Bioblast talk:About
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Bioblast start page 2016-02-10
MitoPedia - high-resolution terminology, matching measurements at high-resolution
MitoPedia term: Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase - another respiratory Complex at the Q-junction.
Oroboros Instruments participates in HORIZON 2020 funded Marie SkΕodowska-Curie projects TRACT and TRANSMIT:
MitoGlobal - the world-wide network of mitochondrial research and medicine MitoGlobal provides a world-wide platform for societies and organizations supporting mitochondrial research and medicine. MitoGlobal is moderated by the international MiPsociety.
MitoPedia topics: MitoGlobal Organizations
Bioblasts - the original bioenergetic term for mitochondria and bacteria Richard Altmann (1894) coined the term Bioblasts to describe the 'elementary particles' observed by osmium staining in metazoan cells, endosymbiotic and free-living bacteria (Tafel VII 1 Pankreas der Maus VII 2 WurzelknΓΆllchen von Coronilla glauca). Five years ago the Bioblast website was launched, and the bioblasts were presented in the MiPArt exhibtion at the Mitochondrial Physiology Conference MiP2010. |
Gentle Science isn't just about good science, it is about life: from life science to alive in science The icon of Gentle Science: Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom, the god of beginnings.
: Publications of historical interest are valued as milestones in science, as sources of understanding currently discussed concepts, and as a reminder that 'nothing' is new - something new is 'nothing'?
Β» On Gentle Science: Literature Β» Gentle Science Certificate for conferences
Bioblast alert 2015 2015(04): 2015-08-24
MitoGlobal Events: Programme Mitochondrial Physiology Conference, CZ, Sept 2015 now online: Β»MiP2015Β«. Last-minute registrations are encouraged - a special opportunity for MiPmembers, students and young investigators - no surcharge for late registration.
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5 years ago: the Bioblast Boost Β» Bioblast:About
Β» MitoPedia: Respiratory states: apparent excess capacities of respiration