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From Bioblast
Default labelThe Default label is the system default value for the axis label. These labels are changed automatically, according to the selected channel and unit. To change this label enter a Custom label.
Delete pointsSelect Delete points in the Mark information window to remove all data points in the marked section of the active plot. See also Interpolate points and Restore points or Recalculate slope.
Densityρ, C, DDensity, mass density ρ = m·V-1 [kg·m-3], is mass m divided by volume V. Surface density ρA = m·A-1 [kg·m-2] (SI). For a pure sample S, the mass density ρS = mS·VS-1 [kg·m-3] is the mass m of pure sample S per volume VS of the pure sample. With density ρ thus defined, the 'amount density' of substance B is ρB = nB·VB-1 [mol·m-3]. This is not a commonly used expression, but the inverse is defined as the molar volume of a pure substance (IUPAC), Vm,B = VB·nB-1 [m3·mol-1]. The pure sample is a pure gas, pure liquid or pure solid of a defined elementary entity. The amount concentration, cB = nB·V-1 [mol·m-3] is the amount nB of substance B divided by the volume V of the mixture (IUPAC), and this is not called an 'amount density'. The term 'amount density' is reserved for an amount of substance per volume VS of the pure substance. This explicit distinction between 'density' related to the volume of the sample and 'concentration' related to the total volume of the mixture is very helpful to avoid confusion. Further clarification is required in cases, when the mass density ρs of the sample in the mixture differs from the mass density ρS of the pure sample before mixing. Think of a sample S of pure ethanol with a volume of 1 L at 25 °C, which is mixed with a volume of 1 L of pure water at 25 °C: after the temperature of the mixture has equilibrated to 25 °C, the total volume of the mixture is less than 2 L, such that the volume VS of 1 L pure ethanol has diminished to a smaller volume Vs of ethanol in the mixture; the density of ethanol in the mixture is higher than the density of pure ethanol (this is incomplete additivity). The volume Vs of sample s in a mixture is by definition smaller than the total volume V of the mixture. Sample volume VS and system volume V are identical, but this applies only to the case of a pure sample. Concentration is related to samples s per total volume V of the mixture, whereas density is related to samples S or s per volume VS = V or Vs < V, respectively (BEC 2020.1).
Derivative spectroscopyDerivative spectroscopy can be used to eliminate interfering artefacts or species. A first order derivative will remove a constant background absorbance across the spectral range. A second order derivative spectrum will remove a species whose absorbance is linearly dependent upon the wavelength, etc..
Deselect channelsF7Channels can be selected/deselected in DatLab in the O2k configuration. Deselect all O2k-MultiSensor channels in O2k-Core applications. Select only the specifically used channels in O2k-MultiSensor applications.
DetectorA detector is a device that converts the light falling upon it into a current or voltage that is proportional to the light intensity. The most common devices in current use for fluorometry and spectrophotometry are photodiodes and photodiode arrays.
DiapauseDiapause is a preprogrammed form of developmental arrest that allows animals to survive harsh environmental conditions and may also allow populations to synchronize periods of growth and reproduction with periods of optimal temperatures and adequate water and food. Diapause is endogenously controlled, and this dormancy typically begins well before conditions become too harsh to support normal growth and development [1,2]. » MiPNet article
Dicarboxylate carrierDICThe dicarboxylate carrier is a transporter which catalyses the electroneutral exchange of malate2- (or succinate2-) for inorganic phosphate, HPO42-.
Difference spectrumA difference spectrum is an absorbance spectrum obtained by subtracting that of one substance from that of another. For example, a difference spectrum may be plotted of the absorbance spectrum obtain ed from reduced cytochrome c and subtracting the absorbance spectrum from the same concentration of cytochrome c in its oxidised state. The difference spectrum may be used to quantify the amount to which the cytochrome c is reduced. This can be achieved with the aid of a reference spectrum (or spectra) and the least squares method.
Different O2 fluxes in left and right chamberWhat are potential causes for different O2 fluxes in the left and right chamber?
Diffraction gratingsDiffraction gratings are dispersion devices that are made from glass etched with fine grooves, spaced at the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the light to be dispersed, and then coated with aluminium to reflect the light to the photodiode array. Diffraction gratings reflect the light in different orders and filters need to be incorporated to prevent overlapping.
Digital Object IdentifierDOIA Digital Object Identifier, DOI, is a persistent identifier used to uniquely identify online publications in order to ensure they remain traceable, searchable and citable over the long term. Compared to other types of persistent identifiers, the DOI system is widespread and well established in the life sciences arena, and it provides widely accepted visible proof that a publication is citable.
DigitoninDigDigitonin is a mild detergent that permeabilizes plasma membranes selectively due to their high cholesterol content, whereas mt-membranes with lower cholesterol content are affected only at higher concentrations. Digitonin is a natural product and thus the effective concentration has to be determined by titrations for every batch. The optimum effective digitonin concentrations for complete plasma membrane permeabilization of cultured cells can be determined directly in a respirometric protocol (see: SUIT-010 O2 ce-pce D008).
Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenaseDhoDHDihydro-orotate dehydrogenase is an electron transfer complex of the inner mitochondrial membrane, converting dihydro-orotate (Dho) into orotate, and linking electron transfer through the Q-junction to pyrimidine synthesis and thus to the control of biogenesis.
DihydroethidiumDHEDihydroethidium (also called hydroethidine) is a cell permeant fluorescent probe used to analyse superoxide presence. It is a reduced form of ethidium that presents blue fluorescence, and after oxidation by superoxide becomes able to intercalate DNA and emits red fluorescence (excitation wavelength ~518–535 nm, emission ~605–610 nm). It has been used to detect superoxide by HPLC and by fluorescence microscopy.
Dilution effectDilution of the concentration of a compound or sample in the experimental chamber by a titration of another solution into the chamber.

Dimensions are defined in the SI {Quote}: Physical quantities can be organized in a system of dimensions, where the system used is decided by convention. Each of the seven base quantities used in the SI is regarded as having its own dimension. .. All other quantities, with the exception of counts, are derived quantities, which may be written in terms of base quantities according to the equations of physics. The dimensions of the derived quantities are written as products of powers of the dimensions of the base quantities using the equations that relate the derived quantities to the base quantities.

There are quantities Q for which the defining equation is such that all of the dimensional exponents in the equation for the dimension of Q are zero. This is true in particular for any quantity that is defined as the ratio of two quantities of the same kind. .. There are also some quantities that cannot be described in terms of the seven base quantities of the SI, but have the nature of a count. Examples are a number of molecules, a number of cellular or biomolecular entities (for example copies of a particular nucleic acid sequence), or degeneracy in quantum mechanics. Counting quantities are also quantities with the associated unit one. {end of Quote: p 136, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures 2019 The International System of Units (SI)}

Dimethyl sulfoxideDMSODimethyl sulfoxide is a polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water. DMSO may also be used as a cryoprotectant, added to cell media to reduce ice formation and thereby prevent cell death during the freezing process.
DinitrochlorobenzeneDNCBDinitrochlorobenzene (1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) (DNCB) is a glutathione (GSH) inhibitor.
DinitrophenoleDNP2,4-dinitrophenole (C6H4N2O5; M = 184.11 g·mol-1) is a protonophore acting as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation.
DirectiveA directive is a legal act of the European Union, which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result.
Directory of Open Access JournalsDOAJThe Directory of Open Access Journals is a free online directory that indexes and provides access to open access peer-reviewed journals.
Discontinuous systemIn a discontinuous system, gradients in continuous systems across the length, l, of the diffusion path [m], are replaced by differences across compartmental boundaries of zero thickness, and the local concentration is replaced by the free activity, α [mol·dm-3]. The length of the diffusion path may not be constant along all diffusion pathways, spacial direction varies (e.g., in a spherical particle surrounded by a semipermeable membrane), and information on the diffusion paths may even be not known in a discontinuous system. In this case (e.g., in most treatments of the protonmotive force) the diffusion path is moved from the (ergodynamic) isomorphic force term to the (kinetic) mobility term. The synonym of a discontinuous system is compartmental or discretized system. In the first part of the definition of discontinuous systems, three compartments are considered: (1) the source compartment A, (2) the sink compartment B, and (3) the internal barrier compartment with thickness l. In a two-compartmental description, a system boundary is defined of zero thickness, such that the barrier comparment (e.g., a semipermeable membrane) is either part of the system (internal) or part of the environment (external). Similarly, the intermediary steps in a chemical reaction may be explicitely considered in an ergodnamic multi-comparment system; alternatively, the kinetic analysis of all intermediary steps may be collectively considered in the catalytic reaction mobility, reducing the measurement to a two-compartmental analysis of the substrate and product compartments.
Dispersion devicesA dispersion device diffracts light at different angles according to its wavelength. Traditionally, prisms and diffraction gratings are used, the latter now being the most commonly used device in a spectrofluorometer or spectrophotometer.
Display DatLab help

Display DatLab help

In this section, we present some issues that could happen during your data analysis related to the graphs display and how to fix them quickly.

Case in which an issue might occur:

  • While analysing your data, trying to close the program while the graph is still being loaded. If you cancel the closing window, the graph will not be loaded at the screen.

In the event of a frozen display of the graphs, try the alternatives below:

  • Click on: Graph > Autoscale time axis
  • Click on: Graph > Scaling (F6); then press OK to confirm the scaling and induce the program to reload the graphs (no changes in the graphs are required).
Display Power-O2kThe Power-O2k number, which is set in the pull-down menu Oroboros O2k \ O2k configuration, is shown in the active graph. To show it in graphs copied to clipboard, the option "Show Oroboros icon in clipboard files" must be enabled in the Graph-menu Graph options - DatLab.
Display numerical valueIf Display numerical value the current numerical values are displayed in the graph for the active plots on the Y1 axis and Y2 axis (during data acquisition only).
Dit - (The abbreviation 'Dith' has been used previously and is stepwise replaced by Dit.)
The sodium salt of Dithionite Na2S2O4 (Dit) is the 'zero oxygen solution powder' used for calibration of oxygen sensors at zero oxygen concentration, or for stepwise reduction of oxygen concentrations in instrumental O2 background tests. It is not recommended to use dithionite in experiments with biological samples or several multisensor approaches, for these see Setting the oxygen concentration.
DriftThe most common cause of drift is variation in the intensity of the light source. The effect of this can be minimised by carrying out a balance at frequent intervals.
Dual wavelength analysisIf a sample contains a number of absorbing substances, it is sometimes possible to select discrete pairs of wavelengths at which the change in absorbance of a particular substance (due to oxidation or reduction, for example) is largely independent of changes in the absorbance of other substances present. Dual wavelength analysis can be carried out for cytochrome c by subtracting the absorbance at 540 nm from that at 550nm in order to give a measure of the degree of reduction. Similarly, by subtracting the absorbance at 465 nm from that at 444 nm, an indicator of the redox state of cytochrome aa3 can be obtained.
DuroquinolDQET-pathway level 2 is supported by duroquinol DQ feeding electrons into Complex III (CIII) with further electron transfer to CIV and oxygen. Upstream pathways are inhibited by rotenone and malonic acid in the absence of other substrates linked to ET-pathways with entry into the Q-junction.
Dyscoupled respiration

Dyscoupled respiration is LEAK respiration distinguished from intrinsically (physiologically) uncoupled and from extrinsic experimentally uncoupled respiration as an indication of extrinsic uncoupling (pathological, toxicological, pharmacological by agents that are not specifically applied to induce uncoupling, but are tested for their potential dyscoupling effect). Dyscoupling indicates a mitochondrial dysfunction.

In addition to intrinsic uncoupling, dyscoupling occurs under pathological and toxicological conditions. Thus a distinction is made between physiological uncoupling and pathologically defective dyscoupling in mitochondrial respiration.

