MiPNet18.09 IOC80 Schroecken AT

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MiPNet18.09 IOC80 Schroecken AT

Publications in the MiPMap
Oroboros Instruments

Schroecken AT, 2013 Oct 09-14, Oroboros O2k-Workshop on HRR and O2k-Fluorometry, IOC80

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Oroboros (2013-10-09) Mitochondr Physiol Network



80th Oroboros O2k-Workshop on HRR and O2k-Fluorometry. Schroecken, Vorarlberg, Austria; 2013 October 09 to 14.

IOC-Schroecken Koerbersee.jpg

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros, AT Innsbruck MitoCom

Labels: MiParea: Instruments;methods 

ORO, IOC, 2013 

Team and guest tutors

Erich Gnaiger
Gnaiger Erich, CEO, Oroboros Instruments and Medical University of Innsbruck, D. Swarovski Research Laboratory
Laner Verena
Laner Verena, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Oroboros Instruments

Mona Fontana-Ayoub
Fontana-Ayoub Mona, BMA, Oroboros Instruments

Krumschnabel Gerhard, Univ.Doz. PhD, Oroboros Instruments


Participant Institution
Bagur Quetglas Rafaela FR Grenoble Schlattner U: Laboratoire de Bioénergétique Fondamentale et Appliquée, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (FR)
Becker Christina DE Cologne Trifunovic A: Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne (DE)
Consitt Leslie US OH Athens Consitt L: Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University (US)
Feng Jianhua CH Zurich Zaugg K: Universitätsklinik für Radio-Onkologie, Inselspital, Bern (CH)
Fernandez-Vizarra Erika UK Cambridge Zeviani M: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit - Cambridge (UK)
Ferrando-Miguel Rosa FR Paris Bigou S: Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (FR)
Luiz Garcia-Souza Garcia-Souza Luiz F BR Rio de Janeiro Oliveira MF: Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Garrabou Gloria ES Barcelona Moren C: Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, University of Barcelona (ES)
Goy Christine DE Duesseldorf Haendeler J: IUF-Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine/Molecular Aging Research (DE)
Jung Ki-Duck KR Seoul Mymed: Mymed Co. Ltd, Seoul (KR)
Kobayashi Hirosuke JP Sagamihara Kobayashi H: Dept. of med. Engineering and Technology, Kitasato University School of Allied Health Sciences (JP)
Kokubo Kenichi JP Sagamihara Kobayashi H: Dept. of med. Engineering and Technology, Kitasato University School of Allied Health Sciences (JP)
Krylova Tatiana RU Moscow Zakharova E: Research centre for medical genetics, RAMS, Moscow
Kwak Hyo Bum Inha University: Department of Kinesiology, Incheon (KR)
Michalak Slawomir PL Poznan Michalak S: Department of Neurochemistry and Neuropathology, Poznan University (PL)
Mäkelä Kari University of Oulu: Institute of Biomedicine/Physiology (FI)
Andras Meszaros Meszaros Andras HU Szeged Boros M: Institute of Surgical Research, School of Medicine, University of Szeged (HU)
Mukhina Irina RU Nizhny Novgorod Mukhina I: Central Research Laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy (RU)
Karine Salin Salin Karine UK Glasgow Metcalfe NB: Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow (UK)
Scheidnagl Simone AT Innsbruck Gnaiger E: Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck (AT)
Schreiber Renate AT Graz Zechner R: Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften, Universität Graz (AT)
Shelchkova Natalia RU Nizhny Novgorod Mukhina I: Central Research Laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy (RU)
Siddall Charles Parker US IN Indianapolis Brozinick JT: Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center (US)
Stephens Natalie US FL Orlando Sparks LM: Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes, Orlando (US)
Van Heck-Kappen Antonia NL Nijmegen Rodenburg R: Department Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (NL)
Willmes Diana Center for Cardiovascular Research (CCR): Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Charité Berlin (DE)
Wintjes Liesbeth T NL Nijmegen Rodenburg R: Department Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (NL)
Wuest Rob C NL Amsterdam Wuest RC: Department of Physiology, VU Medical Center (NL)
Maria Volodina Volodina Maria RU Moscow Skulachev VP: Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow (RU)

Hot topics in mitochondrial physiology - abstracts

 Has title
Garcia-Souza 2013 Abstract IOC80Garcia-Souza LF (2013) Thrombin trigger mitochondrial functional remodeling in human platelets. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.09.
Fernandez-Vizarra 2013 Abstract IOC80Fernandez-Vizarra E (2013) Testing OXPHOS biogenesis and function in mitochondrial disease models. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.09.
Wuest 2013 Abstract IOC80Wuest RC (2013) Bioenergetics and mitochondrial dysfunction in chronic heart failure. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.09.

Training for scientific expeditions

A two-day training for scientific expeditions is offered following IOC80 (14th-15th October) at the same location: Heart and liver mitochondria of Arctic charr will be studied from fish grown in the alpine lake Koerbersee (altidue 1750 m) and compared with rainbow trout mitochondria.
A Power-O2k approach (6 instruments, 12 chambers) and fast tissue-homogenate preparation with the PBI-Shredder will provide the basis for a statistically complete study.


O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.

  • This workshop is a component of the K-Regio project MitoCom Tyrol.
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