Christiansen LB

From Bioblast

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COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE
Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment: mitochondrial fitness mapping

Christiansen LB

MitoPedia topics: EAGLE 

COST: Member

Name Christiansen Liselotte, DVM
Institution Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Address ,
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
O2k-Network Lab DK Copenhagen Christiansen M

Labels: Field of research: Basic, Veterinary 


Christiansen 2021 Sci Rep2021Christiansen LB, Dohlmann TL, Ludvigsen TP, Parfieniuk E, Ciborowski M, Szczerbinski L, Kretowski A, Desler C, Tiano L, Orlando P, Martinussen T, Olsen LH, Larsen S (2021) Atorvastatin impairs liver mitochondrial function in obese GΓΆttingen Minipigs but heart and skeletal muscle are not affected. Sci Rep 11:2167.
Christiansen 2015 J Vet Med Sci2015Christiansen LB, Dela F, Koch J, Yokota T (2015) Tissue-specific and substrate-specific mitochondrial bioenergetics in feline cardiac and skeletal muscles. J Vet Med Sci 77:669-75.
Christiansen 2015 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol2015Christiansen LB, Dela F, Koch J, Hansen CN, Leifsson PS, Yokota T (2015) Impaired cardiac mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and enhanced mitochondrial oxidative stress in feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 308:H1237-47.


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