MitoFit Science Camp 2016 Kuehtai AT

From Bioblast

MitoFit Science Camp 2016 Kuehtai AT

Publications in the MiPMap

Kuehtai AT, 2016 Jul 07-13. MitoFit Science Camp and IOC112.

» Bioblast pdf

Oroboros (2016-07-07) MitoGlobal

Abstract: 2016 Jul 07-13, Kuehtai, AT. The project MitoFit aims at developing novel laboratory standards and diagnostic monitoring of a mitochondrial fitness score. With an international team of outstanding mitochondrial experts, the MitoFit Science Camp will provide a unique opportunity to receive first-hand introductions to state-of-the-art diagnostic monitoring of mitochondrial respiratory function combined with hands-on training on HRR (IOC112). Diverse areas are covered such as protective medicine, exercise physiology, mitochondrial pharmacology, aging, and comparative mitochondrial physiology (cell types, tissues, species). The common focus is on methodology, experimental details and quality control. The MitoFit Science Camp is a student- and research-oriented even, and may be considered as a sequence of workshops rather than a conference or school, addressing key topics of the COST Action MitoEAGLE project. This will provide a key opportunity to prepare the 1st Management Committee Meeting.

O2k-Network Lab: AT Innsbruck Oroboros

Labels: MiParea: mt-Awareness 

2016, ORO, O2k-Network, MitoFit 

Johannes Burtscher, Patrick Schaefer, Luiz Felipe Garcia e Souza, Pablo Garcia-Roves, Enrico Calzia, Stephen Dozier, Ignazio Prieto, Verena Laner, Erich Gnaiger, Devin Manning, Pedro Neves
MitoFit Science Camp - for and with mitochondrial scientists

Date, venue, sports programme


2016, July 07-13
HLZ Kuehtai
Immediately following EBEC2016 (July 2-7) organized by Paolo Bernardi in Riva del Garda (2.5 hours from Innsbruck).


High Altitude Training Center Kühtai, Kuehtai (Tyrol, Austria), 2020 m a.s.l. (42 min from Innsbruck).

Scientific sessions

Sporthotel Kühtai
A-6183 Kühtai • Nr. 9

Accommodation, breakfast and dinner

Hotel Astoria
A-6183 Kühtai • Nr. 33
Tel.: +43 5239-5215 • Fax: +43 5239-5215-80 • Mail
  • Additional accomodation: sourrounding apartments/hotels.

Sports programme

  • Activities at the participant's own risk. Sport programme is offered in collaboration with the Institute of Sport Science (University Innsbruck), Sporttherapie Huber, and the High Altitude Training Centre Kühtai.
  • Sign in as a subject: spiroergometric tests (limited number of participants).
  • MitoFit: expertise by experience - high altitude sports and physiotherapy in the Kuehtai environment.
HLZ Kuehtai »
Sporttherapie Huber »
» Meet the MitoFit athlete: a unique training experience
» Meet the MitoFit expert: groups and one-on-one sessions
» Walks&Talks


  • First I want to congratulate you for an excellent meeting and a great opportunity to start organizing the eCOST MitoEAGLE. - Pablo M Garcia-Roves, O2k-Network Lab: ES Barcelona Garcia-Roves PM
  • Participating at the workshop was very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for the perfect organisation. - Carmina Silaidos, O2k-Network Lab: DE Frankfurt Eckert GP
  • I want to say thank you to the whole Oroboros Team, and of course especially to Erich!! - Chiara Volani
  • Congratulations again to a great meeting - a successful approach to 'targeting, body & mind' - Dominik Pesta, O2k-Network Lab: DE Duesseldorf Roden M
  • Thank you very much for the well organised and very interesting MitoFit Science Camp. I am really happy that I could take part in it! - Dita Pelnena
  • Thanks so much! Really appreciate it. Thank you for the opportunity to present. Was a great meeting! - Nicole Bezuidenhout, O2k-Network Lab: ZA Cape Town Ojuka EO
  • Congratulations to you and the Oroboros crew for an interesting and spirited MitoFit Science Camp! - Daniel Kane, O2k-Network Lab: CA Antigonish Kane DA
  • Thank you for an awesome conference, it was a delight and honour to have presented my work! - Prisca Osiki, O2k-Network Lab: ZA Cape Town Ojuka EO
  • The workshop was great! I had a lot of fun and everything was very organized. - Chantal Pileggi, O2k-Network Lab: NZ Auckland Hickey AJ
  • I thank you very much for this outstanding, perfectly organized science camp. It was a great opportunity for me to participate in order to start networking with "mitochondria people", getting to know the Oxygraph, methods, protocols. I am well certain that soon I will be also a user of the Oroboros instrument as well. - Krisztina Verébné Tar
  • Again thank you for the very nice organisation of this meeting. Everything was perfect scientifically. - Thierry Arnould
  • The meeting was fantastic as always! - Charles L Hoppel, O2k-Network Lab: US OH Cleveland Hoppel CL

