MiPNet21.11 IOC116 Innsbruck AT

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MiPNet21.11 IOC116 Innsbruck AT

Publications in the MiPMap

Innsbruck AT, 2016 Nov 21-25. Oroboros Workshop on O2k-Fluorometry - advanced, IOC116.

Oroboros (2016-11-21) Mitochondr Physiol Network



Oroboros Workshop on O2k-Fluorometry - advanced. Innsbruck, Austria; 2016 Nov 21-25.

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros



  • It was my pleasure to participate, always useful and great fun. - Spinazzi Marco


Monday Nov 21

Time Topic Materials
Arrival Hotel Grauer Bär
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Get-together and introduction of participants and their research interests - a welcome by Oroboros Instruments. O2k-Network

Tuesday Nov 22

Time Topic Materials
Erich Gnaiger
Erich Gnaiger

Oroboros FluoRespirometry: Respiration, mt-membrane potential and H2O2 production.

Oroboros FluoRespirometer
09:30 O2k-Fluorometer.JPG Carolina Doerrier, Erich Gnaiger

Respiration and H2O2 production in permeabilized HEK cells - O2k-Fluo demo experiment.

MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP, Makrecka-Kuka 2015 Biomolecules
10:30 Coffe/tea break
10:45 Carolina Doerrier Carolina Doerrier

Respiration and H2O2 production in permeabilized HEK cells - Hands-on experiment with eight Oroboros, 16 Oroboros Chambers.

Hydrogen peroxide
12:30 Lunch
14:00 DatLab DatLab analysis and collection of experimental data. MitoPedia: DatLab
15:30 Anthony Moore Anthony Moore

IOC lecture: Investigations into the multi-faceted roles of the alternative oxidases: are they a reflection of the nature of the hydrophobic cavity?

Moore 2016 Abstract IOC116
16:00 Coffee/tea break
16:15 O2k-Network Oroboros-Team and Guest Tutors

Data discussion, SUIT protocol interpretation, summary.

MitoPedia: SUIT
18:00 Dinner
Oroboros and MiP-perspectives
19:30 Ondrej Sobotka Sobotka O, Kucera O, Stankova P, Endlicher R, Nozickova K, Banni A, Cervinkova Z

Mitochondrial respiration in fatty liver.

Sobotka 2016 Abstract IOC116
19:45 Face-female.jpg Nielsen B, Woertwein G, Cejvanovic V, Hansen AR, Weimann A, Bjerring PN, Poulsen HE, Joergensen MB

The function of mitochondria and oxidative stress after antidepressants treatment in rats.

Nielsen 2016 Abstract IOC116
20:00 Laia Morato Morato L, Guillot de Suduiraut MI, Grosse J, Zanoletti O, Riccio O, Fournier C, Sandi C

Impaired mitochondrial function mediates early life stress-induced depression.

Morato 2016 Abstract IOC116
20:15 Rahel Wyss Wyss RK, Mendez-Carmona N, Nieves Sanz M, Tevaearai Stahel HT, Longnus SL

Tolerance of cardiac mitochondria to ischemia and reperfusion.

Wyss 2016 Abstract IOC116

Wednesday Nov 23

Time Topic Materials
08:30 Zuzana Sumbalova Zuzana Sumbalova

Oroboros potentiometric measurement of mt-membrane potential with TPP+: TPP+ calibration and demo with mouse brain isolated mitochondria.

ISE TPP-Module
10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:45 ISE TPP-Module Demo with mouse brain isolated mitochondria. ISE TPP-Module
12:30 Lunch
14:00 O2k-Fluorometer.JPG TPP+ or Fluorometry: Safranin or TMRM - hands-on. Krumschnabel 2014 Methods Enzymol
16:00 Coffee/tea break
16:15 DatLab Zuzana Sumbalova

Data analysis and discussion.

Krumschnabel 2015 Methods Mol Biol
18:00 Dinner
Oroboros and MiP-perspectives
19:30 Timea Komlodi Komlodi T, Geibl F, Sassani M, Adam-Vizi V, Tretter L

The effect of ΔΨmt and ΔpH on mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production - A comparative study using mitochondria isolated from different mammalian tissues.