Ee, E

» Energy, Exergy E

» elementary charge e = 1.602 176 634∙10-19 C∙x-1

» Euler's number e ~ 2.718 281 828 459

» ET capacity E

E-L coupling efficiencyjE-LE-L coupling efficiency The E-L coupling efficiency, jE-L = (E-L)/E = 1-L/E, is 0.0 at zero coupling (L=E) and 1.0 at the limit of a fully coupled system (L=0). The background state is the LEAK state which is stimulated to flux in the electron transfer pathway reference state by uncoupler titration. LEAK states LN or LT may be stimulated first by saturating ADP (rate P in the OXPHOS state) with subsequent uncoupler titration to the ET state with maximum rate E. The E-L coupling efficiency is based on measurement of a coupling-control ratio (LEAK-control ratio, L/E), whereas the thermodynamic or ergodynamic efficiency of coupling between ATP production (phosphorylation of ADP to ATP) and oxygen consumption is based on measurement of the output/input flux ratio (P»/O2 ratio) and output/input force ratio (Gibbs force of phosphorylation/Gibbs force of oxidation). The biochemical coupling efficiency expressed as the E-L coupling efficiency is independent of kinetic control by the E-P control efficiency, and is equal to the P-L control efficiency if P=E as evaluated in a coupling-control protocol. » MiPNet article
E-L net ET capacityE-LE-L net ET capacity The E-L net ET capacity is the ET capacity corrected for LEAK respiration. E-L is the respiratory capacity potentially available for ion transport and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. Oxygen consumption in the ET-pathway state, therefore, is partitioned into the E-L net ET capacity and LEAK respiration LP, compensating for proton leaks, slip and cation cycling: E = E-L+LP (see P-L net OXPHOS capacity).
E-P control efficiencyjE-PE-P control efficiency The E-P control efficiency, jE-P = (E-P)/E = 1-P/E, is an expression of the relative limitation of OXPHOS capacity by the capacity of the phosphorylation system. It is the normalized E-P excess capacity. jE-P = 0.0 when OXPHOS capacity is not limited by the phosphorylation system at zero E-P excess capacity, P=E, when the phosphorylation system does not exert any control over OXPHOS capacity. jE-P increases with increasing control of the phosphorylation system over OXPHOS capacity. jE-P = 1 at the limit of zero phosphorylation capacity. The OXPHOS state of mt-preparations is stimulated to electron transfer pathway capacity E by uncoupler titration, which yields the E-P excess capacity.
E-P excess capacityE-PE-P excess capacity The E-P excess capacity is the difference of the ET capacity and OXPHOS capacity. At E-P > 0, the capacity of the phosphorylation system exerts a limiting effect on OXPHOS capacity. In addition, E-P depends on coupling efficiency, since P aproaches E at increasing uncoupling.
E-R control efficiencyjE-RE-R control efficiency The E-R control efficiency, jE-R = (E-R)/E = 1-R/E, is an expression of the relative scope of increasing ROUTINE respiration in living cells by uncoupler titrations to obtain ET capacity. jE-R = 0.0 for zero E-R reserve capacity when R=E; jE-R = 1.0 for the maximum limit when R=0. The ROUTINE state of living cells is stimulated to electron transfer pathway capacity by uncoupler titration, which yields the E-R reserve capacity. Since ET capacity is significantly higher than OXPHOS capacity in various cell types (as shown by cell ergometry), jE-R is not a reserve capacity available for the cell to increase oxidative phosphorylation, but strictly a scope (reserve) for uncoupling respiration. Similarly, the apparent E-P excess ET capacity is not a respiratory reserve in the sense of oxidative phosphorylation.
E-R reserve capacityE-RE-R reserve capacity The E-R reserve capacity is the difference of ET capacity and ROUTINE respiration. For further information, see Cell ergometry.
ET capacityEE.jpg T capacity is the respiratory electron-transfer-pathway capacity E of mitochondria measured as oxygen consumption in the noncoupled state at optimum uncoupler concentration. This optimum concentration is obtained by stepwise titration of an established protonophore to induce maximum oxygen flux as the determinant of ET capacity. The experimentally induced noncoupled state at optimum uncoupler concentration is thus distinguished from (1) a wide range of uncoupled states at any experimental uncoupler concentration, (2) physiological uncoupled states controlled by intrinsic uncoupling (e.g. UCP1 in brown fat), and (3) pathological dyscoupled states indicative of mitochondrial injuries or toxic effects of pharmacological or environmental substances. ET capacity in mitochondrial preparations requires the addition of defined fuel substrates to establish an ET-pathway competent state. » MiPNet article
ET-pathway competent stateElectron transfer pathway competent state, see Electron-transfer-pathway state.
ET-pathway substrate typesn.a.See Electron-transfer-pathway state

EUROMIT is a group based in Europe for organizing International Meetings on Mitochondrial Pathology.

EctothermsEctotherms are organisms whose body temperatures conform to the thermal environment. In many cases, therefore, ectotherms are poicilothermic.
Editorial board participationEditorial board participation is a topic addressed in COPE core practices for research.
ElamipretideBendaviaBendavia (Elamipretide) was developed as a mitochondria-targeted drug against degenerative diseases, including cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury. Clinical trials showed variable results. It is a cationic tetrapeptide which readily passes cell membranes, associates with cardiolipin in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Supercomplex-associated CIV activity significantly improved in response to elamipretide treatment in the failing human heart.

According to David Fell, "Elasticities are properties of individual enzymes and not the metabolic system. The elasticity of an enzyme to a metabolite is related to the slope of the curve of the enzyme's rate plotted against metabolite concentration, taken at the metabolite concentrations found in the pathway in the metabolic state of interest. It can be obtained directly as the slope of the logarithm of the rate plotted against the logarithm of the metabolic concentration. The elasticity will change at each point of the curve (s,v) and must be calculated for the specific concentration of the metabolite (s) that will give a specific rate (r) of the enzyme activity" (See Figure).

Elasticity Measurement.jpg

Electric currentIel [A = C·s-1]; [mol·s-1]; [x·s-1]Current or electric flow Iel is the advancement of charge per unit of time, expressed in the SI base unit ampere [C·s-1 = A]. Electrons or ions are the current-carrying motive entities of electric flow. Electrons e- are negatively charged subatomic particles carrying 'negative electricity' with a mass that is about 1/1700 of the smallest particle — the proton — carrying 'positive electricity' (Thompson 1906). Correspondingly the velocity of electrons is much higher than that of protons or any other (larger) ion. Current is the velocity v of paticles times the number of motive charges. Therefore, electron current Ie- is of a different nature from electric current Ielχ carried by all species i of ions Xi (cations and anions) summarized as χ = Σ(zi·Xi). Whereas Ie- is the net translocation of electrons moving forwards and backwards, Ielχ is the net translocation of charges carried by different cations and anions. In contrast, ion current IelX of a specific ion X is the partial translocation of charges carried by net translocation of ion X only. If cation current IelX+ is antagonized entirely by counterion current IelY- as the process of antiport, then the electric current Ielχ is zero. The (net) electric current in a compartmental system is driven by the electric force ΔelFp+ or electric potential difference ΔΨp+, whereas a compensated ion/counterion antiport current is insensitive to the electric potential difference.
Electric current densityj [C·m-2]Electric current density is current divided by area, j=I·A-1 [C·m-2]. Compare: density.
Electrochemical constantf [J·C-1·K-1]
Table Physical constants.png

The electrochemical constant f has the SI unit for energy per charge per temperature [J·C-1·K-1].

f = k·e-1, the Boltzmann constant k divided by the elementary charge e.

f = R·F-1, the gas constant R divided by the Faraday constant F.

Electrolyte Reference-Electrode.jpg

Electrolyte\Reference-Electrode for Reference-Electrode\2.4 mm

Electron flowIeElectron flow through the mitochondrial Electron transfer pathway (ET-pahway) is the scalar component of chemical reactions in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Electron flow is most conveniently measured as oxygen consumption (oxygraphic measurement of oxygen flow), with four electrons being taken up when oxygen (O2) is reduced to water.
Electron leakElectrons that escape the electron transfer pathway without completing the reduction of oxygen to water at cytochrome c oxidase, causing the production of ROS. The rate of electron leak depends on the topology of the complex, the redox state of the moiety responsible of electron leakiness and usually on the protonmotive force (Δp). In some cases, the Δp dependance relies more on the ∆pH component than in the ∆Ψ.
Electron transfer pathwayET pathwayIn the mitochondrial electron transfer pathway (ET pathway) electrons are transferred from externally supplied reduced fuel substrates to oxygen. Based on this experimentally oriented definition (see ET capacity), the ET pathway consists of (1) the membrane-bound ET pathway with respiratory complexes located in the inner mt-membrane, (2) TCA cycle and other mt-matrix dehydrogenases generating NADH and succinate, and (3) the carriers involved in metabolite transport across the mt-membranes. » MiPNet article
Electron-transfer-pathway stateET-pathway state
SUIT-catg FNSGpCIV.jpg

Electron-transfer-pathway states are obtained in mitochondrial preparations (isolated mitochondria, permeabilized cells, permeabilized tissues, tissue homogenate) by depletion of endogenous substrates and addition to the mitochondrial respiration medium of fuel substrates (CHNO) activating specific mitochondrial pathways, and possibly inhibitors of specific pathways. Mitochondrial electron-transfer-pathway states have to be defined complementary to mitochondrial coupling-control states. Coupling-control states require ET-pathway competent states, including oxygen supply. Categories of SUIT protocols are defined according to mitochondrial ET-pathway states. » MiPNet article

Electron-transferring flavoprotein ComplexCETFElectron-transferring flavoprotein Complex (CETF) is a respiratory Complex localized at the matrix face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, supplies electrons to Q, and is thus an enzyme Complex of the mitochondrial Electron transfer pathway (ET-pathway). CETF links the ß-oxidation cycle with the membrane-bound electron transfer system in fatty acid oxidation (FAO).
Electronic-TIP2k Upgrading\O2k-Main Unit Series A-DElectronic-TIP2k Upgrading\O2k-Main Unit Series A-D - Former Product : not required for O2k-Core, the O2k-Main Unit has to be returned to the OROBOROS workshop.
Electronic-TIP2k Upgrading\O2k-Main Unit Series EElectronic-TIP2k Upgrading\O2k-Main Unit Series E - Former Series : not required for O2k-Core, free of charge for Series E in conjunction with the purchase of the TIP2k-Module, the O2k-Main Unit has to be returned to the OROBOROS workshop.
Elementary chargee [C·x-1]
Table Physical constants.png

The elementary charge or proton charge e has the SI unit coulomb [C], but more strictly coulomb per elementary unit [C·x-1]. -e is the charge per electron. Elementary charge e is the charge per elementary entity H+ with SI unit [C] but canonical SI unit [C·x-1]. When the charge Qel [C] of a number Ne [x] of electrons e is divided by the count Ne, then the particle charge QNX (QNX) charge per elementary entity is obtained, -e = Qel/Ne [C·x-1]. e is also used as an atomic unit.

Elementary entityUX [x]

An elementary entity is an entity of type X, distinguished as a single unit of countable objects (X = molecules, cells, organisms, particles, parties, items) or events (X = beats, collisions, emissions, decays, celestial cycles, instances, occurrences, parties). "An elementary entity may be an atom, a molecule, an ion, an electron, any other particle or specified group of particles" (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures 2019). An elementary entity, therefore, needs to be distinguished from non-countable entities and the general class of entities X. This distinction is emphasized by the term 'elementary' (synonymous with 'elementary entity') with symbol UX and elementary unit [x].

If an object is defined as an assembly of particles (a party of two, a molecule as the assembly of a stoichiometric number of atoms), then the elementary is the assembly but not the assembled particle. A number of defined elementaries UX is a count, NX = N·UX [x], where N is a number, and as such N is dimensionless, and N is a number (stop) and is not 'a number of ..'. Elementaries are added as items to a count. The elementary UX has the dimension U of the count NX. The elementary UX has the same unit [x] as the count NX, or more accurately it gives the count the defining 'counting-unit', which is the 'elementary unit' [x]. From the definition of count as the number (N) of elementaries (U) of entity type X, it follows that count divided by elementary is a pure number, N = NX·UX-1. The unit x of a count can neither be the entity X nor a number. The elementary of type X defines the identity X of the elementary UX with the unit 'elementary unit' with symbol [x]. Since a count NX is the number of elementary entities, the elementary UX is not a count (UX is not identical with N·UX).

Elementary unitx

The elementary unit [x] is the unit of a count NX [x]. The International System of Units defines the unit of a count as 1. Then the Number 1 is the Unit of the Count of Entities — NUCE. This causes a number of formal inconsistencies which are resolved by introducing the elementary unit [x] as the abstracted unit of Euclid’s unit, which is an elementary entity UX [x], and as the unit of Euclid’s number, which is a count NX [x].

Enable DL-Protocol editing

Enable DL-Protocol editing is a novel function of DatLab 7.4 offering a new feature in DL-Protocols: flexibility. Fixed sequences of events and marks can be changed (Skip/Added) in a SUIT protocol by the user. Moreover, the text, instructions, concentrations and titration volumes of injections in a specific DL-Protocol can be edited and saved as user-specific DL-Protocol [File]\Export\DL-Protocol User (*.DLPU). To enable it, under the 'Protocols' tab in the menu, select the option 'Enable DL-Protocol editing', and then select the plot in which the marks will be set (e.g., O2 flux per V). Select the 'Overview' window, where you will be able to edit events and marks names, definition/state, final concentration and titration volumes, as well as select a mark as 'multi' for multiple titration steps, skip a mark, or add a new event or mark. After saving, export a DL-Protocol User (DLPU) and load it before running the next experiments. If users of DatLab versions older than DatLab 7.4 wish to alter the nature of the chemicals used or the sequence of injections, we ask them to contact the O2k-Technical Support.

