Torres-Quesada 2022 BEC

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Bioenergetics Communications        
Tributes to pioneers in bioenergetics
Gnaiger 2020 BEC MitoPathways
Gnaiger Erich et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenerg Commun 2020.1.
        MitoPedia: BEC         MitoPedia: Gentle Science         MitoFit Preprints
Bioenergetics Communications
Publications in the MiPMap
Torres-Quesada O, Strich S, Stefan E (2022) Kinase perturbations redirect mitochondrial function in cancer. Bioenerg Commun 2022.13.

Β» Bioenerg Commun 2022.13. Open Access pdf
published online 2022-11-15 Β»Watch the presentationΒ«

Torres-Quesada Omar, Strich Sophie, Stefan Eduard (2022) Bioenerg Commun

Abstract: BEC.png

BEC Kinase graphical abstract.jpg

Protein kinases take the center stage in numerous signaling pathways by phosphorylating compartmentalized protein substrates for controlling cell proliferation, cell cycle and metabolism. Kinase dysfunctions have been linked to numerous human diseases such as cancer. This has led to the development of kinase inhibitors which aim to target oncogenic kinase activities. The specificity of the cancer blockers depends on the range of targeted kinases. Therefore, the question arises of how cell-type-specific off-target effects impair the specificities of cancer drugs. Blockade of kinase activities has been shown to converge on the energetic organelle, the mitochondria. In this review, we highlight examples of selected major kinases that impact mitochondrial signaling. Further, we discuss pharmacological strategies to target kinase activities linked to cancer progression and redirecting mitochondrial function. Finally, we propose that cell-based recordings of mitochondrial bioenergetic states might predict off-target or identify specific on-target effects of kinase inhibitors. β€’ Keywords: Kinases, signaling, mitochondria, kinase inhibitors, cancer, drug off-target effects β€’ Bioblast editor: Tindle-Solomon L β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT Innsbruck Oroboros

ORCID: ORCID.png Torres-Quesada Omar, ORCID.png Stefan Eduard


Β» Torres-Quesada 2022 MitoFit Kinase

Labels: MiParea: Pharmacology;toxicology  Pathology: Cancer 

Organism: Human 


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