Chung DJ

From Bioblast
Name Chung Dillon J,
Institution Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia
Address 4200-6270 University Blvd., V6T 1Z4
City Vancouver
State/Province British Columbia (BC)
Country Canada
O2k-Network Lab CA Vancouver Richards JG

Labels: Field of research: Basic  Topics: Fundulus heteroclitus, oxygen limited thermal tolerance, pheotypic plasticity 


Chung 2018 J Exp Biol2018Chung DJ, Sparagna GC, Chicco AJ, Schulte PM (2018) Patterns of mitochondrial membrane remodeling parallel functional adaptations to thermal stress. J Exp Biol 221. pii: jeb174458.
Chung 2018 Integr Comp Biol2018Chung DJ, Healy TM, McKenzie JL, Chicco AJ, Sparagna GC, Schulte PM (2018) Mitochondria, temperature, and the pace of life. Integr Comp Biol 58:578-90.
Heim 2017 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol2017Heim AB, Chung D, Florant GL, Chicco AJ (2017) Tissue-specific seasonal changes in mitochondrial function of a mammalian hibernator. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 313:R180-90.
Chung 2017 Sci Rep2017Chung DJ, Morrison PR, Bryant HJ, Jung E, Brauner CJ, Schulte PM (2017) Intraspecific variation and plasticity in mitochondrial oxygen binding affinity as a response to environmental temperature. Sci Rep 7:16238.
Brown 2013 J Exp Biol2013Brown JC, Chung DJ, Cooper AN, Staples JF (2013) Regulation of succinate-fueled mitochondrial respiration in liver and skeletal muscle of hibernating thirteen-lined ground squirrels. J Exp Biol 216:1736-43.
Brown 2012 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol2012Brown JC, Chung DJ, Belgrave KR, Staples JF (2012) Mitochondrial metabolic suppression and reactive oxygen species production in liver and skeletal muscle of hibernating thirteen-lined ground squirrels. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302:R15-28.
Brown 2011 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol2011Brown JC, Chung DJ, Belgrave KR, Staples JF (2011) Mitochondrial metabolic suppression and reactive oxygen species production in liver and skeletal muscle of hibernating thirteen-lined ground squirrels. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302:15-28.


Schulte 2013 Abstract MiP20132013Chung DJ, Schulte PM, Richards JG (2013) The effect of low-temperature acclimation on mitochondrial function in the common killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus), a top-down elasticity analysis. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08.
Staples 2010 Abstract IOC602010Staples JF, Chung DJ, Armstrong C (2010) Fast in, slow out: Kinetics of mitochondrial metabolic suppression during hibernation entrance and arousal. MiPNet15.10.

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