Oroboros Publications alert - 2024
- Mitochondria and Cell Research - the Oroboros Ecosystem
- » Listed in Oroboros Ecosystem Agenda
Dec 2024
Quality control by precision OXPHOS analysis indicates reproducible results with all lots of MiR05-Kit and storage times up to 4 years
- Baglivo E, Cardoso LHD, Cecatto C, Gnaiger E (2024) Stability of mitochondrial respiration medium used in high-resolution respirometry with living and permeabilized cells. Bioenerg Commun 2024.8 »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
"[...] high O2 regime (400-250 μM) and a buffer composition that do not interfere with the measurements, such as [...] MiR05, are the optimal conditions to assess mitochondrial respirometry in human skeletal muscle pfi [permeabilized fibers]"
- Doerrier C, Gama-Perez P, Pesta D, Distefano G, Soendergaard SD, Maise Chroeis K, Gonzalez-Franquesa A, Goodpaster BH, Prats C, Sales-Pardo M, Guimera R, Coen PM, Gnaiger E, Larsen S, Garcia-Roves PM (2024) Harmonization of experimental procedures to assess mitochondrial respiration in human permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »ES Barcelona Garcia-Roves PM«, »DK Copenhagen Larsen S«, »US FL Orlando Goodpaster BH«, »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
Nov 2024
From MitoFit Preprint to journal publication: "Although FAO [fatty acid oxidation] is not a dominant pathway in brain energy metabolism, it plays important roles, such as avoiding the accumulation of long-chain acylcarnitines, and deserves specific attention in studies of brain metabolism."
- Cardoso LHD, Cecatto C, Ozola M, Korzh S, Zvejniece L, Gukalova B, Doerrier C, Dambrova M, Makrecka-Kuka M, Gnaiger E, Liepinsh E (2025) Fatty acid β-oxidation in brain mitochondria: Insights from high-resolution respirometry in mouse, rat and Drosophila brain, ischemia and aging models. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros« and »LV Riga Liepins E«
- Nov-21 Th - World Pancreatic Cancer Day
"Asking whether BCAA [branched-chain amino acids] species are actually the oxidative substrates in PDAC [pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma] cells, we favor the interpretation that BCAA metabolism supports ꞵ-oxidation via the import of FAs [fatty acids] into mitochondria."
- Gotvaldová K, Špačková J, Novotný J, Baslarová K, Ježek P, Rossmeislová L, Gojda J, Smolková J (2024) BCAA metabolism in pancreatic cancer affects lipid balance by regulating fatty acid import into mitochondria. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »CZ Prague Jezek P«
"Complex I and complex III defects deeply impact on bioenergetic parameters in brain but not liver mitochondria."
- Balmaceda V, Komlodi T, Szibor M, Gnaiger E, Moore AL, Fernandez-Vizarra E, Viscomi C (2024) The striking differences in the bioenergetics of brain and liver mitochondria are enhanced in mitochondrial disease. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »UK Brighton Moore AL«, »DE Jena Szibor M«, »IT Padova Viscomi C«, and »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
Oct 2024
"Bioenergetic snapshots obtained by OXPHOS analysis gain a diagnostic perspective on the basis of a comparative mitochondrial database."
- Timón-Gómez A, Doerrier C, Sumbalová Z, Garcia-Souza LF, Baglivo E, Cardoso LHD, Gnaiger E (2024) Analysis of mitochondrial respiratory pathway and coupling control by substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor titration reference protocols. MitoFit Preprints 2024.8. https://doi.org/10.26124/mitofit:2024-0008
- With this MitoFit Preprint we invite feedback and comments, particularly on terms and abbreviations along the lines of the MitoEAGLE project and our critical discussion of ambiguities in the literature.
"Our findings support the notion that migratory and invasive characteristics of cancer cells are dependent on mitochondrial function."
- Wang Y, Wang J, Chen L, et al (2023) PRRG4 regulates mitochondrial function and promotes migratory behaviors of breast cancer cells through the Src-STAT3-POLG axis »Bioblast link«
"...mitochondrial respiratory capacity is increased in the PBMCs at the early stage of obesity, and the enhanced PBMCs’ mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is associated with hepatic steatosis in obese young adults."
- Shirakawa R, Nakajima T, Yoshimura A, Kawahara Y, Orito C, Yamane M, Handa H, Takada S, Furihata T, Fukushima A, Ishimori N, Nakagawa M, Yokota I, Sabe H, Hashino S, Kinugawa S, Yokota T (2023) Enhanced mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with fatty liver in obese young adults. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »JP Sapporo Yokota T«
Sep 2024
"Understanding the degree by which a specific cancer type utilizes mitochondria for processes such as macromolecule synthesis and energy transfer is required to ultimately determine targetability and therapeutic potential."
