger E: Oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial function differ between human prostate tissue and cultured cells. Mitochondrial Medicine. 2016 Jun 15-18; Seattle, WA, USA. - »Bioblast link«
PhD Theses
  1. Kohlegger (frĂŒher DĂŒregger) Andrea (2015) Perspectives of the chemopreventive effects of natural compounds in the adjuvant treatment of prostate cancer. Med Univ Innsbruck.
  2. Burtscher Johannes (2016) Neurochemical characterization of epileptogenesis: the role of endogenous enkephalin. Med Univ Innsbruck.
  3. Schoepf Bernd (2016) Mitochondrial markers for prostate cancer prognosis and therapy. Med Univ Innsbruck.
  4. Weber Anja (2018) Metabolic reprogramming of prostate cancer cells. Med Univ Innsbruck.
  5. Volani Chiara (2019) Regulatory mechanisms between homeostasis, mitochondrial function and metabolic pathways. Med Univ Innsbruck.

The Economic Factor

O2k per country 2019-Nov
Successes of the Oroboros Ecosystem project are the result of a user-tailored communication concept with direct customer contact and a global network. Together with our sophisticated instrument, the Oroboros Ecosystem offers complete solutions based on R&D and builds a symbiotic relationship between developers and users with feedback analogous to the Oroboros logo. The Oroboros Ecosystem links threads into interrelated networks - experimental planning, sample preparation, instrumental application, data evaluation and interpretation - focused on scientific relevance and reproducibility. The Oroboros Ecosystem concept is an open model for continuous innovation.
O2k-Workshops with a contribution to travel expenses are included in the O2k basic price. Project-related revenues thus result largely from O2k sales, which, since the 2012 Houska Award, have increased 1.7 and 2.15 times in four and eight years (2011: 54; 2015: 94; 2019: 116 devices; Fig. 3). Direct revenue per O2k increased from €25,293 (2011) to €36,111 (2019) thanks to the all-in-one concept. The revenues generated directly with the O2k sales have therefore more than doubled from €1.4 million (2011) to €3.0 million (2015), and tripled to €4.2 million (2019). To date, the high-quality Oroboros products have been sold to customers in the public and private sectors in 49 countries and generated revenues of more than €28 million.
Oroboros has been successful with national and EU project funding: K-Regio project MitoFit, O2k-Innovation project, several Marie Curie networks. As consistent continuation of our project management, we were able to obtain the highest funding budget to date in the competitive H2020 SME funding scheme with €1.7 million for two years, which, in line with the Oroboros Ecosystem, is oriented towards synergy of innovation and marketing. Oroboros was consequently recognized as one of the most innovative SMEs in Austria.


Oroboros Ecosystem vision
The B2C concept in 45 countries and annual training courses for our distributors (China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan) promote personal customer contact with our sales and research teams, enabling tailor-made advice and scientific support.
In 2016-2019, alongside on-site training and distributor meetings, we organized 36 O2k-Workshops with 20 to 28 international participants each. Although these workshops are mainly attended by working groups already registered as customers, new interested parties also join to assess O2k-Technology.
Our customers are the Oroboros Ecosystem Ambassadors, who communicate our concept - without expensive marketing. The scientific elite and open-minded students appreciate that the financial resources are used sustainably for R&D, optimization of our products and research support. As part of our marketing strategy, our research results are published on open-access platforms.
The unique technical selling point of the O2k, which as a 'sole-source' instrument surpasses its competitors in every public tender worldwide, enables direct marketing in many countries around the globe by Oroboros as developers and scientific experts. Manufactured by the Ecosystem Partner WGT Elektronik in Kolsass, Tyrol, the O2k is shipped directly to customers following quality control by WGT and the Oroboros O2k-Laboratory. The direct distribution ensures strong customer loyalty and feedback to optimize our products. Thus, ideas and observations of the customers flow into the development of the instrument and our customers receive optimal technical and scientific support. The expansion in the Asian market requires the integration of national distributors into the Oroboros Ecosystem.

Austrian Business Location

The structure of the Oroboros Ecosystem aims at maximum added value and a strong link to its roots in Austria. Even production is carried out regionally by WGT with suppliers mainly from Austria. The indispensable DatLab software for O2k-Technology is continuously optimized in cooperation with local businesses and since 2017 with the Innsbruck-based start-up software company HTech, with an investment of €1 million contributed by Oroboros partly through project funding. As the international sales are mostly handled directly, our products can be offered at an economical and competitive price without compromising product quality.
In 2018, a turnover of €4.6 million (without project funding) was achieved through exports, with a significant proportion in theUSA and China. Through the international presence of Oroboros Instruments, Tyrol as a business location and the reputation of Austria as a promoter of innovation in the life science sector are strengthened. In addition, Oroboros has raised more than €2.7 million in EU project funding from 2016-2019 for Austria as a business location.
With the introduction of our quality management, two full-time academic positions were created in 2019. Oroboros currently provides 25-27 high-quality jobs in Innsbruck. The internationally positioned team brings know-how to Austria and creates an attractive and challenging working environment for young domestic scientists. In addition, 10-12 jobs at WGT and Htech are integrated into the Oroboros Ecosystem. Newly acquired biomedical research projects and expansion into the environmental technology (photosynthesis) sector will create additional jobs in the near future.
As a side effect of the O2k-Workshops, training courses and congresses organized by Oroboros in Austria, the local tourist industry is given a boost, especially in the off-season.