For more information: PlayVideo.jpg Export DL-Protocol User (*.DLPU)

EndergonicEndergonic transformations or processes can proceed in the forward direction only by coupling to an exergonic process with a driving force more negative than the positive force of the endergonic process. The backward direction of an endergonic process is exergonic. The distinction between endergonic and endothermic processes is at the heart of ergodynamics, emphasising the concept of exergy changes, linked to the performance of work, in contrast to enthalpy changes, linked to heat or thermal processes, the latter expression being terminologically linked to thermodynamics.
EndothermicAn energy transformation is endothermic if the enthalpy change of a closed system is positive when the process takes place in the forward direction and heat is absorbed from the environment under isothermal conditions (∆eQ > 0) without performance of work (∆eW = 0). The same energy transformation is exothermic if it proceeds in the backward direction. Exothermic and endothermic transformations can proceed spontaneously without coupling only, if they are exergonic.
EndothermyEndothermy is the constant regulation of body temperature by metabolic heat production and control of heat exchange with the environment.
EnergyE; various [J]

Heat and work are forms of energy [1 cal = 4.184 J]. Energy [J] is a fundamental term that is used in physics and physical chemistry with various meanings [1]. These meanings become explicit in the following equations relating to systems at constant volume (dV = 0) or constant gas pressure (dp = 0). Energy is exchanged between a system and the environment across the system boundaries in the form of heat, deQ, total or available work, detW (or detW), and matter, dmatU (or dmatH) [2],

dU = (deQ + detW) + dmatU ; dV = 0 [Eq. 1a]
dH = (deQ + deW) + dmatH ; dp = 0 [Eq. 1b]

Whereas dU (or dH) describe the internal-energy change (or enthalpy change) of the system, heat and work are external energy changes (subscript e; et: external total; e: external excluding pressure-volume work), and dmatU (or dmatH) are the exchange of matter expressed in internal-energy (or enthaply) equivalents. In closed systems, dmatU = 0 (dmatH = 0). The energy balance equation [Eq. 1] is a form of the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is the law of conservation of internal-energy, stating that energy cannot be generated or destroyed: energy can only be transformed into different forms of work and heat, and transferred in the form of matter.

Notably, the term energy is general and vague, since energy may be associated with either the first or second law of thermodynamics. Work is a form of energy exchange [Eq. 1], but can be seen as exergy exchange in conjunction with deG = deW in a closed system [Eq. 3b].

An equally famous energy balance equation considers energy changes of the system only, in the most simple form for isothermal systems (dT = 0):

dU = dA + T∙dS = dU + dB [Eq. 2a]
dH = dG + T∙dS = dG + dB [Eq. 2b]

The internal-energy change, dU (enthalpy change, dH) is the sum of free energy change (Helmholtz energy, dA; or Gibbs energy = exergy change, dG) and bound energy change (bound energy, dB = T∙dS). The bound energy is that part of the energy change that is always bound to an exchange of heat.

A third energy balance equation accounts for changes of the system in terms of irreversible internal processes (i) occuring within the system boundaries, and reversible external processes (e) of transfer across the system boundaries (at constant gas pressure),

 dH = diH + deH [Eq. 3a]
 dG = diG + deG [Eq. 3b]

The energy conservation law of thermodynamics (first law) can be formulated as diH = 0 (at constant gas pressure), whereas the generally negative sign of the dissipated energy, diG ≡ diD ≤ 0, is a formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. Insertion into Eq. 3 yields,

 dH = deH [Eq. 4a]
 dG = diD + deW + dmatG [Eq. 4b]

When talking about energy transformations, the term energy is used in a general sense without specification of these various forms of energy.

Energy chargeAECThe energy charge of the adenylate system or adenylate energy charge (AEC) has been defined by Atkinson and Walton (1967) as (ATP + ½ ADP)/(AMP + ADP + ATP). Wheather the AEC is a fundamental metabolic control parameter remains a controversial topic.
Energy metabolismCore energy metabolism is the integrated biochemical process supplying the cell with ATP, utilizing ATP for various forms of work including biogenesis, maintaining ion and redox balance, and in specific organisms or tissues dissipating heat for temperature regulation.
Energy saving in research

Energy saving in research must rank as a priority of social responsibility — ever since the Club of Rome published 50 years ago the seminal book on The limits to growth (1972) [1], and more so today in face of the global threat of climate change and the russian war in aggression against Ukraine.

Energy saving in research does not and must not clash with quality in research. Application of high-quality and predefined experimental protocols combined with evaluation of repeatability and reproducibility represents primary strategies for energy saving in research. Publication of irreproducible results — adding to the reproducibility crisis — is the most wasteful aspect of research in terms of resources including energy (more properly: exergy). Paywall journalism is wasteful in terms of financial resources. Dramatically increasing numbers of scientific publications is a pathway towards waste of energy [2].

Besides large-scale strategies on e(n)xergy saving in research — quality versus quantity —, everybody's everyday contributions to energy saving count: to cut greenhouse gas emissions, save biological and geological diversity, and improve equality across societies, gender, continents, and countries.

Do scientists take responsibility for energy saving? Or does biomedical research merely find excuses? Scientific institutions in academia and industry must implement energy saving strategies to reduce waste according to the European Union's Energy efficiency directive, and to consume less energy (exergy) by using it more efficiently (Energy efficiency targets).

Possible — important but much neglected — contributions include:

  • Re-use materials as a superior strategy than recycling, and reduce application of disposable items.
  • Reduce waste in cleaning procedures, but do not compromise the quality of cleaning procedures.
  • Replace inefficient equipment (e.g. water baths) by efficient electronic Peltier temperature control.
  • Select conferences that you attend by evaluating their 'green deal' strategy. Combine in a single trip participation in a conference and possibly offered satellite events.
  • Turn off non-essential equipment; reduce energy-wasting stand-by modes; turn off computer screens and other equipment at the mains when not in use. The monitor consumes over half of the energy used by the average computer. Lower your screen brightness.
  • Turn off the lights when you do not gain from extra illumination, when you leave the lab during the day or at the end of every day.
  • Reduce heating of the rooms to 19 °C, cooling of rooms to 25 °C. Apply energy-efficient heating and cooling strategies.
  • Define your personal energy saving targets at homeoffice and in your workplace.
  • Contact your energy quality manager, to suggest improvement of infrastructure and guidelines that help you and other members in the team to comply with energy saving targets.
EnthalpyH [J]

Enthalpy, H [J], can under conditions of constant gas pressure neither be destroyed nor created (first law of thermodynamics: diH/dt = 0). The distinction between enthalpy and internal-energy of a system is due to external pressure-volume work carried out reversibly at constant gas pressure. The enthalpy change of the system, dH, at constant pressure, is the internal-energy change, dU, minus reversible pressure-volume work,

dH = dU - dVW

Pressure-volume work, dVW, at constant pressure, is the gas pressure, p [Pa = J·m-3], times change of volume, dV [m3],

dVW = -p·dV [J]

The available work, deW, is distinguished from external total work, detW, [1]

deW = detW - dVW

The change of enthalpy of a system is due to internal and external changes,

 dH = diH + deH

Since diH = 0 (first law of thermodynamics), the dH is balanced by exchange of heat, work, and matter,

dH = (deQ + deW) + dmatH ; dp = 0 

The exchange of matter is expressed in enthalpy equivalents with respect to a reference state (formation, f, or combustion, c). The value of dH in an open system, therefore, depends on the arbitrary choice of the reference state. In contrast, the terms in parentheses are the sum of all (total, t) partial energy transformations,

dtH = (deQ + deW)

A partial enthalpy change of transformation, dtrH, is distinguished from the total enthalpy change of all transformations, dtH, and from the enthalpy change of the system, dH. In a closed system, dH = dtH. The enthalpy change of transformation is the sum of the Gibbs energy (free energy) change of transformation, dtrG, and the bound energy change of transformation at constant temperature and pressure, dtrB = T·dS,

dtrH = dtrG + dtrB
EntityXAn entity of type X is something that can measured as an extensive quantity or counted as an elementary entity. The term entity with symbol X, therefore, has a general meaning, including but not limited to elementary entities UX. The distinction can be emphasized by using the term entity-type X, to avoid confusion of an entity X with the more restricted definition of elementary entity UX as a single countable object or event.
Equality=Physicochemical equality (symbol =) indicates in an equation not only numerical equivalence (symbol ≡), but an identity of the full meaning.
EquivalenceNumerical equivalence (symbol ≡) indicates that two quantities are numerically equal, even if the full meaning may be different. For instance: 1 ≡ 1·1 and 1 ≡ 1/1. In contrast to ≡, the symbol = indicates physicochemical equality.
Ergodynamic efficiencyεThe ergodynamic efficiency, ε (compare thermodynamic efficiency), is a power ratio between the output power and the (negative) input power of an energetically coupled process. Since power [W] is the product of a flow and the conjugated thermodynamic force, the ergodynamic efficiency is the product of an output/input flow ratio and the corresponding force ratio. The efficiency is 0.0 in a fully uncoupled system (zero output flow) or at level flow (zero output force). The maximum efficiency of 1.0 can be reached only in a fully (mechanistically) coupled system at the limit of zero flow at ergodynamic equilibrium. The ergodynamic efficiency of coupling between ATP production (DT phosphorylation) and oxygen consumption is the flux ratio of DT phosphorylation flux and oxygen flux (P»/O2 ratio) multiplied by the corresponding force ratio. Compare with the OXPHOS-coupling efficiency.
ErgodynamicsThe mission of ergodynamics is the revelation of relations of general validity. "Thermodynamics deals with relationships between properties of systems at equilibrium and with differences in properties between various equilibrium states. It has nothing to do with time. Even so, it is one of the most powerful tools of physical chemistry" [1]. Ergodynamics is the theory of exergy changes (from the Greek word 'erg' which means work). Ergodynamics includes the fundamental aspects of thermodynamics ('heat') and the thermodynamics of irreversible processes (TIP; nonequilibrium thermodynamics), and thus links thermodynamics to kinetics. In its most general scope, ergodynamics is the science of energy transformations. Classical thermodynamics includes open systems, yet as a main focus it describes closed systems. This is reflected in a nomenclature that is not easily applicable to the more general case of open systems [2]. At present, IUPAC recommendations [3] fall short of providing adequate guidelines for describing energy transformations in open systems.
Ethanolethanol abs.
Ethanol or ethyl alcohol, C2H6O or EtOH, is widely used in the laboratory, particularly as a solvent and cleaning agent. There are different grades of high purity ethanol. Up to a purity of 95.6 % ethanol can be separated from water by destillation. Higher concentrations than 95% require usage of additives that disrupt the azeotrope composition and allow further distillation. Ethanol is qualified as "absolute" if it contains no more than one percent water. Whenever 'ethanol abs.' is mentioned without further specification in published protocols, it refers to ≥ 99 % ethanol a.r. (analytical reagent grade).
Ethics on publishingEthics on publishing follow COPE's guidelines (or equivalent). A journal's policy on publishing ethics should be clearly visible on its website, and should refer to: (1) Journal policies on authorship and contributorship; (2) How the journal will handle complaints and appeals; (3) Journal policies on conflicts of interest / competing interests; (4) Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility; (5) Journal's policy on ethical oversight; (6) Journal's policy on intellectual property; and (7) Journal's options for post-publication discussions and corrections.
Ethylene glycol tetraacetic acidEGTAEthylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA) is a chelator for heavy metals, with high affinity for Ca2+ but low affinity for Mg2+. Sigma E 4378.
EtomoxirEtoEtomoxir (Eto; 2[6(4-chlorophenoxy)hexyl]oxirane-2-carboxylate) is an irreversible inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-I) on the outer face of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Eto inhibits fatty acid oxidation by blocking the formation of acyl carnitines from long-chain fatty acids which require the carnitine shuttle for transport into mitochondria. In contrast to long-chain fatty acids, the transport of short- and medium-chain fatty acids is carnitine-independent.
European Bioenergetics ConferenceMito-and-Chlora EBEC.png EBEC is a group based in Europe that organizes the European Bioenergetics Conference.

I am often asked by reviewers to discuss the effects of pentobarbitol euthansia on mithochondrial function.