Komlodi 2016 Abstract IOC116
19:45 Cristiane Cecatto Cecatto C, Silva JC, Wajner A, Godoy KS, Ribeiro, RT, Amaral AU, Wajner M

cis-4-Decenoic and decanoic acids impair mitochondrial energy, redox and Ca2+ homeostasis and induce mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in rat brain and liver.

Cecatto 2016 Abstract IOC116
20:00 Jana Krizova Krizova J, Macakova M, Bohuslavova B, Klima J, Ellederova Z, Zeman J, Motlik J, Hansikova H

Complex I-dependent respiration decline is a marker of Huntington`s disease in spermatozoa of transgenic minipig model.

Krizova 2016 Abstract IOC116

Thursday Nov 24

Time Topic Materials
08:30 Christos Chinopoulos Christos Chinopoulos

Determination of ADP-ATP exchange rate in isolated mitochondria.

Magnesium Green
10:30 Coffe/tea break
10:45 Fluorescence-Sensor Green.JPG Christos Chinopoulos

Fluo measurement (Mg-Green) of the ~P/O2 ratio in isolated mitochondria - demo experiment.

Oroboros FluoRespirometer
12:30 Lunch
14:00 O2k-Fluorometer.JPG Christos Chinopoulos

Data analysis and summary of experimental results.

MiPNet17.05 Fluo LED2-Module

Chinopoulos 2014 Methods Enzymol

16:00 Coffee/tea break
16:30 Christkindlmarkt Innsbruck.jpg Glühwein at the Christkindl market in Innsbruck Old Town. Glühwein manual
18:00 Dinner
Austrian airlines.jpg Departure, Friday Nov 25


 Has title
Komlodi 2016 Abstract IOC116Komlodi T, Geibl F, Sassani M, Adam-Vizi V, Tretter L (2016) The effect of ΔΨmt and ΔpH on mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production - A comparative study using mitochondria isolated from different mammalian tissues. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Cecatto 2016 Abstract IOC116Cecatto C, Silva JC, Wajner A, Godoy KS, Ribeiro, RT, Amaral AU, Wajner M (2016) cis-4-Decenoic and decanoic acids impair mitochondrial energy, redox and Ca2+ homeostasis and induce mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in rat brain and liver. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Poddar 2016 Abstract IOC116Poddar J, Banerjee A, Mukherjee A, Chakrabarti S (2016) Effects of glucose hypometabolism on mitochondrial functions in rat brain and in SHSY5Y cells in culture. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Sobotka 2016 Abstract IOC116Sobotka O, Kucera Otto, Stankova P, Endlicher R, Nozickova K, Banni A, Cervinkova Z (2016) Mitochondrial respiration in fatty liver. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Nielsen 2016 Abstract IOC116Nielsen B, Woertwein G, Cejvanovic V, Hansen AR, Weimann A, Bjerring PN, Poulsen HE, Joergensen MB (2016) The function of mitochondria and oxidative stress after antidepressants treatment in rats. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Krizova 2016 Abstract IOC116Krizova J, Macakova M, Bohuslavova B, Klima J, Ellederova Z, Zeman J, Motlik J, Hansikova H (2016) Complex I-dependent respiration decline is a marker of Huntington`s disease in spermatozoa of transgenic minipig model. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Morato 2016 Abstract IOC116Morato L, Guillot de Suduiraut MI, Grosse J, Zanoletti O, Riccio O, Fournier C, Sandi C (2016) Impaired mitochondrial function mediates early life stress-induced depression. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Wyss 2016 Abstract IOC116Wyss RK, Mendez-Carmona N, Nieves Sanz M, Tevaearai Stahel HT, Longnus SL (2016) Tolerance of cardiac mitochondria to ischemia and reperfusion. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
Moore 2016 Abstract IOC116Moore AL (2016) Investigations into the multi-faceted roles of the alternative oxidases: are they a reflection of the nature of the hydrophobic cavity? Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.11
... further results

