Karall D
From Bioblast
Name | Karall Daniela, A.Univ.-Prof.Dr. |
Institution |
Medizinische UniversitΓ€t Innsbruck UniversitΓ€tsklinik fΓΌr Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde |
Address | Anichstrasse 35, 6020 |
City | Innsbruck |
State/Province | |
Country | Austria |
daniela.karall@i-med.ac.at | |
Weblink | http://kinderzentrum.tirol-kliniken.at/page.cfm?vpath=paediatrie-i/spezialbereiche/stoffwechselstoerungen |
O2k-Network Lab |
Add references to your publications
Published | Reference | |
Iyer 2017b MiPschool Obergurgl | 2017 | Patient-specific stem cell models for mitochondrial diseases. |
Burtscher 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine | 2011 | Burtscher M, Dietrich H, Gatterer H, Gnaiger E, Harrison DK, Karall D, Krismer M, Lass-Floerl C, Parson W, Perkhofer S, Pesta D, Schocke M, Sumbalova Z, WiethΓΌchter A (2011) Mitochondrial competence. Regional and international cooperation for establishing new standards in functional mitochondrial diagnosis. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago. |
Pesta 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine-Diagnosis | 2011 | Pesta D, Wiethuechter A, Karall D, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Functional mitochondrial diagnosis in a patient suffering from sudden exercise intolerance. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago. |