Takaki 1997 JJP: This paper has been helpful in this discussion. (edit by Staples JF)

Events - DatLabF4An event in DatLab is a defined point in time, labelled by a name (1 to 10 characters). An event applies to all plots of the selected O2k-Chamber. The event is shown by a vertical line in the graph and the label of the event is shown on the top (DatLab 6 and lower: on the bottom). The default name is the sequential number of the event. It is recommended to edit event labels with a minimum number of characters, and to explain the abbreviation in the 'Definition' box. The final concentration and titration volume can be entered into the corresponding boxes, if the event relates to the titration of a substance. A short comment can be entered to describe the event in detail. Set events - Manual events are entered (real-time, connected to the O2k) by pressing [F4] at the time of the event (e.g. to indicate a manual titration into the chamber). An event belongs either to chamber A, chamber B, or both. Instrumental events are added automatically, e.g. when the stirrer (A or B) or illumination (both chambers) is switched on or off. After setting a new event the Edit event window pops up. Pressing F4 defines the time point of the event. Full attention can then be paid to the experiment. Edit the event later, as it is possible to insert an event at any chosen moment of the plotted record of the experiment by placing the cursor anywhere in the graph at the selected time point by pressing Ctrl and clicking the left mouse button. Edit event - Left click on the name of an existing event to open the Edit event window to edit or Delete event. In events obtained from a selected protocol, the entire sequence of consecutive events is defined with event names, definitions, concentrations and titration volumes. Name - Enter an event name of 1 to 10 characters. Short names (e.g. O instead of Open) are recommended. Comment - Further information can be entered into the text field. Select O2k-chamber A, B or both. The Event will be shown on plots for both or one selected chamber. »Protocol events
ExaminationAn examination is a set of operations having the object of determining the value or characteristics of a property. In some disciplines (e.g. microbiology) an examination is the total activity of a number of tests, observations or measurements.
Exclusion criteriaThe Exclusion criteria include factors or characteristics that make the recruited population ineligible for the outcome parameter. With the Inclusion criteria, this factor must be a cofounder for the outcome parameter
ExergonicExergonic transformations or processes can spontaneously proceed in the forward direction, entailing the irreversible loss of the potential to performe work (erg) with the implication of a positive internal entropy production. Ergodynamic equilibrium is obtained when an exergonic (partial) process is compensated by a coupled endergonic (partial) process, such that the Gibbs energy change of the total transformation is zero. Final thermodynamic equilibrium is reached when all exergonic processes are exhausted and all forces are zero. The backward direction of an exergonic process is endergonic. The distinction between exergonic and exothermic processes is at the heart of ergodynamics, emphasising the concept of exergy changes, linked to the performance of work, in contrast to enthalpy changes, linked to heat or thermal processes, the latter expression being terminologically linked to thermodynamics.
ExergyE; various [J]

Exergy includes external and internal work. Exergy as the external work is defined in the First Law of thermodynamics as a specific form of energy. Exergy as the dissipated Gibbs or Helmholtz energy is the irreversibly dissipated (internal) loss of the potential of performing work as defined in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Changes of exergy dG plus bound energy yield the enthalpy change:

dH = dG + T∙dS = dG + dB
ExothermicAn energy transformation is exothermic if the enthalpy change of a closed system is negative when the process takes place in the forward direction and heat is lost to the environment under isothermal conditions (∆eQ < 0) without performance of work (∆eW = 0). The same energy transformation is endothermic if it proceeds in the backward direction. Exothermic and endothermic transformations can proceed spontaneously without coupling only, if they are exergonic.
ExperimentA number of replica, N, of experiments on one sample type is designed to obtain statistical information about the involved population(s) and to test hypotheses about a population and about differences between populations, when experiments are carried out on different sample types. An experiment may involve various assays, e.g., a respirometric assay and an assay for protein determination.
Experimental codeF3An experimental code can be entered in the Sample window, containing up to 10 digits.
Experimental log - DatLabCtrl+F3Experimental log provides an automatically generated experimental protocol with detailed information about the O2k settings and calibrations, the Sample information and various Events. Time-dependent information can be viewed for a single chamber or both chambers. The filter can be selected for viewing minimum information, intermittent by default, or all information. The experimental log can be viewed and saved as a PDF file by clicking on [Preview].
Export DL-Protocol User (*.DLPU)it is a function of DatLab (available from version 7.4 onwards) that enables the export of user specific protocols (DL-Protocol User) to the SUIT protocol folder from which they can be uploaded for subsequent measurements.
Export as CSV - DatLabCtrl-EExport as CSV (*.csv) exports plots and events to a text file for further use in Excel and other programs.
Extended abstractsIn the context of MiPevents, extended abstracts are accepted for preprint publication in MitoFit Preprints upon evaluation by the MitoFit Preprints Scientific Advisory Board. Publishing extended abstracts with MitoFit Preprints does not preclude later full journal publication, but will make your work fully citable, by assigning each manuscript a unique DOI number, and facilitate discovery and feedback.
Extensive quantityExtensive quantities pertain to a total system, e.g. oxygen flow. An extensive quantity increases proportional with system size. The magnitude of an extensive quantity is completely additive for non-interacting subsystems, such as mass or flow expressed per defined system. The magnitude of these quantities depends on the extent or size of the system (Cohen et al 2008).
External flowIe [MU·s-1]External flows across the system boundaries are formally reversible. Their irreversible facet is accounted for internally as transformations in a heterogenous system (internal flows, Ii).
ExtinctionExtinction is a synonym for absorbance.
Extinction coefficientεThe extinction coefficient (ε) of a substance is the absorbance of a 1 µmolar concentration over a 1 cm pathlength and is wavelength-dependent.
Extrinsic fluorophoresExtrinsic fluorophores are molecules labelled with a fluorescent dye (as opposed to intrinsic fluorescence or autofluorescence of molecules which does not require such labelling). They are available for a wide range of parameters including ROS (H2O2, Amplex red) (HOO-, MitoSOX) , mitochondrial membrane potential (Safranin, JC1, TMRM, Rhodamine 123), Ca2+ (Fura2, Indo 1, Calcium Green), pH (Fluorescein, HPTS, SNAFL-1), Mg2+ (Magnesium Green) and redox state (roGFP).
ExtroductionThe term extroduction is ambiguous and needs introduction. An external extroduction aims at providing a specific exit that opens the door to the parent article. Once you popped up into the article box, there are various internal extroductions to push down by following hyperlinks to references, keywords, supplementary material, and to the external extroduction. Once you have pushed one level down, there may be hyperlinks to push down further (Hofstadter 1979). One needs to keep track of the links in a nested network of open tabs, to pop up all the way back for returning to the initial reference level.

The F-junction is a junction for convergent electron flow in the electron transfer pathway (ET-pathway) from fatty acids through fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase (reduced form FADH2) to electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF), and further transfer through the Q-junction to Complex III (CIII). The concept of the F-junction and N-junction provides a basis for defining categories of SUIT protocols. Fatty acid oxidation, in the F-pathway control state, not only depends on electron transfer through the F-junction (which is typically rate-limiting) but simultaneously generates NADH and thus depends on N-junction throughput. Hence FAO can be inhibited completely by inhibition of Complex I (CI). In addition and independent of this source of NADH, the N-junction substrate malate is required as a co-substrate for FAO in mt-preparations, since accumulation of AcetylCoA inhibits FAO in the absence of malate. Malate is oxidized in a reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase to oxaloacetate (yielding NADH), which then stimulates the entry of AcetylCoA into the TCA cycle catalyzed by citrate synthase.

F1000ResearchF1000Research is an Open Research publishing platform for life scientists, offering immediate publication of articles and other research outputs without editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and the inclusion of all source data. It is thus not a preprint server, but posters and slides can be published without author fees. Published posters and slides receive a DOI (digital object identifier) and become citable after a very basic check by our in-house editors.
FADH2FADH2FADH2 and FAD: see Flavin adenine dinucleotide.
FCCPFCCPFCCP (Carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenyl hydrazone, C10H5F3N4O) is a protonophore or uncoupler: added at uncoupler concentration Uc; c is the optimum uncoupler concentration in titrations to obtain maximum mitochondrial respiration in the noncoupled state of ET capacity.

FN is induced in mt-preparations by addition of NADH-generating substrates (N-pathway control state, or CI-linked pathway control) in combination with one or several fatty acids, which are supplied to feed electrons into the F-junction through fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase (reduced form FADH2), to electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF), and further through the Q-junction to Complex III (CIII). FAO not only depends on electron transfer through the F-junction (which is typically rate-limiting), but simultaneously generates FADH2 and NADH and thus depends on N-junction throughput. Hence FAO can be inhibited completely by inhibition of Complex I (CI). This physiological substrate combination is required for partial reconstitution of TCA cycle function and convergent electron-input into the Q-junction, to compensate for metabolite depletion into the incubation medium. FS in combination exerts an additive effect of convergent electron flow in most types of mitochondria.


FNS is induced in mt-preparations by addition of NADH-generating substrates (N-pathway control state, or CI-linked pathway control) in combination with succinate (S-pathway control state; S- or CII-linked) and one or several fatty acids, which are supplied to feed electrons into the F-junction through fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase (reduced form FADH2), to electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF), and further through the Q-junction to Complex III (CIII). FAO not only depends on electron transfer through the F-junction (which is typically rate-limiting), but simultaneously generates FADH2 and NADH and thus depends on N-junction throughput. Hence FAO can be inhibited completely by inhibition of Complex I (CI). This physiological substrate combination is required for partial reconstitution of TCA cycle function and convergent electron-input into the Q-junction, to compensate for metabolite depletion into the incubation medium. FNS in combination exerts an additive effect of convergent electron flow in most types of mitochondria.

Convergent electron flow

MitoPathway control state: FNSGp

Octanoylcarnitine or Palmitoylcarnitine & Pyruvate &/or Glutamate & Malate & Succinate & Glycerophosphate.

SUIT protocol: SUIT-002

This substrate combination supports convergent electron flow to the Q-junction.

Faraday constantF [C/mol]The Faraday constant F links the electric charge [C] to amount [mol], and thus relates the electrical format e [C] to the molar format n [mol]. The Farady constant, F = e·NA = 96 485.33 C/mol, is the product of elementary charge, e = 1.602176634∙10-19 C/x, and the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02214076∙1023 x/mol. The dimensionless unit [x] is not explicitely considered by IUPAC.
Fatty acidFA

Fatty acids are carboxylic acids with a carbon aliphatic chain. The fatty acids can be divided by the length of this chain, being considered as short-chain (1–6 carbons), medium-chain (7–12 carbons) and long-chain and very long-chain fatty acids (>12 carbons). Long-chain fatty acids must be bound to carnitine to enter the mitochondrial matrix, in a reaction that can be catalysed by carnitine acyltransferase. For this reason, long-chain fatty acids, such as palmitate (16 carbons) is frequently supplied to mt-preparations in the activated form of palmitoylcarnitine. Fatty acids with shorter chains, as octanoate (8 carbons) may enter the mitochondrial matrix, however, in HRR they are more frequently supplied also in the activated form, such as octanoylcarnitine.

Once in the mitochondrial matrix, the fatty acid oxidation (FAO) occurs, generating acetyl-CoA, NADH and FADH2. In the fatty acid oxidation pathway control state electrons are fed into the F-junction involving the electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF). FAO cannot proceed without a substrate combination of fatty acids & malate, and inhibition of CI blocks FAO. Low concentration of malate, typically 0.1 mM, does not saturate the N-pathway; but saturates the F-pathway.

Fatty acid oxidationFAOFatty acid oxidation is a multi-step process by which fatty acids are broken down in β-oxidation to generate acetyl-CoA, NADH and FADH2 for further electron transfer to CoQ. Whereas NADH is the substrate of CI, FADH2 is the substrate of electron-transferring flavoprotein complex (CETF) which is localized on the matrix face of the mtIM, and supplies electrons from FADH2 to CoQ. Before the ß-oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix, fatty acids (short-chain with 1-6, medium-chain with 7–12, long-chain with >12 carbon atoms) are activated by fatty acyl-CoA synthases (thiokinases) in the cytosol. For the mitochondrial transport of long-chain fatty acids the mtOM-enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-1; considered as a rate-limiting step in FAO) is required which generates an acyl-carnitine intermediate from acyl-CoA and carnitine. In the next step, an integral mtIM protein carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase (CACT) catalyzes the entrance of acyl-carnitines into the mitochondrial matrix in exchange for free carnitines. In the inner side of the mtIM, another enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT-2) converts the acyl-carnitines to carnitine and acyl-CoAs, which undergo ß-oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids do not require the carnitine shuttle for mitochondrial transport. Octanoate, but not palmitate, (eight- and 16-carbon saturated fatty acids) may pass the mt-membranes, but both are frequently supplied to mt-preparations in the activated form of octanoylcarnitine or palmitoylcarnitine.
Fatty acid oxidation pathway control stateF, FAO

In the fatty acid oxidation pathway control state (F- or FAO-pathway), one or several fatty acids are supplied to feed electrons into the F-junction through fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase (reduced form FADH2), to electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF), and further through the Q-junction to Complex III (CIII). FAO not only depends on electron transfer through the F-junction (which is typically rate-limiting relative to the N-pathway branch), but simultaneously generates FADH2 and NADH and thus depends on N-junction throughput. Hence FAO can be inhibited completely by inhibition of Complex I (CI). In addition and independent of this source of NADH, the type N substrate malate is required at low concentration (0.1 mM) as a co-substrate for FAO in mt-preparations, since accumulation of Acetyl-CoA inhibits FAO in the absence of malate. Malate is oxidized in a reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase to oxaloacetate (yielding NADH), which then stimulates the entry of Acetyl-CoA into the TCA cycle catalyzed by citrate synthase. Peroxysomal β-oxidation carries out few β-oxidation cycles, thus shortening very-long-chain fatty acids (>C20) for entry into mitochondrial β-oxidation. Oxygen consumption by peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase is considered as residual oxygen consumption rather than cell respiration.