Team and guest tutors


Participant Institution
Aparicio Trejo Omar Emiliano MX Mexico City Pedraza Chaverri J: Department of Biology, University of Mexico, Mexico City (MX)
Bhuvanachandran Nair Syam SE Gothenburg Hagberg H: Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg (SE)
Marta Casado Casado Pinna Marta ES Valencia Casado Pinna M: Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology and Therapy, Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (ES)
Cristiane Cecatto Cecatto Cristiane BR Porto Alegre Souza DOG: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SuL, Porto Alegre(BR)
Einer Claudia DE Munich Zischka H: Helmholtz Centre Munich (DE)
Grewal Rekha DE Giessen Eckert GP: Department of Nutrition in Prevention & Therapy, Justus Liebig University, Giessen (DE)
Goy Christine DE Duesseldorf Haendeler J: Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Molecular Aging Research, Duesseldorf (DE)
Hey-Mogensen Martin US WA Seattle Hey-Mogensen M: Novo Nordisk Research Center, Seattle (US)
Jana Krizova Krizova Jana CZ Prague Zeman J: Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (CZ)
Timea Komlodi Komlodi Timea HU Budapest Tretter L: Department of Medical Biochemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest (HU)

COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE: Short-term scientific mission

Kraunsoee Regitze DK Copenhagen Dela F: Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (DK)
Matsumoto Junichi JP Sapporo Yokota T: Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo (JP)
Andras Meszaros Meszaros Andras HU Szeged Boros M: University of Szeged (HU)

COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE: Short-term scientific mission

Anthony Moore Moore Anthony L UK Brighton Moore AL: University of Sussex, Brighton (UK)
Laia Morato Morato Fornaguera Laia CH Lausanne Sandi C: EPFL, Lausanne (CH)
Pedro Neves Neves Pedro AT Innsbruck OROBOROS: Oroboros Instruments(AT)
Nielsen Birgitte DK Copenhagen Poulsen HE: Rigshospitalet Copenhagen, Lab of clinical Pharamacology (DK)
Schaefer Carmina DE Giessen Eckert GP: Department of Nutrition in Prevention & Therapy, Justus Liebig University, Giessen (DE)
Sigl Reinhard AT Innsbruck OROBOROS: Oroboros Instruments (AT)
Ondrej Sobotka Sobotka Ondrej CZ Hradec Kralove Cervinkova Z: Department of Physiology, Charles University in Prague, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
Marco Spinazzi Spinazzi Marco BE Leuven Spinazzi M: KU Leuven Center for Human, VIB Center for the Biology of Disease (BE)
Weir Mary CA Antigonish Kane DA: St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish (CA)
Rahel Wyss Wyss Rahel CH Bern Longnus SL: Bern University Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery (CH)

Demo DatLab file for mitochondrial membrane potential

» Media:2016-11-23 P1-01.DLD

General information

This Oroboros Workshop for advanced users provides a short introduction to HRR. The Fluo LED2-Module and O2k-Fluorometry will be presented in overview lectures and hands-on sessions; protocols for the measurement of hydrogen peroxide production (Amplex red), mt-membrane potential (Safranin, TMRM), ATP production (Mg green), and Ca2+ (Ca green) will be discussed.
» Information on travel and venue: IOC Innsbruck.
Hotel Grauer Bär
Universitätsstrasse 5-7, 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43 (0) 512 5924
Our prices include accommodation at Hotel Grauer Bär, full board, coffee breaks, spa area
Please fill in the registration form and send it to instruments@oroboros.at
» Registration pdf
IOC student scholarships are available for this IOC. More information? See here.
Oroboros perspectives - abstracts
Abstracts for the Oroboros perspectives evenings provide participants an opportunity to present and discuss their work, including projects in progress, methodological details and conceptual perspectives.
» Abstract guidelines
IOC recommended reading
» IOC recommended reading
» MitoPedia: Respiratory states
Oroboros Instruments, high-resolution respirometry
Schöpfstrasse 18, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 512 566796; Fax: +43 512 566796 20
Mitochondria and cell research
Project support
Contribution to K-Regio project MitoFit, funded by the Land Tirol within the program K-Regio of Standortagentur Tirol.

Oroboros Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.


ORO, IOC, 2016, MitoFit 

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