SUIT protocol pattern

From Bioblast

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SUIT protocol pattern


The SUIT protocol pattern describes the type of the sequence of coupling and substrate control steps in a SUIT protocol, which may be liner, orthogonal, or diametral.

Abbreviation: SUITp-Pattern

Reference: MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP

MitoPedia concepts: MiP concept, SUIT concept 

Author: Gnaiger Erich 2016-01-31


  1. Linear coupling control: at a single substrate state (classical State 3 -> State 4, or P -> LT).
  2. Linear substrate control: at a single coupling state (unusual).
  3. Monodirectional linear coupling control: LN -> PD -> EF
  4. Bidirectional linear coupling control: LN -> PD -> LOmy -> EF


  1. Orthogonal coupling -> substrate control (mono- or bidirectional)
  2. Orthogonal substrate -> coupling control (mono- or bidirectional)


  1. Diametral coupling -> substrate ->> control (mono- or bidirectional)
  2. Diametral substrate -> coupling ->> control (mono- or bidirectional)
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