FermentationFermentation is the process of energy metabolism used to supply ATP, where redox balance is maintained with internally produced electron acceptors (such as pyruvate or fumarate), without the use of external electron acceptors (such as O2). Fermentation thus contrasts with cell respiration and is an anaerobic process, but aerobic fermentation may proceed in the presence of oxygen.
File search - DatLabCtrl+FFile search yields a list of all files labelled by the experimental code in a selected directory . Click on the file to preview the experimental log. With File Search you can search in all folders and subfolders on your computer for DatLab files with a selected experimental code. The experimental code is entered in the DatLab file in the window "Experiment" ([F3]). When you click on a folder and press the button search, the DatLab file names will appear on the right window. Click on a DatLab file and further information (e.g. Sample information, Background information) will appear in the window below.
File:MitoFitPreprints and BEC manuscript template.docxBioenergetics Communications and MitoFit Preprints manuscript template.
Filter Set AmR
Filter Set AmR.JPG

Filter Set AmR: Set of filters for the determination of H2O2 production with Amplex UltraRed. These filters should be used together with Fluorescence-Sensor Green. The filter set consists of 6 LED filters (round) and 6 photodiode filters (rectangular).

Filter Set MgG / CaG
Filter Set MgG CaG.JPG

Filter set MgG / CaG: Set of filters for the determination of concentraions of Mg2+ or Ca2+ with the fluorophores Magnesium green and Calcium green, respectively. These filters should be used together with Fluorescence-Sensor Blue or Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue. The filter set consists of 6 LED filters (round) and 6 photodiode filters (rectangular).

Filter Set Saf
Filter Set Saf.JPG

Filter set Saf: Set of filters for the (qualitative) determination of mitochondrial membrane potential with Safranin. These filters should be used together with Fluorescence-Sensor Blue or Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue. The filter set consists of 6 LED filters (round) and 6 photodiode filters (rectangular).


Filter-Cap: O2k-Fluo LED2-Module (O2k-Series D to G) sensors (Fluorescence-Sensor Green and Fluorescence-Sensor Blue) and O2k-FluoRespirometer (O2k-Series H to I) sensors (Smart Fluo-Sensor Green and Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue) are equipped with a removable Filter-Cap for exchange of optical filters for the optical pathways from the LED to the sample and from the sample to the photodiode.

FiltersFilters are materials that have wavelength-dependent transmission characteristics. They are can be used to select the wavelength range of the light emerging from a light source, or the range entering the detector, having passed through the sample. In particular they are used in fluorometry to exclude wavelengths greater than the excitation wavelength from reaching the sample, preventing absorption interfering with the emitted fluorescence. Standard filters can also be used for calibrating purposes.
Flavin adenine dinucleotideFAD, FADH2Flavin adenine dinucleotide, FAD and FADH2, is an oxidation-reduction prosthetic group (redox cofactor; compare NADH). FMN and FAD are the prosthetic groups of flavoproteins (flavin dehydrogenases). Type F substrates (fatty acids) generate FADH2, the substrate of electron transferring flavoprotein (CETF). Thus FADH2 forms a junction or funnel of electron transfer to CETF, the F-junction (compare N-junction, Q-junction), in the F-pathway control state. In contrast, FADH2 is not the substrate but the internal product of succinate dehydrogenase (CII). FAD is the oxidized (quinone) form, which is reduced to FADH2 (hydroquinone form) by accepting two electrons and two protons.
FlavonoidsFlavonoids are a group of bioactive polyphenols with potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, abundant in fruits and vegetables, and in some medicinal herbs. Flavonoids are synthesized in plants from phenylalanine. Dietary intake of flavonoids as nutraceuticals is discussed for targeting T2D and other degenerative diseases.
FlowI [MU∙s-1]In an isomorphic analysis, any form of flow, I is the advancement of a process per unit of time, expressed in a specific motive unit [MU∙s-1], e.g., ampere for electric flow or current [A≡C∙s-1], watt for heat flow [W≡J∙s-1], and for chemical flow the unit is [mol∙s-1]. Flow is an extensive quantity. The corresponding isomorphic forces are the partial exergy (Gibbs energy) changes per advancement [J∙MU-1], expressed in volt for electric force [V≡J∙C-1], dimensionless for thermal force, and for chemical force the unit is [J∙mol-1], which deserves a specific acronym ([Jol]) comparable to volt.
Fluo calibration - DatLab
FluorescenceFluorescence is the name given to light emitted by a substance when it is illuminated (excited) by light at a shorter wavelength. The incident light causes an electron transition to a higher energy band in the molecules. The electron then spontaneously returns to its original energy state emitting a photon. The intensity of the emitted light is proportional to the concentration of the substance. Fluorescence is one form of Luminescence, especially Photoluminescence.
Fluorescence-Control Unit
Fluorescence-Control Unit lettered.jpg

Fluorescence-Control Unit with O2k-Front Fixation, Current-Control (O2k-Chamber A and B) for regulation of light intensity of the LED in the fluorescence sensors. This item is a standard component of the O2k-Fluorescence LED2-Module.

Fluorescence-Sensor Blue
Fluorescence-Sensor Green.JPG

Fluorescence-Sensor Blue: excitation LED 465 nm (dominant wavelength), photodiode, Filter-Cap equipped with Filter Set Saf for measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential with Safranin when delivered. The filter set Filter Set MgG / CaG for Magnesium green® / Calcium green® measurements is included.

Fluorescence-Sensor Green
Fluorescence-Sensor Green.JPG

Fluorescence-Sensor Green: excitation LED 525 nm (dominant wavelength), photodiode, Filter-Cap equipped with Filter Set AmR for Amplex UltraRed measurements when delivered.

Fluorescent markerSee Extrinsic fluorophores
Fluorometric dyesExtrinsic fluorophores; fluorescent markers.
FluorometryFluorometry (or fluorimetry) is the general term given to the method of measuring the fluorescent emission of a substance following excitation by light at a shorter wavelength.
FluorophoreA fluorophore is a fluorescent substance that may occur naturally (intrinsic fluorophores) or that may be added to a sample or preparation whereby the fluorescence intensity is proportional to the concentration of a specific species or parameter within the sample. These are extrinsic fluorophores, also referred to as fluorescent markers.
FluxJFlux, J, is a specific quantity. Flux is flow, I [MU·s-1 per system] (an extensive quantity), divided by system size. Flux (e.g., oxygen flux) may be volume-specific (flow per volume [MU·s-1·L-1]), mass-specific (flow per mass [MU·s-1·kg-1]), or marker-specific (e.g. flow per mtEU). The motive unit [MU] of chemical flow or flux is the advancement of reaction [mol] in the chemical format.
Flux / SlopeJFlux / Slope is the time derivative of the signal. In DatLab, Flux / Slope is the name of the pull-down menu for (1) normalization of flux (chamber volume-specific flux, sample-specific flux or flow, or flux control ratios), (2) flux baseline correction, (3) Instrumental background oxygen flux, and (4) flux smoothing, selection of the scaling factor, and stoichiometric normalization using a stoichiometric coefficient. Before changing the normalization of flux from volume-specific flux to sample-specific flux or flow, or flux control ratios, please be sure to use the standard Layout 04a (Flux per volume) or 04b (Flux per volume overlay). When starting with the instrumental standard Layouts 1-3, which display the O2 slope negative, the sample-specific flux or flow, or flux control ratios will not be automatically background corrected. To obtain the background corrected specific flux or flux control ratios, it is needed to tick the background correction in the lower part of the slope configuration window. Background correction is especially critical when performing measurements in a high oxygen regime or using samples with a low respiratory flux or flow.
Flux analysis - DatLabThe strategy of Flux analysis using DatLab depends on the research question and the corresponding settings applied in DatLab when recording the data with the O2k. Usng SUIT protocols, a sequence of respiratory steady-states is measured, marks are set, and numerical data are summarized in Mark statistics (F2). An AI approach is kept in mind when describing guidelines for evaluation of steady-states during data recording and analysis.
Flux baseline correctionbc

Flux baseline correction provides the option to display the plot and all values of the flux (or flow, or flux control ratio) as the total flux, J, minus a baseline flux, J0.

JV(bc) = JV - JV0
JV = (dc/dt) · ν-1 · SF - V

For the oxygen channel, JV is O2 flux per volume [pmol/(s·ml)] (or volume-specific O2 flux), c is the oxygen concentration [nmol/ml = µmol/l = µM], dc/dt is the (positive) slope of oxygen concentration over time [nmol/(s · ml)], ν-1 = -1 is the stoichiometric coefficient for the reaction of oxygen consumption (oxygen is removed in the chemical reaction, thus the stoichiometric coefficient is negative, expressing oxygen flux as the negative slope), SF=1,000 is the scaling factor (converting units for the amount of oxygen from nmol to pmol), and V is the volume-specific background oxygen flux (Instrumental background oxygen flux). Further details: Flux / Slope.

Flux control efficiencyjZ-Y

Flux control efficiencies express the control of respiration by a metabolic control variable, X, as a fractional change of flux from YX to ZX, normalized for ZX. ZX is the reference state with high (stimulated or un-inhibited) flux; YX is the background state at low flux, upon which X acts.

jZ-Y = (ZX-YX)/ZX = 1-YX/ZX

Complementary to the concept of flux control ratios and analogous to elasticities of metabolic control analysis, the flux control efficiency of X upon background YX is expressed as the change of flux from YX to ZX normalized for the reference state ZX. » MiPNet article

Flux control ratioFCR

Flux control ratios FCRs are ratios of oxygen flux in different respiratory control states, normalized for maximum flux in a common reference state, to obtain theoretical lower and upper limits of 0.0 and 1.0 (0 % and 100 %).

For a given protocol or set of respiratory protocols, flux control ratios provide a fingerprint of coupling and substrate control independent of (1) mt-content in cells or tissues, (2) purification in preparations of isolated mitochondria, and (3) assay conditions for determination of tissue mass or mt-markers external to a respiratory protocol (CS, protein, stereology, etc.). FCR obtained from a single respirometric incubation with sequential titrations (sequential protocol; SUIT protocol) provide an internal normalization, expressing respiratory control independent of mitochondrial content and thus independent of a marker for mitochondrial amount. FCR obtained from separate (parallel) protocols depend on equal distribution of subsamples obtained from a homogenous mt-preparation or determination of a common mitochondrial marker.

ForceF; dmFX; ΔtrFX [J·MU-1]

Force is an intensive quantity. The product of force times advancement is the work (exergy) expended in a process or transformation. Force times flow is power [W].

  1. The fundamental forces F of physics are the gravitational, electroweak (combining electromagnetic and weak nuclear) and strong nuclear forces. These gradient-forces are vectors with spatial direction interacting with the motive particle X, dmFX [N ≡ J∙m-1 = m∙kg∙s-2]. These forces describe the interaction between particles as vectors with direction of a gradient in space, causing a change in the motion (acceleration) of the particles in the spatial direction of the force. The force acts at a distance, and the distance covered is the advancement. If a force is counteracted by another force of equal magnitude but opposite direction, the accelerating effects of the two forces are balanced such that the velocity of the particle does not change and no work is done beyond the interaction between the two counteracting forces. The total net force is partitioned into partial forces, and the counteracting force may be called resistance. If the resistance is entirely due to frictional effects, then no work is done and the exergy is completely dissipated.
  2. Isomorphic forces can be derived from (1) the fundamental forces or (2) statistical distributions if large numbers of particles are involved. The isomorphic forces are known as 'generalized' forces of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. An isomorphic motive force, ΔtrFX, in thermodynamics or ergodynamics is the partial Gibbs (Helmholtz) energy change per advancement of a transformation (tr).
    1. In continuous systems accessible to the analysis of gradients, the motive vector forces, dmFX (units: newton per amount of particles X [N∙mol-1] or per coulombs of particles [N∙C-1]), are vectors interacting with the motive particles X.
    2. In discontinuous systems that consist of compartments separated by a semipermeable membrane, the compartmental motive forces are stoichiometric potential differences (∆) across a boundary of zero thickness, distinguished as isomorphic motive forces, ∆trFX, with compartmental instead of spatial direction of the energy transformation, tr. The motive forces are expressed in various motive units, MU [J∙MU-1], depending on the energy transformation under study and on the unit chosen to express the motive entity X and advancement of the process. For the protonmotive force the proton is the motive entity, which can be expressed in a variety of formats with different MU (coulomb, mole, or particle).
Forceps for membrane application
Forcep for membrane application.jpg

Forceps for membrane application: for OroboPOS and ISE membrane application; do not use for tissue preparation.

