Bioblast talk:About

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Bioblast start page 2016-02-10

MitoPedia - high-resolution terminology, matching measurements at high-resolution

MitoPedia term: Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase - another respiratory Complex at the Q-junction.

Β» Respiratory control ratios beyond the RCR - coupling:

P-L control efficiency P-L control efficiency,

R-L control efficiency R-L control efficiency,

E-L coupling efficiency E-L coupling efficiency.

MitoPathways 2020

MitoPathways - The Blue Book

Β» HRR - high-resolution respirometry was established in 1995. This is the first comprehensive methodological summary: Control of mitochondrial and cellular respiration by oxygen. J Bioenerg Biomembr (1995)

Oroboros Instruments participates in HORIZON 2020 funded Marie SkΕ‚odowska-Curie projects TRACT and TRANSMIT:

MitoGlobal - the world-wide network of mitochondrial research and medicine

MitoGlobal provides a world-wide platform for societies and organizations supporting mitochondrial research and medicine.

MitoGlobal is moderated by the international MiPsociety.

MitoPedia topics: MitoGlobal Organizations 

Bioblasts - the original bioenergetic term for mitochondria and bacteria

Altmann 1894

Richard Altmann (1894) coined the term Bioblasts to describe the 'elementary particles' observed by osmium staining in metazoan cells, endosymbiotic and free-living bacteria (Tafel VII 1 Pankreas der Maus VII 2 WurzelknΓΆllchen von Coronilla glauca). Five years ago the Bioblast website was launched, and the bioblasts were presented in the MiPArt exhibtion at the Mitochondrial Physiology Conference MiP2010.

Gentle Science isn't just about good science, it is about life: from life science to alive in science

Gentle Science
The icon of Gentle Science: Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom, the god of beginnings.

Mitochondria and bioblasts: Made history: Publications of historical interest are valued as milestones in science, as sources of understanding currently discussed concepts, and as a reminder that 'nothing' is new - something new is 'nothing'?
Β» On the radar of Gentle Science

Β» On Gentle Science: Literature

Β» Gentle Science Certificate for conferences

Exhibition Bioenergetics - Art meets Gentle Science - from the Science Museum of Virginia to MitoGlobal?

Sir John Walker at MiP2013, Obergurgl, AT

Sir John Walker: Generating the fuel of life

Bioblast alert

Bioblast alert 2015 2015(04): 2015-08-24

MiPArt by Odra Noel MitoGlobal Events: Programme Mitochondrial Physiology Conference, CZ, Sept 2015 now online: Β»MiP2015Β«. Last-minute registrations are encouraged - a special opportunity for MiPmembers, students and young investigators - no surcharge for late registration.

Bioblast wiki Send your favourite Β» Bioblast picture of the month.

MitoGlobal 5 years ago: the Bioblast Boost Β» Bioblast:About

MitoPedia Β» MitoPedia: Respiratory states: apparent excess capacities of respiration Excess E-P capacity Excess E-R capacity

OLD and various icons


OROBOROS O2k-Catalogue OROBOROS O2k-Catalogue

Mitochondrial Oroboros by Odra Noel

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