Calabria 2019 MiPschool Coimbra

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Elisa Calabria
Investigating mitochondrial function in blood cells by high-resolution respirometry: contribution to an interlaboratory study. MitoEAGLE WG4.

Link: MitoEAGLE

Calabria E, Aasander Frostner E, Castelo MP, Danila MD, Garcia-Souza LF, Gnaiger E, Keppner G, Krako Jakovljevic N, Labieniec-Watala M, Leilu T, Michalak S, Pichler I, Piel S, Rybacka-Mossakowska J, Siewiera K, Silaidos C, Sumbalova Z, Volani C, Watala C (2019)

Event: MiPschool Coimbra 2019


The sensitivity of high-resolution respirometry (HRR) has made it possible to carry out reliable measurements of oxygen consumption in blood cells, opening up new scenarios for monitoring mitochondrial function / dysfunction in health conditions, but also to study the pathophysiology of many diseases or the effects of interventions. Essential elements of this approach are (1) the validation and harmonization of preparatory procedures, from blood collection to cell purification, (2) and standardization of SUIT protocols applied in the respirometric analysis. We present the procedures adopted for peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) [1,2] and platelets (PLT) [3, 4], and discuss them in relation to procedures used by other laboratories participating in WG4. We found that comparable results can be obtained despite the use of different approaches in the isolation of cells.

โ€ข Bioblast editor: Plangger M โ€ข O2k-Network Lab: IT Verona Calabria E, SE Lund Elmer E, IT Bolzano Pichler I, RO Timisoara Muntean DM, AT Innsbruck Oroboros, DE Freising Klingenspor M, RS Belgrade Lalic NM, PL Lodz Watala C, PL Poznan Michalak S, US PA Philadelphia Kilbaugh T, DE Giessen Eckert GP, SK Bratislava Sumbalova Z


Calabria E(1), Aasander Frostner E(2), Castelo MP(3), Danila MD(4), Garcia-Souza LF(5), Gnaiger E(5), Keppner G(6), Krako Jakovljevic N(7), Labieniec-Watala M(8), Leilu T(8), Michalak S(9), Pichler I(10), Piel S(1), Rybacka-Mossakowska J(9), Siewiera K(12), Silaidos C(13), Sumbalova Z(14), Volani C(3), Watala C(8)
  1. Dept Neuroscience, Biomedicine Movement Sciences, Univ Verona, IT
  2. Mitochondrial Medicine, Lund Univ, SE
  3. Inst Biomedicine, Eurac Research, IT
  4. Victor Babes Univ Medicine Pharmacy, Timisoara, RO
  5. Oroboros Instruments, Innsbruck, AT
  6. Else Krรถner Fresenius Center, Technical Univ Munich, DE
  7. Fac Medicine, Univ Belgrade, RS
  8. Dept Medical Biophysics, Univ Lodz, PL
  9. Dept Neurochemistry Neuropathology, Poznan Univ Medical Sciences, PL
  10. Center Biomedicine, European Academy of Bolzano, IT
  11. Anesthesia Critical Care, The Childrenโ€™s Hospital Philadelphia, US
  12. Dept Haemostasis Haemostatic Disorders, Medical Univ Lodz, PL
  13. Dept Nutrition Prevention & Therapy, Justus Liebig Univ, GieรŸen DE
  14. Fac Medicine, Comenius Univ, SK. -


  1. Michalak S, Florczak-Wyspiaล„ska J, Rybacka-Mossakowska J, Ambrosius W, Osztynowicz K, Baszczuk A, Kozubski W, Wysocka E (2017) Mitochondrial respiration in intact peripheral blood mononuclear cells and Sirtuin 3 activity in patients with movement disorders. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2017:9703574.
  2. Sumbalova Z, Droescher S, Hiller E, Chang SC, Garcia-Souza LF, Calabria E, Volani C, Krumschnabel G, Gnaiger E (2018) O2k-Protocols: Isolation of blood cells for HRR. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17:1-16.
  3. Sjรถvall F, Ehinger JK, Marelsson SE, Morota S, Frostner EA, Uchino H, Lundgren J, Arnbjรถrnsson E, Hansson MJ, Fellman V, Elmรฉr E (2013) Mitochondrial respiration in human viable platelets--methodology and influence of gender, age and storage. Mitochondrion 13:7-14.
  4. Gatterer H, Menz V, Salazar-Martinez E, Sumbalova Z, Garcia-Souza LF, Velika B, Gnaiger E, Burtscher M (2018) Exercise performance, muscle oxygen extraction and blood cell mitochondrial respiration after repeated-sprint and sprint interval training in hypoxia: A pilot study. J Sports Sci Med 17:339-47.

Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Instruments;methods 

Tissue;cell: Blood cells 

HRR: Oxygraph-2k, O2k-Protocol 

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