Forceps\stainless Steel\angular Tip\fine
Forcep for tissue preparation angular tip.jpg

Forceps\stainless Steel\angular Tip\fine: for tissue preparation, stainless steel. Two pairs are used particularly for muscle fiber separation.

Forceps\stainless Steel\rounded Tip\sharp
Forcep for tissue preparation rounded tip.jpg

Forceps\stainless Steel\rounded Tip\sharp: for tissue preparation, stainless steel, antimagnetic. One pair is recommended for placing the tissue sample onto the microbalance and for handling in combination with Forceps\stainless Steel\straight Tip\sharp.

Forceps\stainless Steel\straight Tip\sharp
Forcep for tissue preparation straight tip.jpg

Forceps\stainless Steel\straight Tip\sharp: for tissue preparation, stainless steel, antimagnetic. One pair is recommended for insertion of the sample into the O2k-chamber and for handling in combination with Forceps\stainless Steel\rounded Tip\sharp.

Converstion between different motive formats and corresponding motive units (Gnaiger 2020 BEC MitoPathways)


Different formats can be chosen to express physicochemical quantities (motive entities or transformants) in corresponding motive units [MU]. Fundamental formats for electrochemical transformations are:

  • N: particle or molecular format of a count; MU = x
  • n: chemical or molar format of amount; MU = mol
  • e: electrical format of charge; MU = C
  • m: mass format; MU = kg
  • V: volume format; MU = m3
  • G: exergy format; MU = J
  • H: enthalpy format; MU = J
  • S: entropy format; MU = J·K-1
Free activityαX [MU·m-3]Free activity αX [MU·m-3] is pressure divided by isomorphic force. In the chemical amount format, αX is expressed in units of concentration of X [mol·L-1]. αX is the local concentration in a concentration gradient. If the concentration gradient is collapsed to a boundary of zero thickness in a compartmental system, αX reflects the singularity in the transition between the two phases or compartments.
Free radicalsA free radical is any atom or molecule that contains one or more unpaired electrons in an orbital. The degree of chemical reactivity depends on the localization of unpaired electrons. Free radicals are extremely reactive, and they can either donate or accept an electron from other molecules. Free radicals that include oxygen radicals and derivatives of oxygen are reactive oxygen species (ROS). Likewise, reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are nitric oxide-derived compounds. ROS/RNS include oxygen/nitrogen free radicals and non-radicals that are easily converted into radicals. Mitochondria are a main endogenous source of free radicals in cells and consequently are exposed to oxidative-nitrosative damage. Electron transfer in the electron transfer-pathway (ET-pathway) is not perfect, leading an electron leakage. This electron leakage permits the formation of ROS such as superoxide anion (O2•−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the hydroxyl radical (HO•).
French Group of BioenergeticsFGoBThe French Group of Bioenergetics...
Full screenBy clicking/enabling Full screen in the Graph-menu in DatLab the currently selected graph is shown alone on the full screen (On) or together with the other defined graphs (Off). Full screen is particularly useful for a single channel overview and for Copy to clipboard [ALT+G B].
FumaraseFHFumarase or fumarate hydratase (FH) is an enzyme of the tricarboxylic acid cycle catalyzing the equilibrium reaction between fumarate and malate. Fumarase is found not only in mitochondria, but also in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotes.
Fura2Fura2 is a ratiometric fluorescence probe for the measurement of calcium. Its derivative Fura-2-acetoxymethyl ester (Fura2-AM) is membrane permable and can thus be used to measure intracellular free calcium concentration (Grynkiewicz et al., 1985). For this purpose, cells are incubated with Fura2-AM, which crosses the cell membrane by diffusion and is cleaved into free Fura2 and acetoxymethyl groups by cellular esterases. Intracellular free calcium is measured by exciting the dye at 340 nm and 380 nm, which are the excitation optima of calcium-bound and free Fura2, respectively, and emission detection above 500 nm. Through the ratiometric detection unequal distribution of the dye within the cell and other potential disturbances are largely cancelled out, making this a widely used and relatively reliable tool for calcium measurements.
GM-pathway control stateGM

GM: Glutamate & Malate.

MitoPathway control state: NADH electron transfer-pathway state

The GM-pathway control state (glutamate-malate pathway control state) is established when glutamate&malate are added to isolated mitochondria, permeabilized cells and other mitochondrial preparations. Glutamate and transaminase are responsible for the metabolism of oxaloacetate, comparable to the metabolism with acetyl-CoA and citrate synthase.

GMS-pathway control stateGMS

GMS: Glutamate & Malate & Succinate.

MitoPathway control: NS

Transaminase catalyzes the reaction from oxaloacetate to 2-oxoglutarate, which then establishes a cycle without generation of citrate. OXPHOS is higher with GS (CI&II) compared to GM (CI) or SRot (CII). This documents an additive effect of convergent CI&II electron flow to the Q-junction, with consistent results obtained with permeabilized muscle fibres and isolated mitochondria (Gnaiger 2009).

GainThe gain is an amplification factor applied to an input signal to increase the output signal.
Gas constantR [J·mol-1·K-1]
Table Physical constants.png

The gas constant, R = 8.314462618 J·mol-1·K-1, has the SI unit for energy per amount per temperature. R is primarily known from the ideal gas equation, pV = nRT or p = cRT. Therefore, RT is the ratio of pressure p and concentration c.

R = f·F, the electrochemical constant f times the Faraday constant F.

R = k·NA, the Boltzmann constant k times the Avogadro constant NA.

Getting started - DatLabUsers have to enter their user details the first time they use DatLab 8 on a specific computer. As well, entering some basic settings is required when connecting DatLab 8 with an O2k for the first time.
Gibbs energyG [J]Gibbs energy G [J] is exergy which cannot be created internally (subscript i), but in contrast to internal-energy (diU/dt = 0) is not conserved but is dissipated (diG/dt < 0) in irreversible energy transformations at constant temperature and (barometric) pressure, T,p. Exergy is available as work in reversible energy transformations (100 % efficiency), and can be partially conserved when the exergonic transformation is coupled to an endergonic transformation.
GlucoseGlcGlucose, also known as D-glucose or dextrose, is a monosaccharide and an important carbohydrate in biology. Cells use it as the primary source of energy and a metabolic intermediate.
Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid, C5H9NO4, is an amino acid which occurs under physiological conditions mainly as the anion glutamate-, G, with pKa1 = 2.1, pKa2 = 4.07 and pKa3 = 9.47. Glutamate&malate is a substrate combination supporting an N-linked pathway control state, when glutamate is transported into the mt-matrix via the glutamate-aspartate carrier and reacts with oxaloacetate in the transaminase reaction to form aspartate and oxoglutarate. Glutamate as the sole substrate is transported by the electroneutral glutamate-/OH- exchanger, and is oxidized in the mitochondrial matrix by glutamate dehydrogenase to α-ketoglutarate (2-oxoglutarate), representing the glutamate-anaplerotic pathway control state. Ammonia (the byproduct of the reaction) passes freely through the mitochondrial membrane.

Glutamate dehydrogenasemtGDHGlutamate dehydrogenase, located in the mitochondrial matrix (mtGDH), is an enzyme that converts glutamate to α-ketoglutarate [1]. mtGDH is not part of the TCA cycle, but is involved in glutaminolysis as an anaplerotic reaction.
Glutamate-anaplerotic pathway control stateG

G: Glutamate is an anaplerotic NADH-linked type 4 substrate (N). When supplied as the sole fuel substrate in the glutamate-anaplerotic pathway control state, G is transported by the electroneutral glutamate-/OH- exchanger, and is oxidised via mt-glutamate dehydrogenase in the mitochondrial matrix. The G-pathway plays an important role in glutaminolysis.

Glutamate-aspartate carrierThe glutamate-aspartate carrier catalyzes the electrogenic antiport of glutamate- +H+ for aspartate-. It is an important component of the malate-aspartate shuttle in many mitochondria. Due to the symport of glutamate- + +H+, the glutamate-aspartate antiport is not electroneutal and may be impaired by uncoupling. Aminooxyacetate is an inhibitor of the glutamate-aspartate carrier.
GlycerophosphateGpGlycerophosphate (synonym: α-glycerophosphate; glycerol-3-phosphate; C3H9O6P) is an organophosphate and it is a component of glycerophospholipids. The mitochondrial Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase Complex oxidizes glycerophosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and feeds electrons directly to ubiquinone.
Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase ComplexCGpDHGlycerophosphate dehydrogenase complex (CGpDH) is a Complex of the electron transfer-pathway localized at the outer face of the mt-inner membrane. CGpDH is thus distinguished from cytosolic GpDH. CGpDH oxidizes glycerophosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and feeds two electrons into the Q-junction, thus linked to an ET pathway level 3 control state.
Glycerophosphate pathway control stateGp

The glycerophosphate pathway control state (Gp) is an ET-pathway level 3 control state, supported by the fuel substrate glycerophosphate and electron transfer through glycerophosphate dehydrogenase Complex into the Q-junction. The glycerolphosphate shuttle represents an important pathway, particularly in liver and blood cells, of making cytoplasmic NADH available for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Cytoplasmic NADH reacts with dihydroxyacetone phosphate catalyzed by cytoplasmic glycerophos-phate dehydrogenase. On the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase oxidises glycerophosphate back to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, a reaction not generating NADH but reducing a flavin prosthesic group. The reduced flavoprotein donates its reducing equivalents to the electron transfer-pathway at the level of CoQ.

Glycerophosphate shuttleGp shuttle

The glycerophosphate shuttle makes cytoplasmic NADH available for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Cytoplasmic NADH reacts with dihydroxyacetone phosphate catalyzed by cytoplasmic glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. On the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, glycerophosphate dehydrogenase complex (mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase) oxidizes glycerophosphate back to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, a reaction not generating NADH but reducing a flavin prosthesic group. The reduced flavoprotein transfers its reducing equivalents into the Q-junction, thus representing a ET pathway level 3 control state.

Gnaiger 2019 MiP2019
Graph control - DatLabA combination of mouse and keyboard commands provides convenient control of graphs in DatLab 8.
Graph layout - DatLab» See Layout for DatLab graphs.
Graph options - DatLabSeveral display options can be applied to a DatLab graph under Graph options.
GroupSee population.
H2DCFDADCF, H2-DCFH2DCFDA (dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate) is a cell permeant fluorescent probe that has been used as an indicator of ROS presence. It is a reduced form of fluorescein that does not present fluorescence. After entry in the cell, it suffers deacetylation by intracellular esterases, and upon oxidation it is converted to dichlorofluorescein (excitation wavelength ~492–495 nm, emission ~517–527 nm). It may be oxidised by hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, hypochlorite anion, nitric oxide, peroxyl radical, peroxynitrite, singlet oxygen and superoxide. Has been used as a general indicator of ROS by fluorescence microscopy.
HPTSHPTS8-Hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid trisodium salt (HPTS) is a ratiometric pH fluorophore; pKa = 7.3. Relative molecular mass: Mr = 524.39
HarmonizationHarmonization is the process of minimizing redundant or conflicting standards which may have evolved independently. To obtain a common basis in reaching a defined objective, critical requirements are identified that need to be retained.
Harmonized European normEN-normHarmonized European norms are norms valid for all members of the European Union. They are mandatory parts of the individual national collections of norms.
Harmonized SUIT protocolsH-SUITHarmonized SUIT protocols (H-SUIT) are designed to include cross-linked respiratory states. When performing harmonized SUIT protocols in parallel, measurements of cross-linked respiratory states can be statistically evaluated as replicates across protocols. Additional information is obtained on respiratory coupling and substrate control by including respiratory states that are not common (not cross-linked) across the harmonized protocols.
Harmonized standardA harmonized standard is a European standard developed by a recognized European Standards Organisation: CEN, CENELEC, or ETSI.
Healthy ageingHealthy ageing: 'WHO has released the first World report on ageing and health, reviewing current knowledge and gaps and providing a public health framework for action. The report is built around a redefinition of healthy ageing that centres on the notion of functional ability: the combination of the intrinsic capacity of the individual, relevant environmental characteristics, and the interactions between the individual and these characteristics' (Beard 2016 The Lancet).
Healthy reference populationHRPA healthy reference population, HRP, establishes the baseline for the relation between body mass and height in healthy people of zero underweight or overweight, providing a reference for evaluation of deviations towards underweight or overweight and obesity. The WHO Child Growth Standards (WHO-CGS) on height and body mass refer to healthy girls and boys from Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman and the USA. The Committee on Biological Handbooks compiled data on height and body mass of healthy males from infancy to old age (USA), published before emergence of the fast-food and soft-drink epidemic. Four allometric phases are distinguished with distinct allometric exponents. At heights above 1.26 m/x the allometric exponent is 2.9, equal in women and men, and significantly different from the exponent of 2.0 implicated in the body mass index, BMI [kg/m2].
HeatQ, Qth [J]Heat is a form of energy [J]. The relationship between heat and work provides the foundation of thermodynamics, which describes transformations from an initial to a final state of a system. In energy transformations heat may pass through the boundary of the system, at an external heat flow of deQ/dt.
Height of humansh [m]; H [m·x-1]The height of humans, h, is given in SI units in meters [m]. Humans are countable objects, and the symbol and unit of the number of objects is N [x]. The average height of N objects is, H = h/N [m/x], where h is the heights of all N objects measured on top of each other. Therefore, the height per human has the unit [m·x-1] (compare body mass [kg·x-1]). Without further identifyer, H is considered as the standing height of a human, measured without shoes, hair ornaments and heavy outer garments.
HeterothermyHeterothermy is the variable regulation of body temperature in endotherms which can change their body temperatures as levels of activity and environmental conditions dictate (e.g. hibernators). In regional heterothermy, temperature gradients are present, e.g. between body core and extremeties.
HexokinaseHKThe hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of D-glucose at position 6 by ATP to yield D-glucose 6-phosphate as well as the phosphorylation of many other hexoses like D-fructose, D-mannose, D-glucosamine.
Heymsfield 2014 Am J Clin Nutr
High signal at zero oxygenA high signal at zero oxygen may be observed during zero calibration (R0). First, check the quality of the dithionite solution. The following instructions show how to distinguish between a defective sensor head and an electrical leak current.
High-resolution respirometryHRR

