From Bioblast
Please take some time (it should not take more than 20 min) to give us your evaluation and feedback about our websites. Send your response to All data will be handled anonymously, and will be summarized - you will receive our feedback - to help us optimizing our websites in the spirit of Gentle Science.
Bioblast questionnaire
Complete the following questionnaire (pdf form): Β» Bioblast questionnaire
Next steps
- After sending the completed questionnaire to
If you are a visiting scientist:
- A personal interview to discuss further details on your feedback and suggestions will be arranged (this should not take more than 20 min).
- You will be given a complementary introduction to our websites (c. 30 min).
If you attend an O2k-Workshop:
- One of our tutors will arrange a personal interview to discuss further details on your feedback and suggestions (this should not take more than 20 min).
- A general introduction to our websites is included in the workshop programme.
* If a personal interview cannot be arranged:
- We appreciate receiving your feedback regarding the 10 Bioblast-questions (and beyond). We will respond to your feedback via e-mail.