Keller 2018 MiP2018

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Markus A Keller
The structural molecular diversity of mitochondrial cardiolipins.

Link: MiP2018

Oemer G, Lackner K, Watschinger K, Sailer S, Werner ER, Zschocke J, Keller MA (2018)

Event: MiP2018


At the request of the author, this abstract is not made available online.

β€’ Bioblast editor: Plangger M, Kandolf G

Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Instruments;methods, mt-Membrane, Genetic knockout;overexpression, Exercise physiology;nutrition;life style 

Organism: Mouse  Tissue;cell: Heart, Nervous system  Preparation: Intact cells 

Regulation: Fatty acid 

Pathway: F, N  HRR: Oxygraph-2k 


Γ–mer G(1), Lackner K(1), Watschinger K(2), Sailer S(2), Werner ER(2), Zschocke J(1), Keller MA(1)

  1. Division Human Genetics,
  2. Division Biological Chemistry, Biocenter; Medical Univ Innsbruck, Austria
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