High-resolution respirometry, HRR, is the state-of-the-art approach in mitochondria and cell research to measure respiration in various types of mitochondrial preparations and living cells combined with MultiSensor modules.

Mitochondrial function and dysfunction have gained increasing interest, reflecting growing awareness of the fact that mitochondria play a pivotal role in human health and disease. HRR combines instrumental accuracy and reliability with the versatility of applicable protocols, allowing practically unlimited addition and combination of substrates, inhibitors, and uncouplers using the Oroboros O2k-technology. Substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor titration (SUIT) protocols allow the interrogation of numerous mitochondrial pathway and coupling states in a single respirometric assay. Mitochondrial respiratory pathways may be analyzed in detail to evaluate even minor alterations in respiratory coupling and pathway control patterns.

The O2k-technology provides sole source instruments, with no other available instrument meeting its specifications for high-resolution respirometry. Technologically, HRR is based on the Oroboros O2k-technology, combining optimized chamber design, application of oxygen-tight materials, electrochemical sensors, Peltier-temperature control, and specially developed software features (DatLab) to obtain the unique sensitive and quantitative resolution of oxygen concentration and oxygen flux, with both, a closed-chamber or open-chamber mode of operation (TIP2k). Standardized calibration of the polarographic oxygen sensor (static sensor calibration), calibration of the sensor response time (dynamic sensor calibration), and evaluation of instrumental background oxygen flux (systemic flux compensation) provide the experimental basis for high accuracy of quantitative results and quality control in HRR. HRR can be extended for MultiSensor analysis by using the O2k-Fluo Smart-Module. Smart Fluo-Sensors are integrated into the O2k to measure simultaneously fluorometric signals using specific fluorophores. Potentiometric modules are available with ion-selective electrodes (pH, TPP+). The PB-Module extends HRR to PhotoBiology with accurate control of the light intensity and measurement of photosynthesis. The O2k and the NextGen-O2k support all these O2k-Modules. The NextGen-O2k all-in-one, however, is unique in supporting Q-Redox and NADH-Redox Modules.

HolodeSmall entetic units are counted into the reference system on a balance opposite to the experimental system with the large sample, which in balance contains as many abstract units as the count of entetic units in the reference system.
HomeothermyHomeothermy is the stable regulation of body temperature in endotherms by metabolic heat production and control of heat exchange with the environment, or in ectotherms by behavioural means to select a stable thermal environment.
Hood 2019 Nutr Diabetes
Horseradish peroxidaseHRPHorseradish peroxidase readily combines with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the resultant [HRP-H2O2] complex can oxidize a wide variety of hydrogen donors.
HydrideH-The hydride anion is the species H.
HydrogenH2Molecular hydrogen H2 is a constituent of the air with a volume fraction of 0.00005. It is a colorless and odorless gas with a molecular mass of 2.016. Its pharmacological potential and effects on mitochondrial metabolism are discussed in various publications without complete evidence on the underlying mechanisms.
Hydrogen ionH+The terms hydrogen ion H+ and proton, p or p+, are used synonymously in chemistry. A hydrogen ion is a positively charged molecule. In particle physics, however, a proton is a submolecular and subatomic particle with a positive electric charge. The H+ ion has no electrons and is a bare charge with only about 1/64 000 of the radius of a hydrogen atom. Free H+ is extremely reactive, with an extremely short lifetime in aqueous solutions. There H+ forms the hydronium ion H3O+, which in turn is further solvated by water molecules in clusters such as H5O2+ and H9O4+. The transfer of H+ in an acid–base reaction is referred to as proton transfer. The acid is the H+ donor and the base is the H+ acceptor.
Hydrogen ion pumpMitochondrial hydrogen ion pumps — frequently referred to as "proton pumps" — are large enzyme complexes (CI, CIII, CIV, ATP synthase) spanning the mt-inner membrane mtIM, partially encoded by mtDNA. CI, CIII and CIV are H+ pumps that drive hydrogen ions against the electrochemical protonmotive force pmF and thus generating the pmF, driven by electron transfer from reduced substrates to oxygen. In contrast, ATP synthase (also known as CV) is a H+ pump that utilizes the exergy of proton flow along the protonmotive force to drive phosphorylation of ADP to ATP.
Hydrogen peroxideH2O2
Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 or dihydrogen dioxide, is one of several reactive oxygen intermediates generally referred to as reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is formed in various enzyme-catalyzed reactions (e.g., superoxide dismutase) with the potential to damage cellular molecules and structures. H2O2 is dismutated by catalase to water and oxygen. H2O2 is produced as a signaling molecule in aerobic metabolism and passes membranes more easily compared to other ROS.

Hydrogen sulfideH2SHydrogen sulfide (H2S) is involved in signaling and may have have further biological importance.
Hydrogenion fluxJH+

Volume-specific hydrogenion flux or H+ flux is measured in a closed system as the time derivative of H+ concentration, expressed in units [pmol·s-1·mL-1]. H+ flux can be measured in an open system at steady state, when any acidification of the medium is compensated by external supply of an equivalent amount of base. The extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) is the change of pH in the incubation medium over time, which is zero at steady state. Volume-specific H+ flux is comparable to volume-specific oxygen flux [pmol·s-1·mL-1], which is the (negative) time derivative of oxygen concentration measured in a closed system, corrected for instrumental and chemical background.

pH is the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity. Therefore, ECAR is of interest in relation to acidification issues in the incubation buffer or culture medium. The physiologically relevant metabolic H+ flux, however, must not be confused with ECAR.

HydronH+Hydron is the general name for the cation H+ used without regard to the nuclear mass of the hydrogen entity (H is the hydro group), either for H in its natural abundance or without distinction between the isotopes.
Hydronium ionH3O+H+ forms the hydronium ion H3O+, which in turn is further solvated by water molecules in clusters such as H5O2+ and H9O4+.
Hydroxybutyrateβ-hydroxybutyrate or 3-hydroxybutyrate is a ketone body that can be used as a NADH-linked substrate. The β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase produces acetoacetate while reducing NAD+ to NADH.
HydroxycinnamateHciHydroxycinnamate (alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid) is an inhibitor of the pyruvate carrier (0.65 mM). Above 10 mM pyruvate, hydroxycinnamate cannot inhibit respiration from pyruvate, since the weak pyruvic acid can pass the inner mt-membrane in non-dissociated form.
HydroxylamineHydroxylamine is an inhibitor of catalase.
HyperoxiahyperoxHyperoxia is defined as environmental oxygen pressure above the normoxic reference level. Cellular and intracellular hyperoxia is imposed on isolated cells and isolated mitochondria at air-level oxygen pressures which are higher compared to cellular and intracellular oxygen pressures under tissue conditions in vivo. Hyperoxic conditions may impose oxidative stress and may increase maximum aerobic performance.
HyperthermiaHyperthermia in endotherms is a state of stressful up to lethal elevated body core temperature. In humans, the limit of hyperthermia (fever) is considered as >38.3 °C, compared to normothermia at a body temperature of 36.5 to 37.5 °C.
HyphenationHyphenation is used to connect two words (compound words) or two parts of a word to clarify the meaning of a sentence. The same two words may be hyphenated or not depending on context. Hyphenation may present a problem when searching for a term such as 'Steady state'. It is helpful to write 'steady-state measurement', to clarify that the measurement is performed at steady state, rather than implying that a state measurement is steady. But this does not imply that hyphenation is applied to the 'measurement performed at steady state'. Thus, the key word is 'steady state'. Compound adjectives should be hyphenated (steady-state measurement), but if the compound adjective follows the term (measurement at steady state), hyphenation does not add any information and should be avoided. Find more examples and guidelines in the grammarly blog on Hyphen and in
HypothermiaHypothermia in endotherms is a state of stressful up to lethal low body core temperature. In humans, the limit of hypothermia is considered as 35 °C, compared to normothermia at a body temperature of 36.5 to 37.5 °C. Hypothermia is classified as mild (32–35 °C), moderate (28–32 °C), severe (20–28 °C), and profound (<20 °C).
HypoxiahypoxHypoxia (hypox) is defined in respiratory physiology as the state when insufficient O2 is available for respiration, compared to environmental hypoxia defined as environmental oxygen pressures below the normoxic reference level. Three major categories of hypoxia are (1) environmental hypoxia, (2) physiological tissue hypoxia in hyperactivated states (e.g. at VO2max) with intracellular oxygen demand/supply balance at steady state in tissues at environmental normoxia, compared to tissue normoxia in physiologically balanced states, and (3) pathological tissue hypoxia including ischemia and stroke, anaemia, chronic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe COVID-19, and obstructive sleep apnea. Pathological hypoxia leads to tissue hypoxia and heterogenous intracellular anoxia. Clinical oxygen treatment ('environmental hyperoxia') may not or only partially overcome pathological tissue hypoxia.
IRDiRCIRDiRCIRDiRC.png The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) teams up researchers and organizations investing in rare diseases research in order to achieve two main objectives by the year 2020, namely to deliver 200 new therapies for rare diseases and means to diagnose most rare diseases.
ISE Package 1 TPP or Ca
ISE Package 1 TPP or Ca.JPG

O2k-TPP+ and Ca2+ ISE\1 Chamber: ISE-Package for 1 TPP+ and Ca2+ electrode.

ISE-Ca2+ Membranes
Ca2+ membranes.jpg

ISE-Ca2+ Membranes: PVC, 4 mm diameter, box of 5 membranes.

To be used with the O2k-TPP+ ISE-Module.

ISE-Compressible Tube
ISE-Compressible Tube.JPG

ISE-Compressible Tube for Ion-Selective Electrode TPP+ and Ca2+.

ISE-Filling Syringe
ISE-Filling Syringe.JPG

ISE-Filling Syringe with needle for Ion-Selective Electrode TPP+ and Ca2+.

ISE-Inner Glass Electrode
ISE-Inner Glass Electrode.JPG

ISE-Inner Glass Electrode of ISE, with Ag/AgCl- and Pt-wire

ISE-Membrane Mounting Tool
ISA-Membrane Mounting Tool.JPG

ISE-Membrane Mounting Tool for Ion-Selective Electrode TPP+ and Ca2+.

O2k-TPP+ ISE-Module: mounting tool included.

ISE-Membrane Seal
ISE-Membrane Seal.JPG

ISE-Membrane Seal for Ion-Selective Electrode TPP+ and Ca2+.

ISE-TPP+ Membranes
ISE-TPP+ Membranes.JPG

ISE-TPP+ Membranes, PVC, 4 mm diameter, box of 5 membranes.