The life science instrumentation market is expected to grow at a rate of 6.7% (2017-2022) to reach a global value of $75.2 billion by 2022. North America, Europe and China, as Oroboros' main markets, account for the largest share of market growth. Further countries in Asia, South America and Australia are important markets.
Since Oroboros introduced high-resolution respirometry to the market in 1992, the company has been constantly working on continuous development. Enhanced by the newly developed Q-Redox sensor, the NextGen-O2k is a revolutionary part of the Oroboros Ecosystem and responsible for an immense competitive advantage. Applications of high-resolution respirometry will play an important role especially in the clinical areas of age research, Alzheimer's, diabetes, Parkinson's or for preliminary examinations of cancer treatments and genetic diseases. Furthermore, the market potential of O2k-Technology will be significantly increased by entering the medical fields of diagnostics and the testing of therapeutic interventions.
Prototypes of the NextGen-O2k are already being tested in laboratories in Europe and USA. The market launch is being prepared for 2021. It is expected to generate €46 million cumulative revenue and €17 million profit with an ROI of 3.5 during the first five years of commercialization.
Furthermore, the application of the PhotoBiology-Module for measuring photosynthesis in microalgae will open up a new market for Oroboros in botanical research and environmental technology. The corresponding world market in 'Green Technology' is estimated to reach $3 billion in 2025. The prototype development of the PhotoBiology-Module has been completed and a significant increase in sales can be expected in this field as well.


Oroboros Ecosystem mission
Oroboros has proven sustainability in the sense of lasting economic success since its foundation. Lean management supports the growing team and strengthens partner networking in the Oroboros Ecosystem. Quality management requirements were organically integrated into the project landscape.
Oroboros and WGT attach great importance to the sustainability and durability of the O2k with high-quality materials and quality-assured production processes. Carefully designed to conserve resources and maintain low operating costs, the O2k-Technology is customer-friendly.
Our Open Innovation IP strategy is based on publishing R&D results without expensive international patents for highly specialized high-tech products. These resources are invested in innovation and leading laboratories are involved in first applications. Copying could never compete with the innovation dynamics appreciated by the expanding customer base. “Cooperation and feedback in science” is our advertising strategy.
Enthusiastic customers are the most efficient advertising medium. We avoid expensive advertising campaigns that do not create added value for a product. Instead, we invest in training, innovation and quality. The Oroboros Ecosystem focuses on sustainability and interconnecting business and science. E. Gnaiger is chairman of the international Mitochondrial Physiology Society, which underlines the technical appreciation of the Oroboros Ecosystem and ensures sustainable networking with the scientific clientele. The website Bioblast with MitoPedia (high-resolution terminology - matching measurements at high-resolution) is regarded as a mitochondrial textbook. Out of the MitoFit project came the preprint server MitoFit Preprints, which promotes the Open Access preprint concept with scientific quality and reproducibility.
The project NextGen-O2k will create 12 new jobs at Oroboros by 2025.

The Oroboros Ecosystem concept

Oroboros Ecosystem market
Oroboros Ecosystem model
Oroboros pursues a strategy independent of investors. WGT Elektronik is the key partner in development and production, with numerous jointly completed projects. IP and commercial risk remain with Oroboros. The Oroboros Laboratories emphasize synergy between university and industry research with a clear distinction between the company-owned Oroboros O2k-Laboratory and the DSL-Oroboros Research Lab (Med Univ Innsbruck), which was equipped by us with 8 O2k devices for clinical research.
Besides global marketing, we focus on research and development to continuously expand the market with innovations and protect our brand. Following the demand for a medical device, Oroboros Holding GmbH was founded in 2018 as the supporting organization of the Oroboros Ecosystem. In contrast to the innovation-oriented Oroboros Instruments GmbH, Oroboros Diagnostics GmbH will specialize in standardization and in vitro diagnostics, for which a financing concept with patent protection (8-chamber HRR) and possible investor participation is being considered.
The O2k has an optimal price-performance ratio with low operating costs. In the 'all-in-one' O2k, several mitochondrial functions can be analyzed in one instrument, which previously required different devices. High reproducibility is our unique selling point. Scientific consulting by the Oroboros team in the international O2k-Network and at O2k-Workshops serve to strengthen customer loyalty and function as a marketing tool.
The close cooperation with distribution companies in Asia resulted in a large increase in sales. We sell directly in another 45 countries. Particularly with regard to a medical product, the establishment of Oroboros sales companies in the USA and China is being pursued in cooperation with national organizations. Information on the Oroboros Ecosystem business model is summarized in Fig. 4-7.


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