Impressions from the MitoFit Science Camp 2016

(c) Erich Gnaiger and Verena Laner, if not stated otherwise in the additional information to the specific picture.

Oroboros Scholarships

An Oroboros scholarship has been awarded to the following persons for the presentation of his/her research:
Michaela Markova (Charles University in Prague, CZ)
Adela Krajcova (Charles University in Prague, CZ)
Patrick Schäfer (University of Ulm, DE)
Dita Pelnena (Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, LV)
Norma Lilia Morales Garcia (National University of Mexico, Mexico City, MX)
Christina Uribe Alvarez (National University of Mexico, Mexico City, MX)
Chantal Pileggi (University of Auckland, NZ)
Nicole Bezuidenhout (University of Cape Town, ZA)
Prisca Osiki (University of Cape Town, ZA)

Poster Awards

Poster Awards were presented to the following persons in recognition of their outstanding posters:

Participants, abstracts, programme

» MitoFit SC 2016 Participants and abstracts.

» Programme Bioblast pdf
A1: Diagnostic substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor titration (SUIT) protocols of mitochondrial fitness.
A2: Quality management system for mitochondrial respirometry: the MitoFit proficiency test with a real-time Demo-Experiment (SUIT reference protocol).
A3: DatLab 7 proficiency test
B1: Mitochondrial assays in blood cells: Blood cell preparation, cryopreservation, respiration.
B2: Cell culture models versus tissue samples: - Brain and neuronal cells - Adipose tissue - Other.
B3: Mitochondrial studies in neurodegeneration.
C1: Skeletal and cardiac muscle fibres - towards a data repository.
Working groups will be defined for the following topics: hyperoxic vs. normoxic, media, buffers, preparational assays, dry weight vs. wet weight, normalization (tissue vs. mt-markers; flux control ratios; flux control factors; statistical critique of RCR), quality control and nomenclature.
C2: Excursion: Dreiseenhütte.
D1: Towards a database on mt-respiratory physiology: from laboratory standards to inter-laboratory harmonization.
D2: Mitochondrial health: molecules, cells and tissues.
D3: MoTrPAC and MitoEAGLE
E1: MitoEAGLE and parallel IOC112 O2k-Workshop.
E2: MitoEAGLE and parallel IOC112 O2k-Workshop.

July 07 Th 08 Fr 09 Sa 10 Su 11 Mo 12 Tu 13 We
07:00-08:00 Arrival Yoga with Meagan Yoga with Meagan MitoFit training I with Stefan HIT-Training with Verena
08:00-09:00 Break(fast) Break(fast) Break(fast) Break(fast) Break(fast) Breakfast
09:00-10:15 Topic A1 Topic B1 Topic C1 Topic D1 Topic E1, VO2max tests Departure
12:00-15:00 Lunch & Action / e-bikes Soccer / Volleyball / e-bikes Excursion to Dreiseenhütte
in power / moderate / slow mode or
Innsbruck (bad weather alternative)
Volleyball / Athletics / MitoFit Training II with Stefan, e-bikes, VO2max tests 2 km walking-tests, VO2max tests, e-bikes
15:30-16:45 Topic A2 Topic B2 Topic D2 Topic E2
19:00-20:30 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
20:30-21:15 Welcome by the organizers A3: DatLab 7 proficiency test B3: Evening topic European-Championship public viewing D3: MitoEAGLE and MoTrPAC MitoFit party