ISO 10012:2003 Measurement management systemsISO 10012:2003ISO 10012:2003 Measurement management systems — Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment: An effective measurement management system ensures that measuring equipment and measurement processes are fit for their intended use and is important in achieving product quality objectives and managing the risk of incorrect measurement results. The objective of a measurement management system is to manage the risk that measuring equipment and measurement processes could produce incorrect results affecting the quality of an organization’s product. The methods used for the measurement management system range from basic equipment verification to the application of statistical techniques in the measurement process control.
ISO 13528:2015 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisonISO 13528:2015ISO 13528:2015 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison: Proficiency testing involves the use of interlaboratory comparisons to determine the performance of participants (which may be laboratories, inspection bodies, or individuals) for specific tests or measurements, and to monitor their continuing performance. There are a number of typical purposes of proficiency testing ISO/IEC 17043:2010. These include the evaluation of laboratory performance, the identification of problems in laboratories, establishing effectiveness and comparability of test or measurement methods, the provision of additional confidence to laboratory customers, validation of uncertainty claims, and the education of participating laboratories. The statistical design and analytical techniques applied must be appropriate for the stated purpose(s).
ISO 15189:2012 Medical laboratories — Particular requirements for quality and competenceISO 15189:2012ISO 15189:2012 Medical laboratories — Particular requirements for quality and competence: This International Standard is for use by medical laboratories in developing their quality management systems and assessing their own competence, and for use by accreditation bodies in confirming or recognising the competence of medical laboratories. While this International Standard is intended for use throughout the currently recognised disciplines of medical laboratory services, those working in other services and disciplines could also find it useful and appropriate.
ISO 17511:2003 In vitro diagnostic medical devicesISO 17511:2003ISO 17511:2003 In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Measurement of quantities in biological samples -- Metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials: For measurements of quantities in laboratory medicine, it is essential that the quantity is adequately defined and that the results reported to the physicians or other health care personel and patients are adequately accurate (true and precise) to allow correct medical interpretation and comparability over time and space.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems - requirementsISO 9001:2015ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems - requirements: The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives. Consistently meeting requirements and addressing future needs and expectations poses a challenge for organizations in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. To achieve this objective, the organization might find it necessary to adopt various forms of improvement in addition to correction and continual improvement, such as breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization.
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Competence of testing and calibration laboratoriesISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories: The use of this International Standard will facilitate cooperation between laboratories and other bodies, and assist in the exchange of information and experience, and in the harmonization of standards and procedures. This International Standard specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods.
ISO/IEC 17043:2010 General requirements for proficiency testingISO/IEC 17043:2010ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Conformity assessment — General requirements for proficiency testing: The use of interlaboratory comparisons is increasing internationally. This International Standard provides a consistent basis to determine the competence of organizations that provide proficiency testing.
ISS-Filter and Tubing
ISS-Filter and Tubing.JPG

ISS-Filter and Tubing, ISS-Integrated Suction System.

ISS-Integrated Suction System

ISS-Integrated Suction System: Suction pump with stainless steel housing, 2 liter waste bottle, filter and tubing; for siphoning off excess medium from the O2k-Stopper and for emptying the O2k-chambers. The ISS is included as a standard component of the O2k-FluoRespirometer. Media containing living cells or microorganisms, various poisons (inhibitors, uncouplers) and mixtures of proteins and substrates are safely disposed off in the 2-litre waste bottle.


ISS-Lid, for ISS-Waste Bottle, component of the ISS-Integrated Suction System.

ISS-Steel Housing
ISS-Steel Housing.JPG

ISS-Steel Housing, a component of the ISS-Integrated Suction System.

ISS-Waste Bottle
ISS-Waste Bottle.JPG

ISS-Waste Bottle, 2-liter, component of the ISS-Integrated Suction System.

Iconic symbolsIconic symbols are used in ergodynamics to indicate more explicitely — compared to standard SI or IUPAC symbols — the quantity represented and some boundary conditions. This is particularly the case in normalized quantities (ratios of quantities). Iconic (or canonical) symbols help to clarify the meaning, are based on SI and IUPAC symbols as far as possible, and may be translated into more commonly used, practical symbols. Several ambiguities in SI and IUPAC symbols are eliminated by the systematic structure of iconic symbols, but it may be impossible to avoid all ambiguities, particulary when long (canonical) symbols are abbreviated in a particular context. Clarity is improved always by showing the unit of a quantity together with the symbol of the quantity. Iconic symbols cannot be identical with IUPAC symbols when a different definition is used — this would add to the confusion. For example, the IUPAC symbols nB [mol] and VB [m3] denote amount and volume of B. Consequently, it should be expected, that the symbol QB indicates charge of B [C]. However, the IUPAC symbol QB is used for particle charge per ion B [C·x-1]. This prohibits a consistent definition of QB as a potential iconic symbol for charge carried by a given quantity of ions B with unit [C], instead of particle charge per ion B with unit [C·x-1]. Hence, the conventional ambigous system forces compatible iconic symbols to be more complicated, using QelB [C] and QNB [C·x-1] to distinguish charge of B from charge per elementary B. QnB [C·mol-1] is charge per molar amount of B.
IlluminationF10The chambers of the Oroboros O2k are illuminated by an internal LED. The illumination is switched on and off in DatLab during the experiment by pressing [F10]. This illumination must be distinguished from light introduced into the chambers by LEDs for the purpose of spectrophotometric and fluorometric measurements. For these, the internal illumination must be switched off.
Illumination on/offF10The illumination in both chambers is switched on/off.
Impact factorIFImpact factor is a measure of a scientific journal's citations per publication. The Journal Citation Reports, maintained by Clarivate Analytics, provides the calculated impact factors. The IF is frequently used as an indicator of a journal's importance or prestige, which is nowadays increasingly contested.
Improvement scoreRISThe relative improvement score, RIS, provides a measure of improvement of a trait from a value measured at baseline, B, to a value measured after treatment, T, expressing the total improvement, T-B, in relation to the theoretical scope of improvement and the level of the trait observed at baseline. 'RIS incorporates the concept of diminishing returns and consideres maintaining a high value of a trait as an improvement relative to the potential loss.
In vitro diagnostic medical deviceIVDA medical device is an in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) if it is a reagent, calibrator, control material, kit, specimen receptacle, software, instrument, apparatus, equipment or system, whether used alone or in combination with other diagnostic goods for in vitro use.
Incident lightThe term incident light is used for a beam of light falling upon a surface.
Inclusion criteriaThe Inclusion criteria are based on key features of the target population that the researchers will use to answer their question. These criteria should identify the study population in a consistent, reliable, uniform, and objective manner. With the Exclusion criteria, this factor must be a cofounder for the outcome parameter
Indian Academy of Pediatrics Growth Charts Committee 2015 Indian Pediatr
Inorganic phosphatePiInorgnic phosphate (Pi) is a salt of phosphoric acid. In solution near physiological pH, the species HPO42- and H2PO4- dominate. See also: Phosphate carrier (Pic).
Inside the O2kA glance inside the Oroboros O2k
Install Oroboros protocol packageThe standard Instrumental and SUIT DL-Protocols package is automatically implemented with the simple DatLab programme installation. We recommend a 'clean install': rename your previous DatLab programme subdirectory (e.g. C:\DatLab_OLD). Updates and newly developed DL protocols can be simply downloaded by clicking on [Protocols]\Install Oroboros protocol package.
Instrumental: Browse DL-Protocols and templatesInstrumental DL-Protocols (DLP) including DatLab example traces, instructions, brief explanatory texts, links to relevant pages and templates for data evaluation can be browsed from inside DatLab 7.4. Click on menu [Protocols]\Instrumental: Browse DL-Protocols and templates to open a folder with all the DL-Protocols and templates for cleaning, calibration, and background determination provided with the DatLab 7.4. Select a sub-directory and open an DL-Protocol and/or template as desired.
Integration timeIntegration time is the time taken to scan a single full range spectrum using photodiode arrays. It is equivalent to the exposure time for a camera. The shortest integration time defines the fastest response time of a spectrophotometer. Increasing the integration time increases the sensitivity of the device. The white balance or balance and subsequent measurements must always be carried out at the same integration time.
Intensive quantityIntensive quantities are partial derivatives of an extensive quantity by the advancement, dtrξX, of an energy transformation tr; example: Force. In contrast to extensive quantities which pertain to the entire system and are additive, extensive quantities 'take well defined values at each point of the system' (Prigogine 1967 Interscience) and are non-additive. Intensive and extensive quantities can be easily discriminated by the units, e.g. [J] for the extensive quantity, in contrast to [J·mol-1] for the corresponding intensive quantity. In the general definition of thermodynamics, intensive quantities are not distinguished from specific quantities (Cohen 2008 IUPAC Green Book). Ergodynamics emphasizes the contrast between specific quantities which are extensive quantities normalized for a variable expressing system size (mass, volume of the system, amount of substance in a system) and intensive quantities which are normalized for the motive unit of a transformation (mass exchanged, volume change of the system, amount of substance reacting in a system; Gnaiger 1993 Pure Appl Chem). Intensive and specific quantities are both non-additive, take well defined values at each point of the system, and both corresponding quantities are expressed in identical units, e.g. the intensive quantity Gibbs force of a catabolic reaction (such as oxidation; 0 = -1 Glc - 6 O2 + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O), ΔkGGlc [kJ·mol-1], and the specific quantity Gibbs energy per mole glucose contained in a system, GGlc [kJ·mol-1] (with respect to an arbitrarily defined reference state, such as the reference state of formation or combustion).
Interlaboratory comparisonAn interlaboratory comparison is the organization, performance and evaluation of measurements or tests on the same or similar items by two or more laboratories in accordance with predetermined conditions.
Internal flowIi [MU·s-1]Within the system boundaries, irreversible internal flows, Ii,—including chemical reactions and the dissipation of internal gradients of heat and matter—contribute to internal entropy production, diS/dt. In contrast, external flows, Ie, of heat, work, and matter proceed reversibly across the system boundaries (of zero thickness). Flows are expressed in various formats per unit of time, with corresponding motive units [MU], such as chemical [mol], electrical [C], mass [kg]. Flow is an extensive quantity, in contrast to flux as a specific quantity.
Internal-energyU [J]Internal-energy, U [J], can neither be destroyed nor created (first law of thermodynamics: diU/dt = 0). Note that internal (subscript i), as opposed to external (subscript e), must be distinguished from "internal-energy", U, which contrasts with "Helmholtz energy", A, as enthalpy, H, contrasts with Gibbs energy, G.
International Mito Patients (IMP)IMPIMP LOGO.JPGThe International Mito Patients is a network of national patient organizations involved in mitochondrial disease. Mitochondrial disease is a rare disease with a limited number of patients per country. The national patient organizations which are a member of IMP each are active and powerful in their own countries. By joining forces IMP can represent a large group of patients and as such be their voice on an international level.
International Society for Mountain MedicineISMM

The International Society for Mountain Medicine is an interdisciplinary society comprising about xx members worldwide. Its purpose is ..

International Society on Oxygen Transport to TissueISOTT

The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue is an interdisciplinary society comprising about 250 members worldwide. Its purpose is to further the understanding of all aspects of the processes involved in the transport of oxygen from the air to its ultimate consumption in the cells of the various organs of the body. Founded in 1973, the society has been the leading platform for the presentation of many of the technological and conceptual developments within the field both at the meetings themselves and in the proceedings of the society.

International Standard Serial NumberISSNThe International Standard Serial Number, ISSN, is a code used to identify periodical publications, independent of which media are used (print and/or electronic). - Bioenergetics Communications, BEC: ISSN 2791-4690
International System of UnitsSI

The International System of Units (SI) is the modern form of the metric system of units for use in all aspects of life, including international trade, manufacturing, security, health and safety, protection of the environment, and in the basic science that underpins all of these. The system of quantities underlying the SI and the equations relating them are based on the present description of nature and are familiar to all scientists, technologists and engineers.

The definition of the SI units is established in terms of a set of seven defining constants. The complete system of units can be derived from the fixed values of these defining constants, expressed in the units of the SI. These seven defining constants are the most fundamental feature of the definition of the entire system of units. These particular constants were chosen after having been identified as being the best choice, taking into account the previous definition of the SI, which was based on seven base units, and progress in science (p. 125).

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPACIUPACThe International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) celebrated in 2019 the 100th anniversary, which coincided with the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019). IUPAC {Quote} notes that marking Mendeleev's achievement will show how the periodic table is central to connecting cultural, economic, and political dimensions of global society “through a common language” {end of Quote} (Horton 2019). 2019 is proclaimed as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019). For a common language in mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics, the IUPAC Green book (Cohen et al 2008) is a most valuable resource, which unfortunately is largely neglected in bioenergetics textbooks. Integration of open systems and non-equilibrium thermodynamic approaches remains a challenge for developing a common language (Gnaiger 1993; BEC 2020.1).
International oxygraph courseIOCInternational Oxygraph Course (IOC), see O2k-Workshops.