SUIT protocol names

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SUIT protocol names


SUIT protocols

The SUIT protocol name starts with (i) the SUIT category which shows the Electron-transfer-pathway states (ET pathway types; e.g. N, S, NS, FNS, FNSGp), independent of the actual sequence of titrations. (ii) A further distinction is provided in the SUIT name by listing in parentheses the substrates applied in the N-pathway control states, again independent of the sequence of titrations, e.g. NS(GM), NS(PM), FNSGp(PGM). (iii) A sequentially selected number is added, e.g. SUIT_FNS(PM)01 (see Coupling/pathway control diagram).

The systematic name of a SUIT protocol starts with the SUIT category, followed by an underline dash and the sequence of titration steps (mark names, #X, separated by a comma). The Marks define the section of a respiratory state in the SUIT protocol. The Mark name contains the sequential number and the metabolic control variable, X. The metabolic control variable is the name of the preceding SUIT event. The MitoPedia list of SUIT protocols can be sorted by the short name or the systematic name (hence by SUIT protocol category. The SUIT protocol pattern is best illustrated by a coupling/pathway control diagram.

Abbreviation: SUITp-Names

Reference: MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP

MitoPedia concepts: SUIT concept 

Communicated by Gnaiger E 2016-02-01; edited 2016-11-08.

SUIT-catg FNSGpCIV.jpg

See also

Β» MitoPedia: SUIT concept
Β» Categories of SUIT protocols
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