  • Topics are scheduled as a sequence of workshops to merge introductory lectures, panels, and poster flashes.
  • High-resolution respirometry (HRR) will be demonstrated at various levels, integrating an IOC (O2k-Workshop on HRR) into the MitoFit Science Camp, with an emphasis on instrumental quality control - towards MitoFit Proficiency Testing. DatLab 7 will be released and introduced as the software for quality control in HRR.
  • The programme is designed as a global introduction to the perspectives of the COST Action MitoEAGLE.
MiPArt Gallery: World health worries by Odra Noel (2012)
MitoEAGLE theme
MitoEAGLE aims at providing the first standardized measures to link mitochondrial and physiome performance (heart rate, BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, VO2max) to understand the myriad of factors that play a role in mitochondrial physiology. The ambitious objective to optimally harmonize protocols across research groups cannot be achieved through projects with limited numbers of partners. Therefore, the COST framework represents an ideal instrument which allows bringing together many groups and experts in the diverse field of mitochondrial physiology. The aim of this Action is to form a unique well-coordinated network of senior researchers and young investigators, to include well established stakeholders, and to establish a spirit of mentorship and collaboration in contrast to fierce competition which characterized early decades of bioenergetics. The COST Action MitoEAGLE aims at developing a quality management system (QMS), defining common standards for measurements in the field of mitochondrial function.- MitoEAGLE may be seen as too ambitious in the short term, but indispensable at large.
Increase the value and reduce the noise
Enthusiastic and authentic opinion leaders can bring about a change to increase the value and reduce the noise in mitochondrial research specifically, biomedicine at large, and in our society in general. Millions of Euros are wasted on research that is lacking coherent standards. Prespecified and time-stamped protocols are needed, and researchers need to be introduced into adhering to publicly deposited protocols in practice (Begley, Ioannidis 2015). MitoEAGLE recommendations will provide practical guidelines for students, scientists and stakeholders.
Further details: MitoEAGLE

» For the programme in detail please see: MitoFit_SC_2016_Programme information

MitoEAGLE: towards the 1st MC Meeting

The sessions on the COST Action MitoEAGLE at the MitoFit Science Camp provided an excellent opportunity to discuss some key topics in preparation of the 1st Management Committee (MC) Meeting, including several Management Committee Members who participated in the full MitoFit SC or joined specifically for this discussion.
The Working Groups (WG) were divided into Task Groups. This was particularly important for the large WG1 (Standard operating procedures and user requirement document: Protocols, terminology, documentation). The tentative WG5 (Dissemination and training) could thereby be incorporated into WG1.

Chair, Vicechair and Steering Committee
All suggestions may be turned over at the 1st Management Committee Meeting.
Among the participants, assuming that the Main Proposer (Erich Gnaiger) will be nominated as Chair of the COST Action MitoEAGLE, Elisa Calabria was suggested as the Vicechair to be nominated at the 1st MC Meeting.
Steering Committee
A Steering Committee should be nominated, consisting of the Chair, Vicechair, WG leaders, regional representatives (not MC members) beyond the limits of COST countries, a Financial Officer (Jaap Keijer should be consulted for suggestions), and a General Secretary (Christina Plattner).
The following criteria should be kept in mind for nominations: (1) Expertise; (2) Regions - add non-MC members as links to other continents; (3) Gender balance; (4) participation of Early Career Investigators (researchers in the time span of up to 8 years after the date of obtaining the PhD/doctorate). Among the participants, the following WG leaders were suggested, and a co-leader should be additionally nominated for the 1st MC Meeting:
WG leaders
  • 2016-09-06: Erich is attending the COST Preparatory Workshop for Main Proposers at the COST Office in Brussels. Here are some relevent suggestions from COST:
  • WG leaders have to be MC members, exceptionally MC substitute.
  • Colleagues from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) and Early Career Investigator (ECI) should be well represented as WG leaders, and rotation of some MC members for ECI should be considered by some COST National Coordinators.
  • A rotational system can be implemented and is even encouraged. WG co-leaders may be elected at the MC meeting with the intention to rotate at a given time point between WG leader and WG co-leader. Both should be MC members.
  • Define in advance Short Term Scientific Missions with ITC and ECI in mind, decide on assessment criteria.

International partner representatives

Working groups with a list of task forces
WG1: MitoEAGLE protocols, terminology, documentation
WG2: MitoEAGLE data: muscle
WG3: MitoEAGLE data: tissues
WG4: MitoEAGLE data: blood and cultured cells


MitoFit MUI Logo rz rgb.jpg LFU-Innsbruck-logo.png Oroboros WGT HLZ Kuehtai Sporttherapie Huber Tirol Logo Standortagentur.jpg

Additional support

Stealth Biotherapeutics
Listed under MitoGlobal Events.
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