- Zunica ERM, Axelrod CL, Gilmore LA, Gnaiger E, Kirwan JP (2024) The bioenergetic landscape of cancer. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US LA Baton Rouge Noland RC« and »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
"The coupling sites are the respiratory Complexes CI, CIII, and CIV which pump protons towards the intermembrane space ... Pathways with a lower number of coupling sites are less likely to saturate the phosphorylation system capacity at identical rates of O2 consumption."
"Etomoxir significantly and selectively impaired basal and maximal respiration (...), indicating that the catabolic contribution of lipids is higher in the more aggressive [breast cancer cell lines] models."
- Lorito N, Subbiani A, Smiriglia A, Bacci M, Bonechi F, Tronci L, Romano E, Corrado A, Longo DL, Iozzo M, Ippolito L, Comito G, Giannoni E, Meattini I, Avgustinova A, Chiarugi P, Bachi A, Morandi A (2024) FADS1/2 control lipid metabolism and ferroptosis susceptibility in triple-negative breast cancer. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »IT Florence Morandi A«
Aug 2024
The study by Pfleger et al. supports "a role for FDPs [flavodiiron proteins] as an effective electron sink under sub-saturating constant light, preventing PSI [photosystem I]-mediated Mehler reaction relevant to PSII [photosystem II] photoinhibition."
- Pfleger A, Arc E, Grings M, Gnaiger E, Roach T (2024) Flavodiiron proteins prevent the Mehler reaction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
“MFN2 [Mitofusin 2] overexpression increased muscle mass and fiber size in both young and old mice and had no impact on mitochondrial respiration and H2O2 emission”.
- Cefis, M., Dargegen, M., Marcangeli, V., Taherkhani, S., Dulac, M., Leduc‐Gaudet, J. P., & Gouspillou, G (2024) MFN2 overexpression in skeletal muscles of young and old mice causes a mild hypertrophy without altering mitochondrial respiration and H2O2 emission. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »CA Montreal Gouspillou G«
"The 0.5 mL O2k-chamber, requiring close to four times less sample than the 2.0 mL chamber, offers a significant advantage for studies with limited amounts of sample or low respiratory capacities."
- Leo E, Rychtarova L, Garcia-Souza LF, Åsander Frostner E, Elmér E, Gnaiger E (2024) High-resolution respirometry in a small-volume chamber. »Bioblast link«
Jul 2024
"By applying mitochondrial ADP sensitivity methodology in skeletal muscle fibers, we have observed the plasticity of mitochondria in different contexts to be much more dynamic than previously hypothesized"
- Brunetta HS, Holloway GP (2024) Methodological considerations for the determination of mitochondrial ADP sensitivity in skeletal muscle. Bioenerg Commun 2024.4. doi:10.26124/BEC:2024-0004
- from the O2k-Network »CA Guelph Holloway GP«
The study by Hu et al "demonstrates that WBVT [whole-body vibration training] as a form of passive exercise, can ameliorate muscle weakness attributed to estrogen deficiency by mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction." *Hu Y, Fang B, Tian X, Wang H, Tian X, Yu F, Li T, Yang Z, Shi R (2024) Passive exercise is an effective alternative to HRT for restoring OVX induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle. »Bioblast«
- communicated by »Schmitt Sabine«
Jun 2024
“The bioenergetic characterization of liver mitochondria from IMT [inhibitor of mitochondrial transcription]-treated mice showed maintained fatty acid oxidation capacity despite markedly reduced OXPHOS capacity.”
- Jiang S, Yuan T, Rosenberger FA, Mourier A, Dragano NRV, Kremer LS, Rubalcava-Gracia D, Hansen FM, Borg M, Mennuni M, Filograna R, Alsina D, Misic J, Koolmeister C, Papadea P, de Angelis MH, Ren L, Andersson O, Unger A, Bergbrede T, Di Lucrezia R, Wibom R, Zierath JR, Krook A, Giavalisco P, Mann M, Larsson NG (2024) Inhibition of mammalian mtDNA transcription acts paradoxically to reverse diet-induced hepatosteatosis and obesity. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »SE Stockholm Larsson NG« and »FR Bordeaux Mourier A«
"Silencing of mt-tRF-LeuTAA in islet cells limits the inner mitochondrial membrane potential and impairs mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation."
- Jacovetti C, Donnelly C, Menoud V, Suleiman M, Cosentino C, Sobel J, Wu K, Bouzakri K, Marchetti P, Guay C, Kayser B, Regazzi R (2024) The mitochondrial tRNA-derived fragment, mt-tRF-LeuTAA, couples mitochondrial metabolism to insulin secretion. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »CH Lausanne Place N«
May 2024
- May-22 We - International Day for Biological Diversity
"We have identified a circadian clock phase-dependent change in Complex I coupling efficiency, demonstrating for the first time a mitochondria–clock interaction in the hooded seal."
- Ciccone C, Kante F, Folkow LP, Hazlerigg DG, West AC, Wood SH (2024) Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »NO Tromsoe Wood SH«
"The methodology exploited in this work opens the possibility to extrapolate the photosynthetic functionality of microalgae in dense cultures typical of industrial cultivation plants already at the lab-scale"
- Vera-Vives AM, Michelberger T, Morosinotto T, Perin G (2024) Assessment of photosynthetic activity in dense microalgae cultures using oxygen production. Plant Physiol Biochem »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »IT Padova Morosinotto T«
Apr 2024
"Our results further enhance the understanding and relevance of bioenergetic function in liver ischemia and transplantation and provide the basis for further consideration of these parameters as biomarkers in LT [liver transplantation]."
- Meszaros AT, Weissenbacher A, Schartner M, Egelseer-Bruendl T, Hermann M, Unterweger J, Mittelberger C, Reyer BA, Hofmann J, Zelger BG, Hautz T, Resch T, Margreiter C, Maglione M, Komlódi T, Ulmer H, Cardini B, Troppmair J, Öfner D, Gnaiger E, Schneeberger S, Oberhuber R (2024) The predictive value of graft viability and bioenergetics testing towards the outcome in liver transplantation. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »AT Innsbruck Schneeberger S and AT Innsbruck Oroboros«
World Parkinson's Disease Day
"The markers of mitochondrial biogenesis were consistently affected in PD [Parkinson’s disease] patients group."
- Kamienieva I, Charzyńska A, Duszyński J, Malińska D, Szczepanowska J (2023) In search for mitochondrial biomarkers of Parkinson's disease: Findings in parkin-mutant human fibroblasts. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »PL Warsaw Szewczyk A«
- Apr-01 Mo April - Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month
"Although the chain of events leading to this respiration deficit is currently not understood, the findings constitute a robust assay for the progressive pathology induced by PINK1 deficiency."
- Gispert S, Ricciardi F, Kurz A, Azizov M, Hoepken HH, Becker D, Voos W, Leuner K, Müller WE, Kudin AP, Kunz WS, Zimmermann A, Roeper J, Wenzel D, Jendrach M, García-Arencíbia M, Fernández-Ruiz J, Huber L, Rohrer H, Barrera M, Reichert AS, Rüb U, Chen A, Nussbaum RL, Auburger G (2009) Parkinson phenotype in aged PINK1-deficient mice is accompanied by progressive mitochondrial dysfunction in absence of neurodegeneration. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US CA San Francisco Nussbaum RL« and »DE Frankfurt Eckert GP«
Mar 2024
Mitochondrial ultrastructure and respiration are affected during EDL [Extensor digitorum longus muscle] aging.
- Fernando R, Shindyapina AV, Ost M, Santesmasses D, Hu Y, Tyshkovskiy A, Yim SH, Weiss J, Gladyshev VN, Grune T, Castro JP (2023) Downregulation of mitochondrial metabolism is a driver for fast skeletal muscle loss during mouse aging. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »DE Leipzip Ost M«
The tale of two “best-friends,” proteins BID & MTCH2, pivotal regulators of the apoptosis and metabolism programs at the mitochondria.
Feb 2024
"Bed rest results in a decrease in skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiratory capacity, mainly as a result of an observed decrease in mitochondrial content"
- Noone J, Damiot A, Kenny H, Chery I, Zahariev A, Normand S, Crampes F, de Glisezinski I, Rochfort KD, Laurens C, Bareille MP, Simon C, Bergouignan A, Blanc S, O'Gorman DJ (2023) The impact of 60 days of -6° head down tilt bed rest on mitochondrial content, respiration and regulators of mitochondrial dynamics. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Networks »US FL Orlando Goodpaster BH« , »FR Strasbourg Blanc S« , »IE Dublin O Gorman D«
- Feb-15 Th - International Childhood Cancer Day
"Deleterious mtDNA mutations contribute significantly to the tumorigenesis of pediatric cancers"
- Triska P, Kaneva K, Merkurjev D, Sohail N, Falk MJ, Triche TJ Jr, Biegel JA, Gai X (2019) Landscape of germline and somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations in pediatric malignancies. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »US_PA_Philadelphia_Falk_MJ«
"We demonstrated deficient platelet mitochondrial respiratory chain functions, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), and electron transfer (ET) capacity with complex I (CI)-linked substrates, and reduced [...] endogenous platelet coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) concentration in UC [urothelial carcinoma] patients."
- Palacka P, Gvozdjáková A, Rausová Z, Kucharská J, Slopovský J, Obertová J, Furka D, Furka S, Singh KK, Sumbalová Z (2021) Platelet mitochondrial bioenergetics reprogramming in patients with urothelial carcinoma. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »SK Bratislava Sumbalova Z«
Jan 2024
"Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) measurements of fresh and cryopreserved placental specimens are comparable whereas snap frozen procedure impairs mitochondrial activity"
- Giovarelli M, Serati A, Zecchini S, Guelfi F, Clementi E, Mandò C (2023) Cryopreserved placental biopsies maintain mitochondrial activity for high-resolution respirometry. »Bioblast link«
- from the O2k-Network »IT Milan Clementi E«
Stay alert